December Update, 2024

James McCanney believes we have already entered the Jupiter Winds. Go here for his latest podcast: McCanney Master of Science Hour (December 3, 2024). He spends the entire second half of his presentation on this subject. (This is a much lengthier follow-up to the podcast sourced on the 2046AD December Update for the McCanney page).

Don’t forget the Parker Spirals (the proton streams that spin into the Sun; they are not linear – relatively speaking – unlike the electron beam from the sunward spike of comets and the planets). The Planet Mars is probably in the thick of it and we are getting reports of remarkable Martian weather (links soon). Earth will be mid-stream in about one or two weeks.

In the meantime, Earth is entering an alignment with Jupiter and Mercury, a triple conjunction . . . NOW. Interruption of these electron beams should begin any day.

What will happen? Hopefully nothing . . . but maybe, everything. If planetary geometry means anything in this solar cycle, our stellar “hurricane” should be making “landfall” sometime this month. The next cluster of active sunspots have entered the Jupiter side of the Sun which is currently also the Earth facing side. They will be encountering Jupiter’s electron beam next week. If we get a repeat performance from the Jupiter effect like we had during the summer, Earth is in harm’s way. Countermeasures are in order.

In my opinion, this is the high risk period of Solar Cycle #25. If we get past this, things should be much safer until the peak period of Solar Cycle #26 a decade from now.

Publishing schedule

If the internet is still up, a “Pesher of the Star” is scheduled for the Christmas Season. If it is not up, well, my house study group will at least get to enjoy the presentation and you will be worrying about other things.

Much of the pesher depends upon the doctrinal teaching of St. Ignatius, which has been discussed in the last two peshers: Day of St. Ignatius and the Day of St. Barnabas.

A lot of source material has been published to this website which has not been profiled in these updates. You have to read other posts (Newton’s Notes, Going Back to Egypt, WWIII Updates, etc.) to find them. Or check out the sidebar and the navigation bar.

God bless you.

JWS, December 5th, 2024