Survival Praxis #4 – The Flash

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the Sun, and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of the seven days . . . Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far, with His anger burning, and in thick uplifting of smoke; His lips are full of indignation, and His tongue is as a devouring fire. The Bible, Isaiah 30:26-27

Now, I begin a description of what you must survive and overcome on the day of God:

While scientists are intently studying stellar novas to learn the warning signs on our own Sun, we might be able to calculate when it is about to nova, but we are not sure. Not every stellar nova is alike and the events and timing leading up to the nova flash is still occult to us.

The first stage of devastation is caused by the flash of the nova itself. Think the flash of a nuclear explosion, only magnify it to the scale of the entire hemisphere facing the Sun at the time of the flash. Think a blinding light and an incinerating heat wave of 3000 plus degrees Fahrenheit. The Sun novas and the flash arrives in 8 minutes.

Nothing is left alive on half the planet. Nothing of human origin remains, no plant or animal life. Their remains have been completely consumed in the inferno. This is before the blast wave arrives.

The seas have experienced a steam explosion. Like pouring water on a hot frying pan, 450 feet of the oceans have been instantly evaporated and that moisture is now in the atmosphere at scalding temperatures which are unimaginable to the human experience. The breathable oxygen has been used up in the conflagration.

The opposite side of the Earth has not been unaffected. As our text from Isaiah tells us above, the Moon will be as bright as the noonday Sun. The heat from the Sunward side of the Earth will migrate to the opposite side. How much is not entirely clear.

At this juncture, Douglas Vogt (God’s Day of Judgment) believes the Earth’s rotation will have temporarily stopped by the overwhelming solar forcing. If it hasn’t stopped from the flash, it might from the shockwave and debris field which will follow in a matter of hours. But that is the topic of our next installment.

How do you survive this? You don’t. Prepare to meet your Maker.

Some suppose that a deep-shaft bunker might work . . . if you have time to get in it. Is eight minutes long enough?

If you can find a way to survive a direct hit from a nuclear bomb, I guess you can figure out a way to survive this. Read Kearny’s Nuclear War Survival Skills (Installment #3). It would be better to not be living on the side of the Earth that faces the Sun when it novas. Vogt thinks he can predict that. Maybe he’s right. I wouldn’t bet on it. It’s more like Russian Roulette.

For those who are living in the opposite hemisphere, it will not be a good idea to be standing around watching the light show. You need to head for cover. You’ve got other things to worry about, like tidal waves, flash freezing, atmospheric depletion, and debris bombardment. More on that next time.

Eight minutes. When Jesus said to His disciples to “Watch, for you know not when your master cometh,” He wasn’t kidding around.

  • JWS, August 29, 2021
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