Alert #9 – New Hazards in Earth’s Orbital Path (Update: 10/8/24)

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  • What we are doing? Testing a scientific hypothesis.
  • What are we watching? Planetary positioning.
  • What we are expecting? Increasingly severe solar storms as the planetary orbit of Mercury enters the proximity of the “Jupiter winds.”
  • What about Earth? Earth is entering the same area of impact.


Recent Alert Updates and Reports have asserted that the current Solar Cycle #25 is peaking and that a credible risk exists of a solar storm of sufficient severity which would result in a crippling of the electrical and electronic infrastructure of our civilization. It is uncertain whether such a calamity would be noticeable in other forms of geophysical and biological effects. We are discussing a solar storm which may not impact our natural environment very much, but nevertheless would be devastating because of our society’s dependence upon delicate circuitry in our computer systems.

You must read Survival Praxis #49 if you want to understand what follows here:

A Kill-Shot Scenario for the End of Solar Cycle #25

And lest you think that a simple Faraday Cage or other “hardening” precautions are sufficient protection, keep in mind that we are not describing an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) which might occur from the detonation of a nuclear device. Solar storms produce more than EMPs. They produce sustained electrical induction much like a power surge, a very different scenario.


The planets Jupiter and Saturn have formed an electromagnetic triangulation with the Sun during its peak solar cycle. This situation seems unique.

Saturn forms the weaker leg in this triangulation because it is much smaller and much farther away from the Sun than Jupiter. With a planetary alignment assist from Mars several weeks ago, an X-14 flare was emitted by the Sun directed at Saturn when a sunspot cluster AR3664 (The Sleeping Giant) passed in front of Earth without incident, but then was reactivated when it met this planetary conjunction. When the sunspot group proceeded in its rotational path to align with Jupiter, solar flaring in excess of X-30 occurred.

We thought that Mercury would be the triggering cause, per McCanney’s assertion that it serves as a solar “spark plug.” And indeed, chronicling this planet’s 90-day orbit around the Sun, it seems to leave a trail of solar eruptions in its wake.

When Mercury passes on the Earth side, these eruptions have been typically in the C and M range classifications. But when they are on Jupiter’s side, they are in the X-plus classification.

Much like an idling motor when the fuel has been reduced, the Earth side of the Sun has a limited amount of stellar fuel to ignite, while the Jupiter side is the side where the “return current sheet” and the Jupiter winds can be found. Mercury’s spark plug effect is moderated in the absence of the proton streams which return to the Sun on a continuous basis but then, like turning up the throttle, is amplified when it encounters them.

Because electromagnetic connections of the planets to the Sun are tenuous and transient with a snake-like whipping effect, planetary conjunctions do not necessarily mean electromagnetic connections are simultaneous. Thus, Mercury’s conjunctions with Earth and now Saturn have not resulted in any significant increase of solar flaring. We think that Mercury has yet to enter the return current sheet zone. Within two weeks, Mercury will be in conjunction with Jupiter and it is reasonable to expect that the steady stream of C and M class flaring will increase to X plus classifications because there is much more stellar fuel in the vicinity of Jupiter.

It will also be interesting to see if the galactic current sheet has reached Jupiter’s orbit. If it has, Jupiter could create a wind tunnel to funnel this sheet with that of its own and then draw in the normal solar return sheet with them like the merging of mountain streams into a narrow, turbulent river.


If planetary positioning matters in this solar cycle, then we should expect an increase of these solar storms in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, Earth has entered this electromagnetic triangulation also and will be forming a planetary conjunction with Saturn in the coming days. Should Mercury elicit severe solar storms in its pending conjunction with Jupiter, Earth will be close enough in its orbital position to be impacted by the “halo effect” of these storms. They should only be glancing blows, but they will be scary.

Tier 1 scientists will immediately understand the implications and they will inform their respective governments to expect “kill shot” solar storms in early December when Jupiter, Earth, and Mercury will be in a triple planetary conjunction.

There will be institutional panic with clumsy excuses of “cyber-warfare” offered as an explanation.

World leaders will be preparing for something worse. Some nuclear powers will be tempted to use their nuclear arsenal against their adversaries, recognizing that solar flaring will render useless their nuclear weapons. People who live close to such arsenals and nuclear power plants should consider evacuation, as that technology will become unstable.

If you wait for the September confirmation, you may be too late to stay ahead of the panic which will ensue in October and November before the early December solar eruptions.

Early precautions are warranted.

[Side Note: The solar nova scenario forecasted for the peak of the next Gleissberg Cycle in 2046AD is not what is being discussed here. What we may be witnessing is a Carrington Level event which would cripple if not destroy much of our modern technology.]

— JWS, 8/31/24

Update 9/7/24: For a better understanding of Parker Spirals and their relation to the Jupiter winds follow this link. The visuals are good:

And for more on the Venus directed solar flaring go here: Venus.

This commentator thinks a significant solar event will occur on September 12th. I am preparing a September Update which will be published in a separate post tomorrow.

UPDATE 10/8/24: Doomsday Conjunction?
Updates forthcoming.