January 3, 2021

We start the New Year with a reminder that it will be helpful to you to read ALL the material on this website, as I can’t repeat everything in every Article and Pesher. The material here is integrated and is pedagogical in the sense that it represents simpler concepts which are intended to help you understand advanced concepts. For example, if I cite an “Ante-Nicene Father”, you might make the mistake that I am referring to an “Anti-Nicene Father” – a very important difference. An earlier Pesher will explain it.

Or, if I refer to the “galactic current sheet,” you might not know what I am talking about because you haven’t read earlier reports, updates or visited the respective websites where you can learn more. I know all of this is daunting and tedious, but we are in the task of survival, both individually and also in terms of human civilization.

Are we “polishing brass on a sinking ship” by involving ourselves in the current political controversies? I think we are, but we all have our own learning curves. There are rich and powerful people who know what is coming, who think they have prepared for what is coming, but don’t want you to know about it because they want you to die. They are haters of the human race.

Jesus Christ was a lover of the human race and we will try to follow his example and offer hope and useful knowledge to help you prepare for what is to come.

More Updates next weekend.

God bless you.