The link below contains my first study and research paper in defense of a view of Bible prophecy I call “the Soteriological View of Eschatology.” I wrote it originally in 1980 and after circulating it among friends and colleagues, it was polished enough to publish in 1983, the form which you find it here:

Remember, I was 24 years old. No matter how insightful it might have been and still might be, it yet remains in some ways primitive, stiff, and awkward. I provide it here as originally published for the benefit of the historian in authenticating the originality, consistency and durability of my views.

The Appendices still must be found and recovered, probably lost in a stack of boxes somewhere. But as I recall, they were not pertinent to the subject of the main text, but rather served as an analysis of the exegetical shortcomings of movements I was exposed to as a young man, principally, Pentecostalism (where I was taught dispensationalism and Zionism) and British Israelism. Advocates of Moral Government Theology at the time, which included teachers in Youth With A Mission (YWAM), were premillennialists. I tried to persuade them with Charles Finney’s postmillennialism. I failed.

As I recall, the first version of “The Christian During Riot & Revolution” contained an analysis of the rivalry between the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties. At the time, I felt the departure from the gold standard by the United States in 1971, which was replaced by the petrodollar as the world currency, represented a rebellion against the Rothschild’s world monopoly on banking through gold. I removed that discussion from the main text because I felt I was not qualified to analyze the machinations of rich men. But in light of recent geopolitical developments, it now seems prescient.

The final appendix containing two comparative timeline charts – one, for the Soteriological Model and the other for the Apocalyptic Model – have been preserved and can be found here:

You will need to rotate the images to be able to read them properly.

God bless you.

James W. Stivers, author, 9/11/22