Survival Praxis #9 – The Radiation

Robert Felix’s second book was entitled, Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary Leaps. There is a persistent belief among scientists and the general population that bursts of radiation in the ancient past were the cause of evolutionary progress among species. In my opinion, there is no evidence to support this point of view.

All of the scientific experiments that I am aware of which have applied radiation to living organisms to produce beneficial results at an evolutionary level in terms of altering the DNA have failed. The application of random radiation, as suggested by the Law of Entropy, produces destructive results. Radiation breaks down complex molecules into simpler forms. Not the other way around.

It is much like pounding with a hammer. A random blow to a complex device, such as a pocket watch, will result in predictably damaging consequences. However, a hammer is a very useful tool if applied with intelligence to the construction of a house, for example, which is what the concept of created design is all about. Whether your intelligence is labeled “God,” or “the Great Architect,” “Mother Nature,” or, as in the case of Douglas Vogt’s metaphysics, “the Diehold,” intelligence is required for force to be useful. Christians have long argued that God may in fact use various “evolutionary” processes in His acts of creation, but it all evinces design, regardless.

The Sun and the stars emit radiation. They are unfiltered and unshielded thermonuclear reactors. Ask the survivors of Chernobyl what radiation does to the human body. The human organism must be shielded from radiation. Read Kearny’s classic Nuclear War Survival Skills to learn what you have to do to survive nuclear radiation.

That is why we are “lucky” that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away and we have an electro-magnetic shield (called the Van Allen Belts) which surrounds the Earth. Very little of the Sun’s destructive radiation reaches the Earth’s surface, and most of its excess is funneled to the respective polar regions (hence the Auroras). We are lucky that Flat Earth theorists are not correct; they think the Sun is 3,000 miles away. I suppose they may think that the “Firmament” is made of something that filters out the solar radiation. What it might be, I don’t know and neither do they. But regardless, near or far, radiation is deadly – which is why the weakening magnetic field should be treated with alarm. Whether there is a solar nova or not, something is happening to the shield which protects us from the radiation of space. If it collapses, the human race will have to go underground to survive.

Along with the weakening of the magnetic field, there is occurring what is called a “magnetic excursion.” The South Pole has already left Antarctica. The North Pole is slower but is catching up and moving towards northern Russia.

At first, scientists told us that this movement was slow and the decline was maybe 5% per century. Then, in the late 20th Century, we were belatedly told that it was 5% per decade. Ben Davidson has graphed this process. It clearly shows an acceleration of decline. If the rate continues, there will be no shield to protect us in 2046 AD.

Douglas Vogt says that the magnetic poles will flip before the field goes to zero. He has also argued that the magnetic field is what causes the rotation of the Earth, the opposite of what science tells us. As schoolboys, we learned that the rotation of the Earth causes the internal dynamo which we think produces Earth’s electromagnetic field. According to Vogt’s “Information Theory of Existence,” there is a modulation point at the center of the Earth that is fed through the polar regions with energy from space. That modulation point operates like the emission of a radio signal with an oscillation. Since the modulation point emits heat and the plasma that we mistakenly believe is a molten iron core, it continues radiating outwards and cools into the Earth’s mantle and crustal structure. I suppose an argument can be made that the expansion of this plasma is making the Earth bigger and explains the spreading of the continents.

If the Earth’s crust follows the rotation of the magnetic field, if the field reverses, then the Earth’s rotation would, as well. Vogt says this reversal will coincide with the solar nova.

There is a suggestion that the Earth’s mantle and crust – if they are, indeed, an emanation from the modulation point – should be shaped like the Van Allen Belts: much like an apple with indentations at the North and South Poles. That is an interesting speculation that would be worth further investigation. We wonder what the “tier one” scientists have been hiding from public knowledge. Why is there so much fake imagery coming from NASA? Why does civilian aircraft go east and west, but never over the poles? I suppose that there is a greater exposure to solar and cosmic radiation. Their navigation equipment might get skewered by the magnetic field effects. Or, they might be hiding something from the general public. We might never know.

Regardless, just like the “Kill Shot” discussed in Survival Praxis #2, the weakening magnetic field and the constant pummeling of radiation from space are an immediate concern. As the radiation enters the Earth’s core through the polar regions, it is heating it up. We will continue to experience more and bigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ground-to-sky lightning with anomalies of massive electrocution (first at sea, then on land), forest fires, and super storms. All of this will happen – is happening now – before we get to 2046 AD.

When 2046 arrives, if we have not developed an appropriate technology and cleaned-up our civilization to deal with these challenges, I do not expect anyone to survive the solar nova, except maybe cockroaches.

You have had your campfire horror story. Pleasant dreams.

  • JWS, December 19, 2021
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