Her Majesty, the Queen Those who have power to make have power to unmake a King. Samuel Rutherford in Lex Rex A true civil war involves a fight among factions…
No word yet on Vogt's post-surgery condition. Ben Davidson is coming out with a new book. Go to his Source page on this website for a link. McCanney's revamped website…
The reader must appreciate the fact that "solar nova" science is still in its infancy. Although recent decades have produced leaps in our understanding of the Sun, there is much…
(Author’s Note: Ten parts were originally planned for this series. But there is still more to come.) Visions and dreams in prophecy: Real or Literary Devices? The proposition ought to…
The Crustal Displacement Theory A characteristic of a zombie ideologue is to mindlessly reiterate the talking points, like a skipping record. No matter what you say or what your questions…
The following may not at first seem like a discussion on WWIII. I beg the reader's patience. Monarchy is the only form of government. All others are various forms of…
This website has featured discussion on a cement material made of what is called "geopolymers." It is basically a substance in which locally collected clays are mixed with appropriate activators…
We have entered the season of the autumn festivals, which for the Jews, includes Tabernacles and other holy days, such as Yom Kippur (Atonement Day). While Jewish "groupies," like the…
Earlier in the month, I updated Douglas Vogt's page and James McCanney's page. Vogt is going into the hospital this week for major surgery. The details can be found on…