September 4th, 2021: The Sun & Human Emotions

We already know that celestial objects affect the human emotions. For thousands of years, a species of madness known as “lunacy” has been associated with the full moon. We don’t know if the light of the moon causes a restless sleep, hence the nocturnal activities of some sleep deprived people or if the gravitational effects cause the derangement.

Comets, of course, frightened the ancients, and I suppose frighten us too if they get too close.

A bright, sunshiny day lifts the spirits, but the heat of the noonday sun might be too intense at times and causes humans to seek the shade.

But some researchers believe that the Sun has an impact on human emotions at a wavelength level. The Sun and Human Health is a topic of renewed interest that can be found easily on the internet, and our own Ben Davidson and his Suspicious 0bservers have been discussing it of late.

At the very least, an extraordinarily active Sun can cause irritability which can, in turn, produce a wide-range of human emotions: edginess, intolerance, and aggressiveness. One wonders when Jesus described the end of the world in Matthew 24 and elsewhere as a time of persecutions, hatred, and war, if He didn’t already know the connection between human emotions and disruptions in the Sun.

The world turmoil and the current political divisiveness – while certainly no excuse for beings endowed with moral agency – could be explained and guarded against by an awareness of our susceptibilities to what has now been called “solar forcing.” Scarcity of resources is not the reason. Science has found a way to obtain all the resources we need – even water and energy from the air. It’s our elite class who have lost their self-control the most, and have taken a hostile approach to the world’s populations, hoping to “kill them off” with induced shortages, wars and pandemics.

A world elite which cannot manage things during times of plenty and relative peace certainly will not fare well when the times of adversity and calamity arrive:

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how can thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of the Jordan? – the Prophet Jeremiah 12:5.