World War 3 Update: Why Prayer Matters

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

St. Paul, 1 Timothy 2:1-2

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. – King Solomon, Proverbs 21:1

The reader should revisit our discussions in the Newton’s Notes series (#16) on the matter of Providential Government. “Providential Government” is a classification within the Moral Government theological system which was taught in most American universities from the time of Jonathan Edwards at Yale to Charles Finney at Oberlin, a period of some 150 years.

Moral Government describes how God rules the kingdom of free moral agents with warnings and sanctions. This is distinct from the animal kingdom in which cause and effect are in force.

Within the Moral Government categories of Inanimate Creation, Animate Creation, and Moral Government Proper, there is “Providential Government” in which, specifically, the Bible describes how God rules kings through a suspension of their wills and imposing a causation to guide their decrees.

The text above from Proverbs was written in Hebrew and the word for “rivers” is “peleg” which refers to the channeling of water for purposes of irrigation. It is not describing the meandering of a river following its natural course but the forcing of water into ditches for a planned destination and use.

Likewise with matters of state, the path for kings is often predetermined by what has come before them, and they have sometimes complained of being the most powerless of men.

There are many instances of this in the Bible but perhaps the most prominent one is that of Pharaoh and his confrontations with Moses. We are told that his “heart was hardened” in order to give justification for the Plagues of Egypt.

Whatever we might want to offer to quarrel with this kind of Divine intervention, the bottom line is that it happens: rulers often make decisions without any apparent reason.

With such a scenario, more important than elections are the prayers of the righteous; they provide the foundation for Providential Government. In the case of Pharaoh, when the “cry” of the oppressed Israelites reached the Heavens (Exodus 3:9), God then decided to act.

The plagues in the Book of Revelation are the result of the imprecatory prayers of the martyrs before the Throne of God (6:10). These sanctions may come as a natural course of cause and effect from the bad choices of humanity, but sometimes, they represent specific interventions by the Almighty. God acts against a wicked ruler when His people pray for Divine intervention.

Conversely, in response to prayer, God will also raise up a deliverer.

That is what has so spooked the Deep State over the failed attempts on the life of President Trump. The World Elite belong to secret societies of unbelievable superstition. Perhaps no man has been “hexed” in recent years more than Donald Trump; yet he lives.

While prayer for Divine intervention seems appropriate in the affairs of men, the events since 2016 may be part of a larger prophetic scenario described by the Prophet Daniel and elucidated by Isaac Newton’s Historicist interpretations. We have written on this in many articles and Peshers:

The Ten Kingdoms rebel against the Whore of Babylon and destroy her with fire. If the Ten Kingdoms represent the Ten Great Houses of Europe – heirs of the Roman Empire – then it follows that the disruptive effects witnessed since 2016 (Brexit, Trump, et al) are dissolving the European Union and the Anglo-American empire. The European colonial empires have been divested, the wealth is being plundered, and the “consumption of the lake of fire” (which Newton interpreted to mean the destruction of total warfare) remains to occur.

[Albert Pike’s alleged scenario of three great wars for the 20th Century may merely represent a “cabalistic” understanding of Daniel’s prophetic visions. More another time.]

Otherwise, Divine intervention is happening whether you want it to or not.

Because these colonial empires encompassed the whole world, the consequences will be felt everywhere. There will be no “safe zones.”

Then, hard stop . . . 2046 AD.

— JWS, 2/2/25


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