2046 AD
The End? Or the Beginning?

This website represents an inquiry into the significance of the year 2046 AD as a potential year the world ends in its ability to support life. There is a 1-in-3 chance that our Sun will nova or flash in the next 22 years and initiate a terrifying cacophony of natural disasters – each of them alone extinction level events – lasting perhaps for hundreds of years.

For a quick synopsis with links go here: Vogt Solar Nova Reset Model


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[Alert #9 (Updated: October 8th, 2024)Doomsday Conjunction & New Hazards in Earth’s Orbital Path: Risk of Carrington Level Solar Storms Imminent]

[Alert (November 23, 2023 with Update 10/12/24) – It is Here: The Green Sky & Ion Saturation]. Click here.

[Alert (Updated 9/29/24)Atmospheric Collapse in Progress]


What We Expect Could Happen if the Sun Goes Nova

In the worst case scenario, it is difficult to imagine that any species – including the human race – can survive such a gauntlet of deadly challenges, were it not that faith requires that we find a way to overcome . . .

instant solar incineration of half the globe
shockwaves with radioactive debris bombardment
mile-high tsunamis of continental scale
Earth crustal displacement with massive volcanism and telluric electrocution
deadly cosmic radiation with genetic deformation
atmospheric depletion
ice age

To aggravate and magnify these deadly challenges, Earth’s protective electromagnetic shields are weakening at an alarming rate. A gradual decline has turned into an exponential one in recent decades and serves as a warning bell that a new violent era of geophysical and astrophysical change has begun in our solar system.

Why 2046?

Basically, 2046 AD marks the peak of the next Gleissberg Cycle in the Sun. The last peak in the late 1950s alarmed scientists worldwide and renewed incentive for space exploration to determine whether there is extraterrestrial evidence that our Sun novas. The results have been disturbing.

The Ancient Wisdom Tradition: Have We Been Here Before?

This website is unapologetically religious in orientation. We seek guidance from the teachings of Jesus and a “wisdom tradition” which He taught derived from the Hebrew prophets, such as Daniel, who was chief of the magi and of the star-gazers of ancient Babylon. Some more recent luminaries of this tradition were also great scientific thinkers, such as Isaac Newton – who wrote as much on the Bible as he did on physics – and from earlier times: the cryptic authors of the Grail legends, medieval dissident literature, and the spiritual communities of ancient Qumran, Pythagoras, and Bethany.

All of these thinkers, including Newton, saw a fiery end of the world from factors which have converged in our generation: a conclusion drawn from the legends of catastrophes from the ancient past.

The science which supports 2046AD as a year of reckoning is readily available on the internet and links are provided below to help you begin your assessment.

Interpreting the Ancient Prophets and not so Ancient Scientists

Ancient mythology and the biblical narrative support such a scenario. Isaac Newton freely used such sources. As odd as that might sound, it was because Newton believed the Bible contained the writings of ancient men who were proto-scientists by modern standards. To him, their writings had scientific value. The biblical prophets – such as Daniel, Ezekiel, and St. John of the Apocalypse – were observers of the times and saw a pattern or synchronicity to cosmic events which they described in the language of revelation and prophecy. In medieval times, we see these men emulated by pseudonymous writers in the prophecies of Merlin and then, later adepts, such as Nostradamus.

Newton’s biographers have mislabeled him as a religious mystic. But that is only because the modern mind does not fully appreciate the science that can be found in ancient mythology. The “demythologizers” of modern times, such as Immanuel Velikovsky, have helped us to understand that the ancients recorded valuable scientific data in these mythologies, legends, and prophecies, even though they may not have understood the natural or divine laws which were the cause of the results they observed.

Armageddon: Is It Really the End of the World?

Although we describe this expected nova catastrophe as “God’s Great Day” and “The Great Eschaton,” we do not believe it fits the profile of the 2nd Coming of Christ as taught by modern Christians, which occurs at the end of history as they interpret it. The end of something is always the beginning of something else . . . if you live to see it. Modern Christians do not have a prophetic model that can explain what is about to happen.

The Heritage of Warning

Our ancestors have done what they could, and have left to us a heritage of knowledge to learn, understand, and then interpret for the purposes of our own survival, “upon whom the ends of the world have come.” (Paul the Apostle, 1 Corinthians 10:11).

Primary Sources

https://suspicious0bservers.org/ The work of Ben Davidson. He is a very competent and detailed interpreter of scientific data. He interacts and sometimes debates with the various scientific journals and frequently consults with experts in the respective fields. Start with the Earth Disaster YouTube playlist and then get his textbook:
A Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun, Third Edition; The Next End of the World

http://www.dieholdfoundation.com/index.html The best and original presentation is by Douglas Vogt in his Ice Age YouTube playlist. He has interacted with scientists for decades and has preserved journal articles and research that are no longer available, not even on the internet. He is the only researcher who specifically has identified 2046 as the year the Sun will nova and discusses it at length in his book God’s Day of Judgment.

https://www.jmccanneyscience.com/ James McCanney, independent physicist, scientist and inventor. He was the first to explain the electric universe, the plasma discharge theory and the science of Earth catastrophes brought by comets. Numerous books, lectures, and an archive of weekly radio programs going back over twenty years are accessible through his website. He has several product lines which he has very thoughtfully put together to prepare us for a future of inevitable disasters.

For other Sources, see links above. This author does not know any of these men personally, nor does this website serve any commercial interest, but rather an academic and humanitarian one.

What you will find here
Among other topics, my Peshers are designed to offer spiritual guidance and comfort to deal with such a troubling outlook. The word “Pesher” refers to an interpretive method found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and removes much of the mystery of Bible prophecy.

Posts in the sidebar will include commentary and an assessment on the material from the above websites and others as the need arises. Look to the archives at the bottom of the page or use the “Search” function available on this website.

“Remains of the Day” are posts for reviewing books and articles. “Survival Praxis” offers more scientific discussion behind the various disaster scenarios and theories of preparedness for each one.

A post category called “Alerts” has been added to report on breaking news.

Find the Navigation Bar or the Search feature at the top of each page for links to other material on this website.

God bless you.

James Wesley Stivers, Website Creator

Email: james@2046AD.org

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