World War 3 Update: Weather Modification, Lahaina Replicated, and Genocide By Other Means

Since being acknowledged by the American President, Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1960s, the nations of the earth have been at war with each other using geoengineering technologies. The principal antagonists initially were the two great super powers of the Cold War: the United States and the Soviet Union. But it soon spread to other nations.

At first, what began as foreplay in a new form of wizardry, it eventually spun out of control as unintended consequences began to reciprocate back upon the perpetrators in unexpected ways. Attempts at mitigation and reprisal escalated the measures and counter-measures employed. As more nations began playing with this new technology, further extreme weather events began to occur.

The intelligence agencies of these respective nations have long tried to hide culpability for these effects by the pseudo-science of human-caused global warming. Blaming ordinary human activity seemed easier and gave opportunity for social control. Condemning the ordinary tasks of growing food, keeping warm, and enjoying life – the World Elite – which have openly advocated massive world depopulation and which are, evidently, unwilling to rely upon an aging and unreliable nuclear arsenal to accomplish the task – have instead been using a series of “naturally” occurring causal effects to camouflage their homicidal agenda.

World famine is imminent from a massive and sustained program of defoliation. The summer of 2024 might also become the season of continental-scale infernos. The aluminum sulfates falling from the chemtrails in the sky are combustibles.

Like the inferno in Australia’s Outback several years ago using a technology which has since been refined to precision, as was witnessed in Lahaina just last year – this year heavily populated areas will be targeted.

Here in the State of Idaho, for example, the State Fire Marshal wants legislative approval “to declare an emergency” and to impose as yet unspecified restrictions to prevent an imminent catastrophe. Not naming what that catastrophe might be (considering that his annual report to the Governor boasted a decline of losses from fire in recent years), nevertheless, he wants emergency powers.
Dane Wigington has claimed that western forests are in irreversible decline because of defoliants sprayed in recent years. He says our evergreen forests will become tinderboxes this summer. A dry lightning flash will be all that is necessary to set off a conflagration. Is this what our Fire Marshal is worried about but refuses to tell us – – and refuses to lay blame where blame is due?

This website is primarily concerned with the dangers – current and imminent – from the Sun’s nova cycles. However, we must recognize what human actors have done to the planet in their malevolent agenda of world depopulation. Whatever countermeasures would be needed to protect yourself from solar storms must be employed now to protect yourself from similar man-made catastrophes.

The spraying of surfactant and defoliant aerosols has poisoned the land and the water. It will be harder to grow food. Prepare to grow your gardens indoors or to find remedies to heal your soil.

Heavy applications of dolomite lime are recommended, and in extreme pollution events, the application of zeolites. Use sprinkler irrigation to wash the contaminants off of the leaves of your garden plants.

You need proper water filtration systems for home and ranch. To my knowledge, James McCanney has the best and most cost effective systems. Also, consult his website for the science behind weather modification.

A different kind of air pollution will aggravate human ailments into serious diseases of which Covid-19 was a precursor. Go to Greg Hunter’s website for links to reputable groups which offer medical kits for detoxification and household air purification.

Devastating fires have already started. The Texas panhandle just experienced a wildfire which destroyed foraging ground and killed tens of thousands of livestock. These suspicious fires will continue in unpredictable locations. You might be advised to acquire a respirator if you anticipate that you will have to work outdoors during such pollution events.

The call to block out the sunlight in the fight against global warming is now publically reported. But keep in mind, that this has been going on now for many years and the elite are only just now providing public disclosure because they feel confident that they cannot be stopped. Global warming is a ruse. It is really an excuse to destroy the food chain which supports the human species.

JWS, 3/2/24