Remains of the Day: Rob Skiba as the Watchman on the Tower

Religion and the Human Condition

In our latest published Pesher on The Procession of the Holy Ghost, we noted the Prophet Daniel’s vision in which he saw, at one stage, the attempt at blending the races of mankind (miscegenation) as a doctrine of world empire. To avoid breaking apart, empires seek to homogenize genetically their populations to eliminate power blocks and potential rivals to the central power.

In terms of religion, this practice stems from the belief that humanity’s problems are strictly metaphysical in nature, rather than ethical. Human foibles and deviancies can be “bred out” of a population by proper eugenics. This has been a practice of empires for thousands of years. The Nazis did not originate the idea.

In contrast, religions such as Christianity emphasize an ethical code and try to enforce that code through sanctions: blessings/benefits for compliance and cursings/punishments for disobedience. Christianity took it a step further by creating a cosmic figure – the Incarnate Son of God – whose life and example creates empathy and inspiration to induce a compliance beyond mere enlightened self-interest. The belief is held that “saving faith” produced in the convert results in an “internal motivation” to obey moral law. Hence, altruism.

These religions use behavioral influences such as child rearing, formal education, music and the arts, peer pressure and other institutional customs to “socialize” the child. These methods are effective for the most part and only breakdown when there are conflicting religions or ideologies in play.

But metaphysical components sometimes creep into their doctrinal confessions. In Christianity, it is the doctrine of original sin with an inherited depravity which compromises its ethical system. It is a strange doctrine, and easily misunderstood, especially as espoused by St. Augustine. It was he, more than anyone, who declared that the human condition is one pertaining to a nature which mankind is born with, rather than one which stems from the abuse of moral choice. It begs the complaint of the creature to the Creator iterated by St. Paul : “Why hast thou made me thus?”

[I happen to believe this doctrine, but not in the way the Augustinians have explained it. The Pelagians did a much better job.]

It shouldn’t surprise us that the Augustinian adherents of this doctrine tend to have a pessimistic view of humanity. Attempts at “discipleship” and “missions” are considered worthless exercises, unless there is some invisible, internal “grace” which is imparted by God to “induce” conversion. And even among those Evangelical groups which are enthusiastically involved in world missions, the scope of success is limited to “saving souls” to “go to Heaven” when they die or are “Raptured” or some other variant of personal salvation. In no sense is there ever a belief that missions should result in “the kingdom of God.”

Recognizing the presence of “saving faith” for these groups is not so easily done, and is usually reduced by disparate sectarians into various self-serving formulas which involve institutional support: Does the new “convert” show sufficient loyalty to the respective mission organization? Etc. Or does the convert show signs of “the infilling of the Holy Spirit”? – i.e., the appropriate emotional expressions of appreciation. Thus, various standards fitting a psychological profile become paramount.

Regardless, this doctrinal collage of irresistible grace, predestination, and total depravity leaves little room for hope that any but a small remnant of the human species can be made whole. We must presume that the vast majority of humanity will end up in Hell, God’s great celestial trash bin: “for broad is the way.” Human activity cannot solicit divine grace in this scheme.

Transhumanism and the Quest for Deification

He claimed that science was capable of manipulating the genetic code of the human species and suggested that, in the coming years, the scientific community would be encouraging its application in medicine by identifying defective genetic information in the DNA, eliminating or modifying it, and thereby abolishing disease and other human frailties. But what caught my attention the most were the words “super race.” He was suggesting that a superior human species could be created by this genetic manipulation. . . Finally, he advised that government control would be necessary to obtain a uniform record of everybody’s genetic code, which could eventually be tattooed for infrared detection on the person’s forehead or hand.

from a talk radio interview circa. 1977 as cited in The Seed of Cain & the Revival of Mystic Humanism, Stivers, (1987), p. 155

The human condition has not gone unnoticed by science and medicine. Various therapies, treatments, and now more recently – genetic manipulation – have arisen to make the world a “better place,” to give us a world of healthy and happy people. What was once thought as a messianic role to public education has now been replaced by medicine and psychiatry. It should not surprise us that for many years the leading Evangelical figure in America was not even a preacher; he was a psychologist whose name was preceded with the more credible title of “Dr.” rather than with “Rev.”

One field of medical intervention, recently, has been in dealing with gender identity. “Transgenderism” has been offered as a solution. So not only must we comply with the imperial command to blend the races of mankind, we must now blend the sexes.

In part, transgenderism is a heretical misunderstanding of a saying ascribed to Jesus in the noncanonical, Gospel of Thomas:

Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, “These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom.” They said to him, “Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?”
Jesus said to them, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter
(the kingdom).”

from the Nag Hammadi Library
as cited in Hierogamy & the Married Messiah, Stivers, 2004 (p. 215, 366)

Consequently, a heretical understanding of this passage leads us to believe that Jesus is advocating the neutering of the sexes to resolve human pathologies. In contrast, the biblical doctrine teaches us that the institution of marriage has been established as a spiritual discipline to resolve these infirmities. Healing can be found in the Henosis, the on-going “one-flesh” experience of conjugal love.

But it is not only a quest of conflict resolution which is in view here. Transgenderism is viewed as a process of deification. Since God is held to be transgender, man, to become godlike, must also become transgender.

The quest has not been so successful, thus far. Transgender types tend to be unhappy with themselves and at conflict with the rest of the world. The world elite persist in promoting it because they are the class which rule us. They want docile and compliant subjects for their experiments. They also think there are too many of us.

We should not be surprised that the Rockefeller empire shifted its investments long ago from oil to pharmaceuticals. And the most recent Covid-19 pandemic has opened the pandora’s box of the gene splitting of viruses to produce “vaccines” through which such bioengineering could be achieved on a massive scale. mRNA

Rob Skiba as the Watchman

The recently deceased Rob Skiba (circa. October, 2021) was a watchman on the wall who tried to warn the public about the abuse of vaccines to promote an agenda of transhumanism. He died at the hands of the very medical establishment he warned against. He should be remembered as a martyred prophet.

In his lecture presentation “2045AD: The Year Man becomes Immortal,”

he outlined the case that “scientism” – which is sorcery with scientific jargon – is on a quest to change the human species genetically. He does not discuss the subject of the expected solar nova in 2046 AD, perhaps not being aware of the subject, but it is curious that the elite have chosen the date “2045” as the year for this great evolutionary leap for the species. One wonders if it reflects anticipation of this imminent disaster.

We do not agree with Skiba’s broad strokes to include in this conspiracy the scientists of the Copernican/Kepler/Newtonian era. There is a “wisdom tradition” in natural philosophy which goes back to the Prophet Daniel, and perhaps to Moses. Skiba was not aware of that tradition and mistook their science for scientism. They were pious men, devout to their Christian faith. It is unfortunate that Skiba did not see that.

Nevertheless, in the silhouettes of the night, a Watchman may sound the alarm, not always knowing if approaching riders are friend or foe. Skiba saw things in shadows and gave us the early warnings as best he could.

Genetic Engineering and the Next Solar Nova

In preparations for the solar nova of 2046, the Chinese are using genetic alterations to produce a greater human tolerance to radiation: the super soldier. Other experiments are trying to genetically alter plants which grow our food and make them more resistant to ice and cold in anticipation of the new ice age which will follow.

The practice of gene manipulation represents the same impatience of the sorcerer, who instead of hard work over the time of generations wants instant and effortless results from “mind over matter.” Through generations of sound horticultural practices – as did patient medieval monks – strains of plants can be created which are resistant to cold and drought. The same can be achieved with the human gene pool through multi-generational faithfulness to the covenant. If the “luck” of the Irish can be achieved from intergenerational consumption of seaweed, what other improvements can be achieved through normal, human endeavors in compliance with God’s laws?

But we have run out of time and our covenant rebellion has left us “naked” to the forces of nature which are about to be unleashed upon us. The elite are trying to play “catch-up” in an infidelity of science and technology. We think it is too late to develop new technologies. We must use what is at hand to create kophar – a shield/covering – against Nature’s fury, as did Noah of old.

And hope – as he did – that we have “found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”

James Wesley Stivers, 6/24/23