The work of Ben Davidson. He is a very competent and detailed interpreter of scientific data. He interacts and sometimes debates with the various scientific journals and frequently consults with experts in the respective fields. Start with the Earth Disaster YouTube playlist and then get his textbook:
A Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun, Third Edition. Check in at Suspicious Observers website to order the pdf version of Davidson’s latest book: The Next End of the World: The Rebirth of Catastrophism. It’s a short and very lucid read, well-organized with good background material. Go to his for up-to-the-minute data as it comes in from the respective scientific sources or visit his latest YouTube summations at the Suspicious Observers website.

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Update for February, 2025: Davidson’s organization continues to grow and he has a full slate of workshops on the calendar for the coming months for attendance at his “Observers Ranch.” Of particular interest will be Dr. August Dunning in May, who I regard as the best surviving advocate of the Vogt Solar Reset Model.

Davidson has changed the name of Suspicious 0bservers to “Scientific Observers.” Don’t know why, unless it is because he is now going more “mainstream” and the notion of being “suspicious” sounds rather conspiratorial. All the links still work.

Regardless, his daily updates are valuable, especially for sourcing current scientific papers which provide factual support for the nova/reversal/iceage scenario which is unfolding before our eyes.


Update for September, 2024: Ben Davidson still keeps up with his daily reports, but they are getting short and skimpy.

For example, he notes, an “Oh, wow!” planetary alignments are coming up, but doesn’t explain why they matter.

You have to follow the links. His team is doing a good job of finding articles in the respective journals.

He has just opened his visitor center located in Colorado at what he calls “The Ranch.” That has obviously kept him preoccupied.

But it looks like he is dropping his “live stream” podcasts. I get the feeling that his public output is going to change while he focuses on lectures to his visitors. Let’s hope that he continues to inform and warn the public.


Update for July, 2024: I cite Ben Davidson so many times for up-to-date news that you should just use the “Search” function on this website instead of coming to this Source page. With this active phase of the sun-cycle, he should grow his following significantly. I think just at his YouTube channel alone, he is pushing one million subscribers.

With the passing of Douglas Vogt (through whom I found Davidson some years ago), Davidson remains as the principal advocate of solar nova science.


Update for April, 2024: Follow this link for the latest on the New York electroquake and telluric lightning from the Statue of Liberty:

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Update for March, 2024: Davidson’s sometimes “salty” confidence is justified. He is winning the intellectual battle as he chronicles the concessions made by scientists in the scientific journals.

He also grew up in Pittsburg, the home of the Pittsburg Steelers. Need I say more? Get used to it.

With his ranch in the high country of Colorado, he is creating a study center for the preparations we need to make to get ready for the new era of catastrophism. Be sure to get subscribed to his online magazine.

Go to his YouTube Channel for daily updates. They are short, but sometimes they are interrupted by even longer commercials. I miss his bumper music.

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Update for October, 2023: A pre-publication offer of Davidson’s latest book, Earth Disaster Cycles, can be found by following this link:

Considering the amount of time he has been spending answering questions in his live-stream videos, I expect this book is designed to answer a lot of those FAQ’s.

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Update for August, 2023: Davidson continues to chronicle the “surprising” impacts mild solar storms are having on Earth’s atmosphere. The latest is here:

An important and recent contribution to our discussion on the effects of solar accretion, planetary formation, and the expulsion of stellar crustal shells through space can be found here:

Compare this information with the material presented in the Survival Praxis series on The Flipping Earth.

I was able to finally get subscribed to his online magazine. I had to use a faster computer.


Update for May, 2023: Davidson has been offering an on-line magazine to his subscribers. Evidently, you need to subscribe to get the link sent to you via email, only my links don’t work. So, I don’t know the status of that publication. Go to his YouTube channel for more information:

Discussion of his material on this website is ongoing, especially in the Survival Praxis series and in the Alerts category.

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Update for February, 2023: Ben Davidson has added YouTube videos which have a direct bearing on our on-going discussions in the Survival Praxis series. Two are on the changes of the core’s rotation. This is significant. See core and

He has also provided an “inundation” map for those who want to know where the safest places might be to live. Keep in mind that the map is illustrative only. It does not guarantee anything: map

He is also on a nationwide tour. To check out his itinerary, go here: tour

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Update for December, 2022: Ben Davidson has been adding a second YouTube talk almost everyday as a part of his “Q&A” feature that he has added to his website. You type in a question, and if you are lucky, he might make it a part of his daily presentations: one out of a hundred. Get used to those odds; sounds a lot like the survival rate I expect if you have prepared for the next nova (See Survival Praxis #26, #27, #28 on “How Bad Will It Really Get”). Ben’s social outreach has been fantastic. But it is a drop in the bucket compared to what needs to be done. We need a thousand Ben Davidsons.

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Update for August, 2022: The Suspicious Observers website has taken on a new look and is slated for features involving the public more. It appears that it has dropped the pay wall for advanced features. Also, don’t forget that Davidson has published an “Observer Supplement” to his two books with significant updated material. I have the hard-copy, not sure if that is available because he has lost his publisher to the growing miasma that is Amazon. But it is available for download.

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Update for June, 2022: Ben Davidson is prioritizing. Evidently, he does not have a web master and has to do most of the tech work himself. He is committed to his daily YouTube productions, but it sounds like he will be scaling back features on the Suspicious Observers website. Confirmation of his theories are coming in almost daily from the scientific journals. I expect that soon a paradigm shift will occur in the scientific community. Scientists are human too. The law of self-preservation will take over. No one wants to stand on the tracks with an approaching freight train. Playing chicken with a solar nova requires utter stupidity.

Go to the websites below if the main one is taken down. I will keep you posted.

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Update for April, 2022:

Ben Davidson continues his daily monitoring of the Sun at with great graphics. Go there for up-to-the-minute data as it come in from the respective scientific sources or visit his latest YouTube summations at the Suspicious Observers website.

The Sun is nearing its peak for this cycle over the next couple of years. We can expect more activity, but I don’t expect it to approach the turbulence during the years of Comet Hale-Bopp and certainly not at the peak of the last Gleissberg Cycle circa. 1957-1959. Our handful of sunspots and flares do not compare to the “hundreds” which appeared everyday back then.

Don’t forget Ben’s latest disaster book The Next End of the World: The Rebirth of Catastrophism at

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Update for February, 2022:

Ben Davidson continues to impress with his YouTube productions – “eye candy” – as he calls it. CGI graphics help to visualize the scenario he is trying to describe. If you are a member of his website, you get access to all of that in his “Deeper Look” episodes, but it costs a little, I think $29.99. The latest production demonstrates the new equator and spin after the crustal displacement. Fun to watch but not fun to think about as a potential life-ending experience. Davidson leads a pretty large group of “Observers” who sometimes indulge in political grandstanding and conspiracy theories. Of course, this has nothing to do with the science of the coming disaster and you should not be dissuaded from the value of his research just because he dabbles a little in these persuasions. It so happens that all advocates on the full range of the political spectrum use pretty broad strokes sometimes.

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Update for January, 2022: Davidson has updated his “The Next End of the World” YouTube production. It is over an hour long and contains some new material. Visit his Earth Disaster Playlist to find it.

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Update for December, 2021: Davidson continues to provide daily YouTube updates dealing with the science directly related to the future solar nova scenario. Of late, he has been reporting on Pluto’s atmospheric collapse, descriptions of stellar novas in far-away galaxies (for more data to anticipate the next solar nova), and more importantly, the precipitous decline of the Earth’s magnetic field, a topic for our next Survival Praxis #9.

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Update for November, 2021: Davidson continues to offer daily YouTube updates. I have fallen behind, but the content usually represents current validation from peer-reviewed journals which he monitors closely. With the Sun in an active phase of its 11-year cycle. there is a lot of excitement and alarmism on the Internet every time there is a solar flare or CME. Davidson is careful to temper the enthusiasm of other Internet solar observers. His “the end is not yet” analysis should be referenced by readers to avoid “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” alarmism which may distract you from your day-to-day lives.

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Update for August, 2021: Davidson offers daily YouTube updates at his website, but it is usually condensed material which requires some background to follow. I recommend his Sun Weather book for technical information but preferably his most recently published The Next End of the World: the Rebirth of Catastrophism, which is less daunting and can be obtained in minutes as a pdf file from his website.

He enjoys using the term “micro-nova” which drives Vogt crazy and he knows it. Vogt doesn’t want to diminish the risks associated with a true nova event – the kind that he associates with the 12,000+ year cycle – while Davidson emphasizes the variability and lesser cycles which can mitigate the effects of the next nova.

There is a 6,000 year cycle which has surfaced in the scientific journals called the Heinrich-Bond Cycle which Davidson has discussed at length in recent video updates. We imagine that the legends associated with the Flood of Noah might be something that happened from that lesser nova. But we can’t be sure. Maybe, Noah’s Flood represented the greater 12,000 year cycle while the next nova would represent the lesser one.

Returning to Davidson’s The Next End of the World, he relies heavily on the scientific team’s report of Major Maynard White’s arctic expedition after the Second World War. He was sent to map the north polar region for military briefing in the late 1940s. It was classified by the Pentagon but was summarized and published by Major White’s son in 1994 after his father’s death in the now famous book among catastrophists: The World in Peril.

Essentially, the report was the foundation for the belief in the crustal displacement theory propounded by CIA academic Hapgood and others during the 1950s. Arctic sediment layers were examined which revealed at least five cycles between tropical and arctic flora and fauna fossilization. In other words, the arctic region has experienced alternately epochs of tropical and then frigid climates. While there might be different explanations as to how this has happened, the evidence remains undisputed.

World in Peril can be found on-line at

Each layer indicated a magnetic field excursion. See Robert Felix’s Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary Leaps with updates forthcoming.

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Update for June, 2021: Davidson continues his daily updates published to his YouTube channel. He chronicles the events on the Sun and the latest papers published in the scientific journals. It is important that you do not neglect an immediate study of his material, or at least, purchase his books. We may think that 2046 is far away, but a solar outburst or a galactic electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) could cripple or destroy the world’s electronics in this solar cycle. This is because the Earth’s magnetic shields are weakening perilously and even a modest solar storm could have devastating consequences. A collapse of our technology could occur long before a 2046 nova, leaving us without the resources we need to prepare. All the planets in the solar system are experiencing anomalous events, including Earth, which suggests that the galactic current sheet is cresting and engulfing the solar system.

See older updates at bottom of page.

Ben Davidson does not seem to believe in Vogt’s theory of the “clock-cycle” but instead views “novas” as a result of solar interaction with a triggering mechanism: principally, the galactic current sheet. With other scientists, he is trying to follow the scientific method in the realm of predictive science to test the nova hypothesis. In other words, he believes there should be warning signs.

He and his colleagues track the movement of the galactic current sheet to see if it is producing any nova events in our nearest stars. It has and the implications are alarming. Our Sun is next in line for an encounter.

His website tries to offer comfort and hope for survival, but I think he does so by diminishing the threat level. He likens this nova phenomenon to the catastrophe of Noah and other flood events recorded in various ancient societies in which there were survivors. While I do believe that some sort of lesser solar outburst occurred at Noah’s Flood, I find it difficult to believe that the Ark was equipped to endure the myriad of other deadly forces which accompany a true solar nova – such as an incinerating heat wave, deadly radiation and atmospheric depletion.

See his new title, The Next End of the World

Update September, 2020: Davidson’s ongoing monitoring of the galactic current sheet finds the leading edge already in our solar system. Electromagnetic events on Pluto plus a loss of 20% of its atmosphere (an extinction level event should this occur on Earth) have suggested that we are much closer to the day of reckoning. While the great nova may indeed not occur until 2046, it might be that no one on Earth will be alive to see it should Earth experience a Pluto-like event. Since Neptune and Uranus are on the opposite sides of the Sun in their orbits, the next planetary encounter with the galactic current sheet will be either Saturn or Jupiter – but it will be a confirmation that is too late. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse described by the biblical prophets are war, famine, pestilence, and plague. These all occur before the “day of God” in which the Sun is darkened and the Moon turns to blood. Will you make it?

Update December, 2020: Oh, the art of communication! Davidson suddenly discovers that his website members are confused about his position on the tilt and spin of the Earth. A centerpiece of Vogt’s cosmology is that the Earth stops when the Sun novas, and then reverses the direction of spin. Davidson’s inclusive and sometimes vague discussions have left it unclear as to his true beliefs. Now, he wants us to know that he does not believe in Vogt’s viewpoint, that the ocean tsunamis are caused by the rotation of the Earth stopping while the momentum of sea and atmosphere continue in the direction of rotation. What the mechanism is according to his viewpoint is still unclear. I will hit the books and videos again to see if there is anything I overlooked.
In the meantime, remember that Chan Thomas believed in a crustal displacement theory which causes these tsunamis. He believed that the Earth wobbles and like Einstein, felt that the Earth periodically tries to right itself. Maybe that is Davidson’s view, as well, especially considering that he has been discussing for some time now the recent discovery that the Earth has an internal skeletal structure which is not symmetrical. Try again, Ben.

Update January, 2021: Ben Davidson’s YouTubes and websites require some dedication to follow, and even though his presentations are usually short and sweet, unless you have some background in his material – like having read his book The Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun – they will be confusing. But I follow his daily updates and this is what I am gleaning from his presentations so far: the Earth changes and calamities associated with solar outbursts are cyclical and are triggered by either binaries or the galactic current sheet. No binaries are known to be in the solar system, so his focus has been on the current sheet. He thinks we have already entered it and is ascribing to it the anomalous changes in the various planets in the solar system – the latest being electro-magnetic events on Neptune. We didn’t expect Neptune to be affected by the galactic current sheet because it is on the opposite side of the solar system. Evidently, it is not a razor-clean edge but more like the rolling, turbulent leading edge of a thunderstorm you might witness in the American Midwest or like an approaching dust storm. Remember that the Earth’s electro-magnetic field has been declining precipitously in recent years. It is our shield against solar and galactic radiation.

Update March, 2021: Check in at Suspicious Observers website to order the pdf version of Davidson’s latest book: The Next End of the World: The Rebirth of Catastrophism. It’s a short and very lucid read, well-organized with good background material to understand the leading figures in science who have anticipated the solar nova/magnetic reversal/ice age scenario which is the focus of this website. Important discussion can be found on Chan Thomas’ declassified and redacted book: The Adam & Eve Story found on this website (see under “Articles” in the Navigation Bar above).