August Update (Addendum 8/17/24): It’s Getting Scary

Solar Cycle #25 is confirming the science of the 2046AD solar nova scenario for the next peak in the Gleissberg Cycle. That’s the scary part: being right.

But because of our dependence on highly vulnerable technology, the other scary part is that the risk of a solar “kill shot” is increasing as this solar cycle peaks in the coming months.

In this cycle, planetary positioning will matter. It doesn’t always matter, but it might be the trigger this go around.

Ben Davidson is watching the sunspots on the Sun cycling into view. The clusters keep getting bigger and bigger. If he is watching planetary positioning, he is not saying so – even though it is a part of his science.

Just as it was in May when Mercury formed an alignment to trigger the solar storms which impacted Earth, Mercury’s 90-day orbit has brought it back around for a new conjunction in the next two weeks. Soon after that, it will align with Saturn just before Earth enters the new kill zone.

Read Survival Praxis #49 to get the story. If the planetary positioning theory is real, we should know in a couple of weeks.

Good luck!

JWS, 8/5/24

Update 8/17/24: Go to The Planets Today to study planetary positioning. Mercury is in conjunction now with Earth and within a week, ought to form a conjunction with Saturn. This should give as an opportunity for “real time” testing of this hypothesis.