September Update: Confirmations & Miscellanies

My rural area lost power on the 11th for 18 hours . . . cracked transformer. Cause? Lightning … Target practice… Solar storm surge. Who knows?

That is what we are going to get a lot of in the coming months as this solar cycle continues to churn out more disruptive radiation and degrades the grid: mysteries.

But per our recent reports, we are getting almost daily confirmation that planetary positioning is playing a role in the geophysical impacts of these storms. Earth has indeed entered the “kill shot” zone. A full assessment will be made in a couple of weeks.


Save your coffee grounds. You may need them to make geopolymer cement or just dump them on the compost pile:

Ever seen a 650-foot tsunami? There are no atheists at sea:

Economical sources for Faraday cloth:

Sacred calendar: Fall feast days are in October this year, unless you are a follower of the Jamesian Christians of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Trumpets is on the 18th of September; Tabernacles begins on October 2nd:

Publishing Schedule: Next Pesher is scheduled to be published on the Day of St. Ignatius (October 17th) entitled “The Redaction of Christianity.” I will be continuing my study introduced for the Day of St. Barnabas. But give a listen to Professor James Tabor’s presentation here on “Dead Messiahs Don’t Return” for background material:

I have followed Professor Tabor’s career for 40 years, as he was a junior figure in the Dead Sea Scrolls controversy of the 1980s/90s led by Robert Eisenman. I don’t endorse Tabor’s approach any more than I do Eisenman’s. But at least he is asking the right questions and in the Grail legends, you don’t get answers until you ask the right questions.


JWS, 9/13/24