Remains of the Day: The Adam & Eve Story, Addendum

This is what we think we know.

In recent centuries scientific men have been digging into the Earth to uncover its various layers to explain the anomalies which deep-shaft miners have known for thousands of years: that sediment layers and rock strata indicate sometimes sudden deposition through violent geological events. While there is a normal, cyclical and slow process by which nature terraforms the Earth, there is also evidence of catastrophe.

Usually, these catastrophes are local or regional: an avalanche into the sea may cause a destructive tsunami thousands of miles away or a volcanic eruption may disrupt the climate, causing a massive extinction in affected areas. Other times, a wayward celestial object – a meteor, comet or asteroid – may strike the Earth and cause a wider scale of death. There are many scenarios.

However, while these catastrophes are known to have occurred with some randomness, there is evidence of global-scale catastrophes which occur with some regularity. Sediment layers indicate occasions of global deposition suddenly and at the same time.

Within these layers there are signs of massive extinction of plant and animal life. These exist in the remains of fossils, coal beds, tar pits and glaciers. There are the dinosaur fossils of Montana, the ice tombs of the wooly mammoth in Siberia, and the plant residue of West Virginian coal beds, among many other finds worldwide.

These events are calculated by scientists to be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years apart. But in recent decades, a new field of research has put pressure on scientists to radically shorten these cycles of catastrophe. The drilling for ice core samples in Greenland and Antarctica has revealed a different kind of layering: the deposition of isotopic soot marking the ice ages. We are now beginning to learn that Earth catastrophes occur every 6,000 and 12,000 years which bring on a new ice age.

What causes these ice ages is not entirely clear. Some think that Earth passes through a galactic debris field during those cycles. Others believe the Earth’s magnetic fields weaken and then reverse, causing these catastrophes through volcanic action and massive electrical storms. Still yet others believe the evidence points to a recurring nova event on the Sun.

Chan Thomas, a 1960s era author of “The Adam & Eve Story” (found on this website), believed in the “crustal displacement theory” caused by our solar system passing through the galactic ecliptic plane. While other factors come into play, basically, this theory believes that the Earth wobbles in its rotation and that periodically the strength of that wobble causes the Earth to try to right itself when the mantle heats up enough to increase viscosity (i.e. oiliness). This causes the Earth’s crust to slide 90 degrees over the mantle. This heating-up process occurs when the solar system crosses the ecliptic plane.

Albert Einstein thought that the Earth’s wobble might be caused by the thick ice sheet in Greenland and Antarctica. Charles Hapgood (circa. 1950) – an academic who worked for the CIA and is officially considered the father of the crustal displacement theory – felt the same. The crustal displacement theory – long discredited I might add – was the science behind the scenario depicted in the disaster movie, “2012”, starring John Cusack. Recent discoveries tell us that the Earth’s mantle has a skeletal structure which may cause the wobble.

The catastrophe as described by Chan Thomas is one which also includes a global, two mile-high tsunami raging across the continents in which the oceans empty and then refill themselves in a matter of hours. The shifting of the crust, of course, moves against the atmosphere and sea beds causing this deluge along with thousand mile-an-hour wind storms. Nothing is left standing.

The proof of this oceanic upheaval is the underwater river canyons off the continental shelves of virtually all continents. These have been discovered only in recent decades since the invention of sonar and submarines. They are not caused by ordinary turbidity currents. These canyons have been carved into the solid rock of the Earth’s submarinal crust and extend for hundreds of miles down into the oceanic abyss.

This scenario was so frightening and so convincingly presented by Thomas that his work was withdrawn from public circulation and classified by the CIA. He fell into obscurity and passed from the world with his warnings lost in the noise of other controversies. Only in recent years has his identity and contribution been resurrected by catastrophists such as Ben Davidson and the Suspicious Observers community.

Scientists from the decades following World War II would have been working from incomplete data. Their theories of the causes of this catastrophe would have been deficient and were disproved as time went on. But it is important to remember that while the theories of causation may have changed, the evidence of past catastrophes has not. As was said above, Thomas’ crustal displacement theory moves the continents approximately 90 degrees. The equatorial region of South America becomes the new South Pole and China and South Asia become the new North Pole. My home in North Idaho is relocated to just south of the Equator. The twisting roll places Florida in the sub-arctic of the southern hemisphere. Western Europe, the Middle East and Africa mostly remain in their current latitudes.

Davidson largely agrees with this scenario, but does not believe the tsunami moves west to east as represented by Thomas and also by Douglas Vogt (from a cessation of the Earth’s rotation). He believes the wave moves south to north in the western hemisphere and from north to south in the eastern hemisphere due to the crustal displacement. But there is a backsplash as the seas recede and return to their places of origin causing even further destruction.

I have problems with the crustal displacement theory, mainly because the Earth is not a perfect sphere. It is oblate. Scientists – including Sir Isaac Newton – have calculated that the Earth’s rotation, at 1000 mph, has given it a 27-29 mile bulge at the equator. That bulge ascends gradually so that a crustal displacement would have to overcome the mass of that oblateness. While the two-mile thick ice pack of Greenland and Antarctica is impressive, it is not enough to move the Earth’s crust very far. But if it does, the Earth would have to form a new bulge at its new equator. The Earth would spin like a coin on its edge. Imagine the recurring inundations, crustal uplift, and massive dislocations which would follow, perhaps for thousands of years!

Or, some other mechanism may cause this event.

While the crustal bulge ought to remain in place because it is a solid and held by gravity, the oceans and the atmosphere are held by the centrifugal force of the Earth’s rotation. If that rotation is disrupted, slowed or stopped, the centrifugal force will cease. The water and air will flow “downhill” trying to find a place of equilibrium. Imagine the sucking sound for those who live in the equatorial region, even the lower latitudes! Mt. Everest stands over seven miles high. Climbers find they need breathing assistance at that altitude. An altitude of 29 miles would leave the inhabitants experiencing the conditions of space.

Consequently, I agree in part with the “south/north” tsunami that sweeps through the American midlands east of the Rockies and of course inundates the Coasts – but it is for a different reason. Chan Thomas’ book can be found here:

and here:

Ben Davidson’s newly released The Next End of the World is now available as a pdf at the Suspicious Observer’s website.