The above document is reproduced here as it was released from the Central Intelligence Agency. Click on the link for a 57-page pdf. There are extraneous pages which are not a part of the book but evidently were in the file which contained it. I do not know why they were in the file; however, perhaps, they represent some kind of code or clue which intelligence officers would be able to interpret. My understanding is that the original document was much longer. The redacted portions are not identified. The material has been condensed and summarized to conceal the missing material.

I do not know why this book was classified and kept from public circulation. I do not know why it was released seven years ago. Both Douglas Vogt and Ben Davidson have commented on it. Vogt believes that the book itself represents a CIA special operation which he discovered in his own research. Reference his Ice Age youTube lectures for details.

I will offer my own commentary probably early in 2021.

JWS, September, 2020