Survival Praxis #8 – The Ice

In the tundra of the Arctic, there can be found from time-to-time various creatures frozen in the ice. The most famous are the wooly mammoths frozen intact with tropical plants still preserved in their mouths and stomachs. So perfectly preserved are they that for thousands of years inhabitants of those harsh regions have used the meat for food and sold the tusks in the ivory market. It is a reality that has puzzled scientists.

While different theories have been offered and then debunked to explain this anomaly, there are certain fundamentals that cannot be dismissed or denied.

The mammoths were flash-frozen, meaning that a sudden drop in temperature into the minus 200 degree range was necessary to freeze the animals within minutes. A slow freezing would have made migration possible and would have allowed the tropical plants to be digested. This means that places like Siberia were once tropical and that suddenly, they weren’t. It happened so suddenly that these animals were comfortably foraging the land and then within minutes were flash frozen and then inundated where they stood – a most remarkable and improbable event.

What could have caused it?

Returning to Ben Davidson’s book The Next End of the World, he relies heavily on the scientific team’s report of Major Maynard White’s arctic expedition after the Second World War. He was sent to map the north polar region for military briefing in the late 1940s. It was classified by the Pentagon but was summarized and published by Major White’s son in 1994 after his father’s death in the now famous book among catastrophists: The World in Peril.

Essentially, the report was the foundation for the belief in the crustal displacement theory. Arctic sediment layers were examined which revealed at least five cycles between tropical and arctic flora and fauna fossilization. In other words, the arctic region has experienced alternately epochs of tropical and then frigid climates. While there might be different explanations as to how this has happened, the evidence remains undisputed.

World in Peril can be found on-line at

There is much opposition to the crustal displacement theory but little offered as an alternative by the scientific community. Still, the idea that the crust of the Earth can slide or roll in the matter of minutes or hours seems unbelievable, but if it did, it would explain the frozen mammoth.

Douglas Vogt, who does not believe in the crustal displacement theory, has an alternative view: that before the last nova, the Earth’s orbit was much closer to the Sun and provided warmer temperatures, even in the polar regions. Obviously, the equatorial region would have been too hot for habitation. We surmise that these creatures were living in a tropical Siberia and that the last nova blew away enough of the atmosphere that it immediately experienced the conditions of space. That could have produced the flash freeze.

But that would have only been a one-time event. Catastrophists labor under the burden of explaining recurring disasters which are nearly identical in the geologic record. As it is described in the Bible, Noah’s Flood could have only been a one-time event. What natural process would explain the numerous depositions in Earth strata?

I could offer another scenario which could explain, at least in part, the last ice epoch. It partially includes all of these options under the umbrella of an “atmospheric displacement theory.” Because of the oblateness of the Earth at the equatorial region, when the Earth stops its rotation – as Vogt believes occurs at every solar nova – the air and the water would flow down-hill from a height of 29 miles. This would result in a sudden drop of temperature and breathable oxygen, all in less than an hour. This would explain the asphyxiation and flash freezing of the mammoths, but where did the ice come from?

The ice in the Arctic is not all from the salt water of the seas. Much of it is fresh water. So the question arises: Was the inundation from the oceans or from space? The biblical record tells us that “the windows of heaven were opened and the fountains of the deep were broken up.” This would suggest both an oceanic surge and a deluge from the sky – a mixing of fresh water with salt water.
If the crustal displacement theory of a 90 degree tilt is correct, then an inundation could have occurred from the oceans. Vogt’s theory would also be correct because a stop in the Earth’s 1000 mph rotation would result an oceanic surge, as well.

But if the inundation was initially fresh water ice, it would have had to come from space. Donald Patten believed that Earth had an encounter with a celestial body that was principally made of ice and that this icy planetary-sized comet left a massive deposit in the Earth’s polar regions enough to form the initial glaciers.

While it is difficult to believe that this event could have happened at the time of the nova – because initially the Sun produces incinerating heat on half of the planet. It is possible that Earth had an icy moon which could have had its ice blown off by the nova’s blast wave. There are some that believe that Mars was once in Earth’s orbit as a moon. Patten argues that Mars was covered with ice and that a sudden melting created the various rivers, rivulets and oceanic shelves that can be seen to this day – a one-time event. The melting occurred from Sun-ward exposure on one side and then a blast-wave exposure on the other side. Explaining the mechanics of such an event is challenging, but Patten’s books have made a good start ( ). Certainly, such a hypothesis warrants further research.

Obviously, this scenario describes a catastrophic event and differs significantly from the more “uniformitarian” approach of Robert Felix’s theory reviewed elsewhere on this website: “The Coming Ice Age,” Sources – Robert Felix, etc. (see links above).

At the next nova, lacking a cometary encounter, the expected results should be closer to Vogt’s scenario. We will get a heat flash, a blast wave, then a flash-freezing. We will get an oceanic inundation, but not a deluge from the sky.

Because Earth is farther from the Sun, it is possible that the heat wave would be less intense and that gaps will form in the debris field carried by the blast wave. How much? We don’t know.

The parts of the Earth that will experience flash-freezing would be the equatorial region where the new elevation would be 29 miles above sea level because the oceans and the atmosphere would have receded toward the respective poles. Inhabitants and the eco-system would experience the conditions of space.

Another part of the Earth that could experience flash-freezing would be those areas where the nova’s blast wave has stripped away the atmosphere. Vogt invokes Boyle’s Law which provides an equation to measure temperature in relation to atmospheric pressure. We are not sure what part of the Earth might experience this phenomenon, although Vogt has offered a plausible calculation in recent YouTube lectures (see Sources category link under “Douglas Vogt” above).

Regardless, the aftermath of all stellar novas results in a greatly diminished radiance because of the loss of a star’s crustal shell. After the next solar nova, the entire Earth will be plunged into a new Ice Age as the Sun will become just like another star in the sky, until it forms a new crustal shell, which may take many decades.

Additionally, the Earth will likely have been pushed further out into space. It’s climate will become colder in general. Consequently, survivors will have to cope with the new, colder reality. They will have to learn how to harness the geo-thermal properties of the Earth’s core for any long-term survival to human civilization.

As a side note: the planet Venus will likely be pushed out further into space, as well, and may become the new home for the human species, if we could ever learn space travel and terraforming planets. This is certainly an aspirational goal, but human history does not offer us much confidence.

JWS, December 5, 2021
Survival Praxis is published bi-weekly only to the website.
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    The above scenario involving an ice storm from space was an event which occurred within the first 24 hours of the last nova. There was a subsequent inundation of scalding rain, rain, then snow over large parts of the Earth which lasted for a continuous period of many months to create the glaciers of the last ice age. More on that in coming issues. JWS

  2. Gene Johnson

    Does anyone know what the recurring deposits are situated at (what years?) I understand there seems to be evidence for at least 5 incursions of this type of calamity, but what time period does the evidence point? IE. If it was 10,000 BC, 26,000 BC, 46,000 BC etc…(I just guessed on those, no knowledge of this yet)…


      The scientific community separates these layers by hundreds of thousands if not millions of years – this following the uniformitarian model. Catastrophists believe these layers come within thousands of years of each other. I must ask that you consult Ben Davidson’s website and Douglas Vogt’s. If you can get Robert Felix’s books, you will find that these men make the case for 6,000, 12,000 and 24,000-year depositions.

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