Survival Praxis #17 – The Sky is Falling, Part 1 of 2

The situation that has been formed here in our Heliosphere is of external, Interstellar, cosmic space origin . . . Our Planet Earth is now in the process of a dramatic transformation.

Dr. Alexey N. Dmitriev “Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life” (1997) as reproduced by James McCanney in appendix (Principia Meteorologia, The Physics of Sun Earth Weather, 2nd printing, 2004, p. 266)

James McCanney is an independent scientist who has mapped out a theory of cometary formation which is really a description of how planets and even stars are made. He was first to coin the term, “the electric universe” in Kronos articles published quarterly in the early 1980s – (i.e. Kronos IX:1, Fall, 1983 – X:2, 1985 and reprinted as appendices in Planet-X Comets & Earth Changes. The term “electric universe” is found in Appendix III, p. 50) – in which he seamlessly combines Newtonian physics with plasma physics into a unified field theory (the “Induced Electric Dipole Red Shift Theory: IEDRS”) – something which Albert Einstein anxiously labored to produce as an answer to General Relativity until his dying day. For this achievement, history may well remember McCanney as perhaps the greatest, transitional astrophysicist of the 21st Century, even though his theories were developed and written in the early 1980s.

This short monograph does not claim to rise to the level of a scientific publication. I am a theologian. However, as a theologian, I understand how doctrine becomes dogma in religion. Because of that, I can recognize the same process occurring in the institutions of science when accepted theories fail to become the building blocks for the next advancement in discovery but rather instead become an encrusted paradigm through which all scientific data must pass or else be discarded as “anomalies,” “instrument malfunction” or “interpretive error.” We saw it in 1974 with the Velikovsky “witch-hunt” and repudiation by the scientific community (Carl Sagan, Scientists Confront Velikovsky, Ithaca, 1974), even though McCanney’s discoveries, solidified by real-time data from NASA at Cornell University during the 1979-1981 space probe briefings, completely vindicated him.

Be that as it may, you must remember that Nature does not care what your scientific theories might be.

The forces and cycles of Nature follow a path which is irresistible and certain. Scientific theories are only valuable to human beings who might want to protect themselves from Nature’s deadly power or harness it to human advantage. Consequently, not only will a false scientific theory diminish humankind’s ability to harness Nature’s power for beneficial purposes, but it will also kill you.

The alarm over Earth-changes is justified. We should not necessarily dismiss human-caused Earth changes as irrelevant. Any farmer can tell you how micro-climates can be altered by deforestation or redirecting the flow of a river, for example. On a global scale, these changes can be cumulative and aggravate naturally occurring processes.

Not only in terms of observable pollution hazards has human activity been pronounced, but also in the unobservable effects, as in anthropogenesis production of electricity in the 60Hz range. This happens to match Earth’s ionospheric-resonance frequency, which when rarely measured, has shown disturbances in the magnetosphere, as, for example, during one seven-day monitoring period in 1985, in which “the Van Allen radiation belt . . . abruptly lowered above the East Coast of the US from 300km to 10km” (Ibid. Dmitriev/McCanney, p. 264). We can imagine that this human-caused effect could have devastating consequences should it be combined with an adverse natural cycle.

Human stupidity notwithstanding, natural forces are what dominate. Stellar novas, magnetic field reversals, and ice ages – obviously, these represent events far beyond the human ability to prevent, influence, or control. Perhaps the technology which has been developed to stop global warming can be inversely used to protect the species during these future calamities, but it is not human-caused global warming that will kill us. It will be natural forces beyond our ability to control.

At this juncture, we now know that Earth is experiencing a polar magnetic excursion.

The story is beginning to make the scientific journals and the headlines of the popular press: . But we have known this since the 1980s as the citation from McCanney’s works in this article will attest. Forty years of data confirmation should be sufficient for even the most skeptical scientist.

Whether a true reversal will occur cannot be known with any certainty, nor does it matter. The excursion will be enough to cause a chaotic magnetic field flux and atmospheric collapse – something which has occurred perhaps many times before in Earth’s geological epochs:

The externally generated dynamo proposal is enhanced when biological fossil records and magnetic reversal data are seen to coincide. The fossil record shows that a significant percentage of plant and animal species have died out concurrently with magnetic reversals, and that this is accompanied by periods of extensive volcanic activity, rapid stratification in lake beds, and crustal fracturing of the Earth’s mantle. . . which have occurred simultaneously on several occasions in Earth’s history.

James McCanney, “The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies, Part 3.” 1981, 1983, p. 47 (from Appendix section of Planet-X Comets & Earth Changes, 5th Printing, 2003)

[Note: McCanney’s reference to “externally generated dynamos” will be discussed in our next installment.]

We, also, now know that this excursion is occurring independently of the Sun.

The magnetic field collapse – and apparent reversal – on Pluto and Neptune, for example, has been caused by a force from outside of the solar system. We believe that outside force is from a “galactic electric current sheet”:

It is natural for both interstellar matter and intraheliospheric mass redistributions to create new structural units and processes in the interplanetary domains. They are mostly observed in the structured formation of extended systems of magnetic plasma clouds, and an increased frequency of the generation of shock waves; and their resulting effects.

Dmitriev, Ibid., p. 253 (emphasis added)

The reporting of polar shifts on Uranus and Neptune along with changes in light intensity and “light spot dynamics” on Neptune were cited in Dmitriev’s paper in 1997 and footnoted from earlier sources in the IICA Transactions, Vol 4 – a Russian published journal from the post-Soviet period at a time of friendly collaboration between Russian and Western scientists, including McCanney. These phenomena have made recent news (see Post from “The Fat Lady Sings & the Death of Neptune” for sources) but have been a long-time development.

We may now have an answer to yet another long-standing question: Is a solar nova the cause of Earth’s magnetic reversals or is it merely coincidental?

At this juncture, I think we can say it is coincidental. The same force which causes a planetary, chaotic magnetic field flux and atmospheric collapse is also the one which can cause the Sun to nova. While there might be any number of factors which can cause our Sun to nova – either a returning binary (Standard Model/Patten), a very large comet (Newton/McCanney), the accumulation of charged cosmic “dust” in an encounter with a powerful galactic current sheet (Chan Thomas/Davidson) or an internal synchronous trigger from an unknown natural law (Vogt) – in this instance, it appears the Davidson model will be the existential cause for the next one.

Because Earth is so close to the Sun, it experiences the field collapse and reversal at the same time as does the Sun, perhaps preceding it by mere hours or days. Neptune and Pluto, on the other hand, are vastly farther away from the Sun than Earth. Consequently, they have experienced this phenomenon as a separate pre-nova event.

Whether or not we understand the process or the exact mechanism of a magnetic reversal, it does not change the fact that somehow, an atmospheric collapse is the result. As has been observed on Pluto and now Neptune, a planet’s atmosphere is held in place by its gravity, but also by its electromagnetic field. When the field dissipates or is reduced to a state of chaotic flux, some of the atmosphere is lost to space, but most of it simply solidifies and falls to the planet’s surface. On Earth, it is in the form of ice:

The last Ice-Age was accompanied by a radical pole shift.

McCanney, (Planet-X, op cit. p. 90 et al)

We now may have another question answered: How is a flash-freeze and an instant ice field possible?

It has been postulated elsewhere in this Survival Praxis series, that Earth has encountered icy comets (standard theory) or once had an icy moon (Patten) which were divested of their contents by tidal action. But now we know, thanks to McCanney, that space has watery pockets and filament streams. He has explained that while a cometary nucleus is devoid of water, yet some comets, if not most comets, have a watery tail:

[R]egions in earth’s upper [atmosphere] couple to comet-like tail structures extending out into outer space drawing water and electrical energy . . .

(Principia op. cit., p. 98)

If such watery “clouds” in space should happen to cross Earth’s orbit, Earth’s gravity could capture the moisture, which obviously in the coldness of space, would be in the form of ice crystals and not vapor or liquid. Curiously, recent discoveries by “Flat Earth” theorists lend credence to the notion of a crystalline firmament: a thickening layer of ice crystals held in suspension by Earth’s magnetic field (see Rob Skiba’s websites). When the field collapses, the Earth is buried with an icy deluge.

[One wonders why advocates of an archaic and primitive cosmology could produce such a revelation, while our talented astronomical community, armed with sophisticated and advanced scientific instruments, mysteriously cannot!]

We are now suggesting a different proposition which seems to be at odds with the solar nova theory. If half the globe experiences an incineration, would not the heat migrate around the globe and evaporate the ice? How would the ice sheets be formed and preserved in such a fiery oven?

An answer could be found in the complexity of the process. Space is naturally cold, even as the solar radiation traverses it. Should the surface of the Earth lose its atmospheric cover, it would experience the conditions of space, as well. Thus, while a nova could fry the Sun-facing side of the Earth, the opposite side would experience the cold through atmospheric depletion and collapse. Boyle’s law in reference to the relationship between air temperature and barometric pressure comes into play here (as cited by Vogt). Once the surface is buried with perhaps hundreds if not thousands of feet of ice – almost in an instant – even if the Earth turns in its rotation to face the heat of the Sun after the initial heat blast, it would not be enough to melt all of the ice. We should expect a freezing and thawing process from hot rain, bitterly cold nights, and then a snow blitz as the Sun recedes in its illumination. Like the false rallies on Wall Street during a Bear Market, temperatures and atmospheric conditions will gyrate toward the new mean – a new Ice Epoch.

(to be continued)

Go to Part 2.

— James Stivers, May 1st, 2022
Survival Praxis is published bi-weekly only to the website.
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*Footnote: Web links are provided under the “Sources” page to material from McCanney, Skiba, Vogt and others at the website.