Remains of the Day: Did We Land on the Moon?

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time.

Abraham Lincoln, legendary attribution

And you can’t fool Mom!

Spanky in the “Little Rascals,” American cinematic 1930s classic

Did We Go to the Moon?

Maybe, yes . . . maybe, no. I don’t profess to know one way or the other.

The following are opinions I have formed over 40 years of occasional investigation and reflection. I could be wrong. But I ask you, “How can I be wrong?” The United States government claims to have made an almost miraculous achievement in landing men on the Moon. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof,” as says the celebrated Bill Nye, “The Science Guy.” The burden of proof lies with American scientists to prove it.

The Propositional Parameters:

First, the Apollo program was a military operation from beginning to end. NASA claimed it was a civilian endeavor, but no one in their right mind would have allowed such a strategic operation be left in civilian hands. We were in the middle of the “Cold War” against world communism. The Soviet Union, although a wreck economically, still was a formidable nuclear opponent benefiting from the enslavement of the German-speaking and technologically savvy populations of the former Prussian Empire.

Second, as in all military operations in time of war, the real Apollo program was executed in secret. What the public saw was pure theater. In almost every aspect of the mission, its factuality has since been disproven by debunkers. From the fake science to the fake photography to the fake astronauts, what you and I believe about Apollo is utterly false.

Third, ensnared by its own propaganda, NASA and the U.S. government, along with its allies worldwide, must, to this day, perpetuate the fraud. Otherwise, as in the case with all pathological liars, to reveal the fraud would completely discredit the institutions which created it – from our public schools to the university system to the media to the various government agencies.

Fourth, the time to have come clean would have been when the Berlin Wall was torn down. The public would have accepted the disclosure as a necessity of war. But because too many institutions had, and continue to have, financial dependency upon the perpetuation of the fraud, now, only greed justifies it.

Fifth, the mass psychosis surrounding the Covid-19 epidemic illustrates how a moon program conspiracy could have been achieved. We believe vaccines are good because we desperately want to believe it. Likewise with the Apollo moonshots, the psychological trauma induced by a publicly murdered President and a military failure in Vietnam necessitated that the space program be a success, even if it was a fraud.

Sixth, failure was an unacceptable outcome and dead astronauts too traumatizing to an already traumatized population. So, the real space journeys had to be conducted in secret, using a different technology, while the public program was done using a movie set and safe technology. (Don’t forget the cabin fire which killed the astronauts of Apollo 1 while it was on the launch pad.)

What I think really happened?

I am not sure about whether there was a manned-mission to outer space and to the Moon, but I do believe that we have successfully sent unmanned probes into space and to the various planets, including the Moon. Notice that I used the word “believe.” I cannot prove it; I can only infer it from various facts.

For example, there is information about the planets, the Sun, and space which could have only come to us by forensic analysis of real data. Data retrieved by scientific instruments are too complex to be fabricated into a coherent knowledge base. The scientific community is continuously “surprised” by these discoveries. The fact that data must be “massaged” or ignored indicates that these space probes are real and contradict pet scientific theories.

How a Secret Manned Mission Could Have Been Possible?

There are two principal dangers to be overcome for manned flight into deep space: radiation and vacuum. The scientific community simply does not appreciate how deadly these factors are. The Van Allen Belts are like the inside of a nuclear reactor. A space craft passing through them would be fried much like a worker at a nuclear plant walking through the core zone with a tin-foil hat. NASAs obfuscations on this point are a joke to the point of embarrassment.

The sucking power of the vacuum of space is a force unlike anything which can be simulated on Earth. It will destroy any craft or suit – as they are currently offered by NASA. The outgassing effects upon space suits and the foil thin spacecraft would have had the effect of a balloon over an open flame.

[Side Note: The current orbiting space station is hundreds of miles below the deadly Van Allen Belts. Also, at a 200-mile orbit, neither does it experience a true vacuum as would be true of deep space beyond the Van Allen Belts.]

Clearly, they do not have the technology, but if they do, they have not disclosed it.

Or, have they?

So, how did they do it?


Over thirty years ago I visited the museum at the Goddard Space Center near Hutchinson, Kansas. What I found interesting was the extensive use of gold for circuitry, suits, and even the hull of the space craft itself. I remember thinking at the time: “Jeepers, creepers, no wonder we had to shut down the space program: Fort Knox would be empty!”

Knowing the malleability and the tensile strength of gold, it might be possible that layers of braided gold fibers could be used for shielding against radiation. A thick enough gold foil might be a sufficient shield against radiation, and also supply structural strength in the vacuum of space. It will not stretch, crack or tear, even, presumably, in the vacuum of space.

Even though it will absorb radiation, it will conduct electrical charge, however. And it will share the coldness of space. So, the astronaut must be protected from that cold and that charge. Answer? Fiberglass, but not the kind that you use to insulate your house, of course.

Glass is both a thermal and electrical insulator. Braided fiberglass should work if the fibers were long enough and thick enough not to disintegrate.

But fiberglass is abrasive and dangerous to breathe. Possible answer? A layer of Mylar to prevent the migration of glass fibers onto the skin or into the breathing air of the astronaut. It is also highly reflective, so the heat inside a cockpit would be retained inside and not migrate outside.

[Side Note to Preppers: Graphene might be a workable substitute for gold. Glass is made from silicates. Silica can be found in sand or the silicates of clay. Graphene can be made from soot. Both of these substances are plentiful on Earth and can be obtained by the poorest among us. What you need is the knowledge and technology.]

Propulsion? I don’t think any manned mission to deep space would use rocket propulsion. The use of electrostatic charge exchange would be used instead. Such craft could be launched surreptitiously from remote locations, such as Area 51 or Antarctica. The rocket launches we watch from places like Cape Canaveral are there for show.

The Provenance of the Moon Rocks

James McCanney has sometimes chided NASA’s Apollo claims; as has Rob Skiba. Links are provided above for you to start your research. But other men have dedicated their professional careers to exposing the fraud, such as Marcus Allen, Robert Williams, Scott Henderson and others. They have provided a vast collection of books and interviews available on the Bitchute Channel ( under the “Apollo Discussions” title.

I do not know if these men are serious debunkers or whether they are trying to goad NASA into a public disclosure of the real technology that makes space travel possible. Obviously, during the Cold War, it would have been a protected technology, lest it fall into hostile hands. But now, especially with Chinese scientists pulling ahead of the West, one would think that the greatest protection would be a massive re-education of the general population to turn loose the talents and inspiration of the public for a giant leap forward.

Both Douglas Vogt and Ben Davidson believe that the primary purpose of the Apollo Missions was to retrieve rock samples and inspect the lunar landscape to determine if signs of past solar novas could be found. Davidson has provided actual NASA footage of astronauts scouring the lunar surface for tektites. I don’t know if that footage is authentic, but I don’t think a manned mission was ever necessary for us to retrieve those rocks or to survey the lunar landscape. We supposedly have done it on Mars through remote-controlled, robotic Martian rovers. The Chinese did it recently on the Moon.

Regardless, April Fool’s Day or not, over the many decades since the close of World War II, a vast collection of data from multiple sources and disciplines all seem to point to the same conclusion: there are seasons when the Sun becomes an angel of death. And that time seems to be returning soon.

— JWS, April 1, 2023