A new article has been added on our economic crisis and looming famine. Find it in the links under the Navigation Bar, or here . . . https://2046ad.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/decession.pdf

Economic crisis and famine are hot topics right now. They are a part of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” which are a prelude to God’s Great Eschaton. I don’t need to write on it, because I already have – 35 years ago.

Below is a link to an article I wrote for “The Separatist Review” in November, 1987, right after the great Stock Market Crash of October, 1987. It is relevant for today.

The only thing that needs to be updated after these many years is why it has taken so long for the scenario I described in that article to unfold. The answer to that? China. The economic boom that was China from the 1990s until now has made it possible for the West to roll over its debt into a Chinese hypothecation.

Read James Rickard’s books from “The Daily Reckoning” for details. Or Max Keiser who was weaned on that 1987 Wall Street Crash. Regardless, using China to roll over the debt ended in the 2008 economic crisis. Ever since then, the money printing has gone vertical.

I coined the term “The Great Decession.” [“Decession” is an archaic word with an etymology which Webster’s 1828 Dictionary says is derived from the Latin decessio; de and cedo, “to pass,” and is used to mean “a departure, decrease, or withdrawal.”] I am using it as an economic term for the general decline of the economy.

It is here.


James Stivers, May 6, 2022

Copyright retained.

P.S. “The Separatist Review” was so-named after the American Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony who were known in their day as religious “separatists.” They were not political separatists nor was “The Separatist Review” an advocacy for political separatism, which is a 20th Century connotation applied to the term.