Alert #7: The Science is Settled (3/11/24)

Ben Davidson reports in this morning’s update of a white paper produced for the Air Command University in 2015 which has just recently surfaced on his Suspicious Community posts. Written by a captain in the United States Air Force, Tyler J. Williams, it’s full title is “Cataclysmic Polarity Shift . . . Is the U.S. National Security Prepared for the Next Geomagnetic Pole Reversal?”

Davidson promises a full review this afternoon of this 71-page document on his YouTube Channel. I will offer a written review this weekend in a “Remains of the Day” post.

Readers will be aware that James McCanney frequently refers to the distinction between “Tier 1” and “Tier 2” science. Tier 2 science is the one propagated by NASA and the university system as a diversion for the masses to feed the storylines of Hollywood. It is supported by cinematic simulations. It does not have to work in the real world.

Tier 1 science, however, must work and conform to reality because it is the science upon which the military-industrial complex depends. A failure of Tier 1 science means defeat in war and a dissolution of the state.

While Captain Williams’ paper does not provide anything startlingly different from the science offered on this website, the contents of his bibliography and endnotes confirm that the U.S. military considers the imminent shift of the geomagnetic poles to be a clear and present danger.

Because the document is not copyrighted – probably to promote its distribution – I have downloaded it here:


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JWS, 3/11/24