Remains of the Day: Flat Earth & the Final Experiment

Note Well (N.B.): There is no scientific model available in the “Flat Earth” cosmology which can explain a solar nova event, the geological record, or an imminent “end of the world” scenario described in the Book of Revelation. The same is true of “Six-Day Creationists” and geocentrists. Other than as an arbitrary, immediate-cause act of Divine Sovereignty, “God’s Day of Judgment” cannot be described scientifically by these cosmologies.

Why the Flat Earth Controversy Matters

Any reader who has taken a deep dive into the content of this website will encounter references to the Flat Earth v. Globe controversy. The late Rob Skiba, whose websites are still cited here as a Source, was at first a reluctant champion of the view that the shape of the Earth is that of a flat disc with a solid dome (firmament) over it. He developed his theory of the cosmos from his interpretation of the Bible. His view of science was that of skepticism.

Flat Earth and a dome firmament has given many people comfort in the thought that God is close and the cosmos is much smaller. It is difficult to challenge a belief to which so many have become attached at a fundamentally emotional level.

But Jesus taught that the truth shall set us free and even though His teachings are true, He did advise the disciples that there was a “wisdom tradition” which is manifested in scientific endeavors (“lead you into all truth” – John 14:). “Science” can be just as liberating as Scripture.

Even though I am Newtonian and Copernican – and always have been – I did try for about six months to study the flat earth polemic. . . and found it wanting. Nevertheless, I have retained references to Mr. Skiba’s works for their breadth, honesty, and eclecticism. His life-work showed value on other subjects.

For example, Skiba was friendly to the Preterist interpretation of Bible prophecy, to “Torah-keeping,” and to Christian “activism” in our culture against the Transhumanism movement which wants to create a technocracy and a human cyborg.

He attacked scientific dogma – labeling it as “scientism” when it represented the mere speculations of scientists when not supported by empirical observation. Professor James McCanney, a leading independent scientist, has likewise railed against these “fake” scientists for decades.

[N.B. Well-versed theologians will recognize the term “scientism” as one much used – if not itself coined – by 20th Century theologian and champion of home education: R. J. Rushdoony. As a Calvinist friendly to geocentrism, in his “Mythology of Science,” he uses “scientism” to describe the reckless inferences made by the general public in response to scientific discoveries. For example, “General Relativity” became an excuse – much to Einstein’s dismay – for “moral relativism.” “Darwinism” became an excuse for racial profiling and “eugenics.” And Newtonianism became an excuse for Deism.]

Skiba debunked NASA science and the Apollo moon landings in numerous video productions, but none perhaps better than this one:

Skiba was also a “conspiracist,” which, unfortunately, dominated his worldview. In other words, everything he encountered had to be defined and classified in relation to this view of a larger cosmic conspiracy which pitted the “kingdom of Satan” against the kingdom of God.

He also, unfortunately, indulged in the sensational “ghost and goblin” beliefs in fallen angels mating with Earth women (nephilim), alien species, and genetically deformed monsters. He literalized the obviously allegorical Book of Enoch.

This cosmic conspiracy has formed the backdrop which Flat Earth cosmologists have embraced. To them, “globularism,” gravity, and the infinity of space are all a part of an atheistical conspiracy against the Christian religion. “Flat Earth” cosmology has become a test of faith to its adherents. If you disagree with them, you have been “duped” into forming an alliance with these Satanic deceptions.

Of course, it can be argued from the biblical text that the Bible does not teach a young cosmos (Davis Young, Christianity & The Age of the Earth, Zondervan, 1982). The “Six-Day” Creation is really a re-creation. The existence of the cosmos reflects the dynamics of the interpersonal-relationships of the Holy Trinity, most notably the action of the Divine Logos upon the Divine Essence from which the cosmos is forever born.

Even as Newton acknowledged in his Principia, the existence of “gravity” and the infinity of space are all perspectives of human observation concerning the physical laws of the universe. They do not represent total apprehension which is a thing only possible to an omniscient mind.

Likewise with the Flat Earth v. Globe Earth contention, it could be argued to the contrary that the Flat Earth perception is itself the Satanic conspiracy. Arising during the era of the Roman Empire under Ptolemian influence, which would be Greek, it represented an apostasy. Daniel’s prophecies warned of a coming Hellenistic age in which the view of the cosmos would be altered from reality. We have noted elsewhere that Pythagoras came under the influence of the Prophet Daniel who taught the Persians trigonometry, and thus proved (as the old Patriarchal “wisdom tradition”) that the Earth was round. If anything, “flat earth” cosmology is a revival of this Roman/Hellenistic delusion. William Whiston, Isaac Newton’s colleague and assistant, believed that the ball Earth can be traced back to Moses and to Abraham, ala Josephus and others.

The Final Experiment

Nevertheless, science requires empirical proof for whatever theory one might embrace. Conspiracies and historical controversies matter not.

In the case of this controversy, all parties are agreed that a 24-hour Sun is impossible in Antarctica in the Flat-Earth model. A 24 hour Sun in Antarctica can only be explained by a “globe Earth” model.

For several years, proponents have argued that CGI manipulation has been used, and lost video footage, which could have produced visual support for the Globe-Earth model. Why Antarctic science stations continually fail to produce such visual evidence, remains a mystery.

It has taken a private expedition which included prominent flat-earth advocates to document the 24-hour sun. There is a 24-hour sun.

It is unfortunate that someone like with the stature of Rob Skiba could not have been present for this “Final Experiment.” He had sufficient gravitas to be respected as fair and honest.

Jeran Campenella is also fair and honest, who is now facing a personal crisis in repudiating the Flat Earth model. He is being accused as an accomplice in a plot of deception, the mechanics of which, his detractors have yet to explain. How his carefully documented and recorded observations and of those with him could have been “faked” remains a mystery.

While he will suffer loss from this recanting, his iconoclastic role should not be given-up.
Flat Earth has nothing to do with geocentricity. It has nothing to do with whether the Apollo Moon landings were faked. And it has nothing to do with the ongoing deceptions of the military/industrial/university complex which treats science like a secret society on a wide range of subjects: from medicine to computer technology to anti-gravity propulsion.

This is a live stream loop. Lot of interesting science stuff not Flat Earth related. No indexing feature.

Human-caused global warming is another hoax of “scientism” because it ignores solar science. It wants to hide the very real dangers of nova-like storms on the Sun which might cause future devastation on Earth.

I invite people like Jeran to refocus their efforts on this science to help wake-up the world.

— JWS, 1/19/25