Remains of the Day: Rob Skiba

The righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace . . .
Isaiah 57:1

Rob Skiba, a Bible teacher and social commentator we feature on this website, died on or about October 14, 2021 after over a month-long illness that has been described as a “coronary pneumonia” but has been claimed by his detractors as complications arising from a covid infection. He became a target of personal attacks for his long-time opposition to vaccinations and the Covid-19 “vaccine” in particular. See other Posts on this website for further details.

Rob Skiba remained true to his Fundamentalist upbringing until the end. He trusted in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those thin-skinned detractors who delighted in his demise should take heed. “Judge not, lest ye be judged” was the warning from our Lord Jesus Christ. Skiba was beloved by many and despised by a few. We mourn his passing.

While Skiba did not pull any punches when it came to his personal and doctrinal convictions, and some may have been offended at his sweeping accusations of conspiracy and satanic delusion in reference to pro-vaxers, anti-flat earthers, pre-tribulationists and Christmas celebrants, I never recall that he ever launched crusades of personal attacks against anyone. Doctrinally, I think I agreed with him on the fundamentals of the faith, but on the other topics: flat earth, the end-times antichrist, Sacred Name, and other doctrines peculiar to the “Messianic” Torah crowd, I probably disagreed with him about everything.

I never was offended at his warnings about “satanic delusion” for believing the Copernican cosmology or for celebrating Christmas because he couched his arguments in a propositional way. Those who could not answer him on this and other issues, predictably resorted to ad hominem attacks. That is always the case with weak minds. He deserved better.

An example can be shown in a recent post-mortem personal attack in which the detractor thanks God that Skiba has been taken away. He uses a photograph of Skiba and his wife with their forearms pointing flat toward each other and then juxtaposes it with a drawing of a Masonic pose which is identical and then makes an inference that Skiba was a secret Mason.

Other than the fact that Skiba and his wife were making a “pro-flat earth” pose, it is absurd to think that Skiba was a closet Mason, because he taught against that institution during the entire period of his ministry. He even linked Masonry to the globular theory of the Earth, the Bohemian Satanists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, and the founders of modern space flight. His anti-Masonic rhetoric was so pronounced, it would have been impossible for the Masonic institution to have benefited from his deception.

There are two important contributions that I think Skiba has made to the work of Christianity: first is his exposure of NASA fake-science through fraudulent CGI imaging. He has not been the only one, of course. Other flat-earth theorists have done excellent work. But it was Skiba’s semi-celebrity status and talent for conciseness, that has made him perhaps the most impactful contributor. The succinctness and clarity of his presentations were polished, thorough and effective.

Second, his nurturing of the “Torah Messianics” in giving them a platform in his media productions has helped the movement. While I am not a Messianic, and frankly, I share the annoyance felt by other Christians at their sometimes arrogant and presumptive disputations, nevertheless, Torah Messianics, more than any other sect, have increased biblical literacy, especially Old Testament literacy.

How can we ever come to an understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, if no one is even interested in reading it? However misguided Torah Messianics might be sometimes, at least they know what the Torah actually says. Literacy is necessary before critical analysis. Evangelicals are not even suited up, let alone present on the playing field.

I, too, am a theonomist in the tradition of the Puritans and its 20th Century revival in what was once called “Christian Reconstructionism”: the advocacy of biblical law as an ethical guide for all institutions of society. Through the influence of Charles Finney, I was a theonomist before I ever knew there was such a thing. But luminaries of the late 20th Century would be Greg Bahnsen, Rousas Rushdoony and those following them. I am not a “Dominionist” either or a “Torah Messianic,” but I have welcomed these movements for their renewed interest in the Mosaic Law.

I am not a Puritan but am “Cambrian Desposynic” in persuasion and draw guidance from the heritage of the old Celtic saints, the Grail tradition, and Qumran. The questions Skiba raises in his lessons, I started asking over 40 years ago and came to a resolution not long after. I have sympathy for where he was at on his spiritual journey because I was once there myself.

Strictly speaking on a spiritual level, I believe he died because of his “444 Initiative.” He was engaging satanism in spiritual warfare by calling for an international prayer vigil against the organized evil of this world. His relevant YouTube productions can still be found on the internet. I think that initiative was his primary focus even at the conference he attended where he got sick.
You must understand that to engage in this kind of frontal assault on Satan’s kingdom, you must be fully armed and armored (Ephesians 6:10-18).

The story of Moses and the Ten Plagues of Egypt will be a topic of future Peshers. It is a story of full and deep significance. Truly, God sent him to confront Pharaoh, but something happened on the way to Egypt: the Angel of the Lord tried to kill him. Read the story in Exodus 4:18-26. Moses had not circumcised his eldest son, and to save his life, his wife Zipporah, circumcised him. Moses had failed to fully obey the Abrahamic Covenant with its sign and seal.

During the wandering in the Wilderness, the Israelites did not circumcise their sons. But when it came time to cross the Jordan and engage in battle against the Canaanites, Joshua circumcised the army (Joshua 5). If they were going to prevail as Covenant men, they had to have the “sign and seal” of that Covenant upon them. Anything less would have been presumption.

There is such a thing as “the clean hands doctrine.” I am not saying Rob Skiba was in sin. Moses was not in sin, nor were the children of Israel in the Wilderness. It is just that anyone who intends to engage the adversary must “examine himself” as Paul warns in 1 Corinthians 11:28. You are assuming a higher level of engagement that requires an additional layer of protection. It requires the Urim and Thummim. King David did not go into battle before consulting this sacred oracle.

King Josiah was perhaps Judah’s most righteous king, even rivaling King David in his zeal for God. He died fighting Pharaoh’s army. Pharaoh warned him he was just passing through Megiddo to fight elsewhere (1 Chronicles 35:20 et al). Josiah did not consult the Urim and Thummim like King David did. He did not pay the Atonement tax for his troops.

The prophet warned Josiah not to engage Pharaoh in battle. He did anyway, no doubt believing that it was his duty as the king to guard the nation’s borders. He was killed. The prophet Jeremiah lamented him.

As evil as it is, the “New World Order,” “Deep State,” “the Illuminati” or whatever you want to call it is doing God’s work. It is a commensurate response to the inter-generational lawlessness of God’s people. Like Genghis Khan who proclaimed himself “the Scourge of God,” these modern monsters will do God’s bidding and then He will destroy them for it. We just need to get out of the way.

Rob Skiba was fond of quoting the saying, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Remember, that is just a saying; it is not Scripture. We are compelled by our conscience to do something when we see evil, but we must do it God’s way. We might say, “What is wrong with calling people to pray?” Nothing. But “summoning” the people – “mustering the troops,” so to speak – is a completely different matter. It requires a spiritually judicial covering.

King Josiah made a miscalculation. The Kingdom of Judah was under the sentence of Divine judgment; it was not Josiah’s place to change that (1 Chronicles 33:24 et al). Pharaoh was doing God’s work and Josiah was interfering.

God’s Day of Judgment has been set for our generation – it is 2046 AD. It will be the day when all lies will be swept away.

I hope you will be ready for it.

  • JWS