Alert #8 – Incoming Solar Storms & the Return of the Giant (Update 8/19/24)

Update 8/19/24: Full Report here:
Survival Praxis #49

Update 7/28/24: Stay ahead of the panic. Read the Survival Praxis #49 report scheduled to be released August 1st. The abstract can be found here:

Survival Praxis #49

Update 7/17/204: Our “Sleeping Giant” sunspot group cycled in front of us yet again with some M-class flaring and then finally with an X-class flare as it reached the eastern limb. Check back in a couple of weeks as a new Survival Praxis is being prepared that will discuss this phenomenon.

Update 7/5/24: Our “Sleeping Giant” sunspot group has been cycling with the Sun’s rotation and should be just behind the western (to us the left side) of the Sun, soon to cycle into view in the coming week.

Update 6/16/24: Call it “the Sleeping Giant.” We watched our monster sunspot group cycle again in front of the Earth without incident. But just as it cycled out of view, it fired an X-14 flare straight at Mars which temporarily took out all our communications from that planet. Remember that Mars is 130 million miles away compared to Earth’s 93 million miles. It would take a bigger flare to impact that planet than Earth, even considering its weak magnetic field. As of today, solar satellite feed is down. More comedy of errors. Go to Ben Davidson’s YouTube channel for daily updates.

Update 5/27/24: The sunspot cluster group which brought us the solar storms just two weeks ago has made its rotation and is now coming again into view. It appears to have intensified and the threat still exists of adverse effects on Earth’s shielding. See Ben Davidson’s YouTube report here: Return of the King. And Jesse’s report at BPEarthWatch: The Return of the Giant.


Original Post 5/9/24: Incoming Solar Storm & the Comedy of Errors

Ben Davidson has issued a solar storm warning (“watch”) for this weekend and has elevated the risk factors to 15% for adverse impacts to the grid, communications, health, and geophysical and meteorological patterns (i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes, and storms).

Four successive X-Class solar flares with CME’s and perfectly formed halo effects were emitted by the Sun within the last 48 hours with impact expected by Saturday. The offending region of the Sun is still crackling. Davidson is making a trip to town for supplies and will update his reports later today.

There were complaints that the SOHO satellite feed was down over the weekend. The excuse offered was that no one was watching the shop to notice that it was down. Now, I’m not so sure. Should someone be fired?

While this storm is still not a Carrington-level event and should not bring down our civilization, it can cause sufficient disruption, that if counter-measures are not taken by those in charge, could, through a “comedy of errors,” spin out of control by inexperienced helmsmanship.

What if the early warning systems go down with world tensions as they are? Could some idiot launch a preemptive nuclear strike? Can we think of anyone in the American government who would do such a thing?

What if hostile actors were to use the solar storm as a cover for terrorist attacks or worse?

Expect the storm to arrive a day earlier than expected.

Go here for Davidson’s YouTube report: SO News Report, May 9, 2024

— JWS, 5/9/24


Update 5/10/24: And then there were six. Yes, that’s right 6 X-Class flares with multiple M-Class flares with the latest halo waves expected to overtake the earlier ones to give a bigger punch.

Ben Davidson’s latest YouTube report can be found here: Six Solar Storms

He has charted the severity of the odds, from a 99% chance of minor disruptions to a 12% of a Carrington level impact. Remember, Earth’s magnetic shields are much weaker now. So, we are not sure what the impact will be.

Jesse from RealBPEarthwatch has done a good job with his reports. He has a visual comparison of the current sunspot group with an image of the Carrington cluster from 1859: almost a dead ringer in size and shape. Go here: Carrington Event 2.0

It is so big that it can be seen with the naked eye. (But be sure to wear eye shielding appropriate for witnessing a solar eclipse).

Expected arrival time 1700 UTC today. for Planetary Warning.

What to do? Other than staying indoors to protect yourself from elevated UV radiation, be prepared to experience disruptions of electronic devices and perhaps electrical outages. This will be a good test to see if the world’s infrastructure has been sufficiently hardened to withstand these solar storms.


Update 5/11/24: And then there were seven: 7 X-Class flares with many M-Class flares. I was going to post pictures of the Auroras, but everybody else is doing it, including the kids. Greens, with reds. Green means the hydrogen ions are saturating the ionosphere; red means they are higher up, but blues and purples mean that they have penetrated deep in the troposphere. What happens when a solution reaches a point of saturation, but then you add more of an ingredient to a solution that is super-saturated? Distillation.

So far, the infrastructure has held up, but everyone is acting like the worst is over. Please note that more impacts are on the way. We are going to see some really weird stuff over the next few days as the electrical induction of charge builds up in the geo-capacitor looking for ways to discharge. Remember, the Van Allen Belts are supposed to slough off these charges into space, but the weakening fields are letting them into our biosphere and will be manifested in extreme weather events, heat, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

My next Survival Praxis on God’s Chandelier will be timely. This solar cycle is not expected to peak until 2025.