Rob Skiba, now deceased, is a Bible-teacher with an iconoclastic bent who has done a lot of interesting investigation into the Flat-Earth Movement As odd as it sounds, the questions and scientific anomalies raised by the polemic of this movement do offer useful input of our understanding of the cosmos and what we should expect in a solar nova. I am not a “flat earther.”

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Update for January, 2025: Sheila Skiba deceased, taken by cancer. Learn details from her son’s tribute posted here:

Evidently, Jeremiah Skiba continues the work maintaining Rob’s past work and providing new content in venues other than YouTube. Go to the Bitchute channel to learn more.


Update for August, 2023: Mrs. Skiba has produced video recording of the book debut in the following public presentation:


Update for May, 2023: Mrs Skiba has produced a new book entitled, The Protocol That Kills, which contains a “blow-by-blow” account of the hospital decisions which led to her husband’s death. It is heart-breaking. He knew what was happening, but discovered, too late, that he was a hostage and had no control over his captors.

It was that bad, as I can attest to from my own hospital experience: a pandemic gives the medical establishment a license to kill. You can find a pre-publication link to her book here:

or here:

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Update for June, 2022: Mrs. Skiba and son, Jeremiah, continue presenting new material from Rob’s notes for what would have been his last presentation at the “Take on the World” conference last year, which got canned because the “holy roller” crowd interrupted the meeting. Skiba graciously accepted the dismissal but I would have considered it an insult. It was their loss.

The presentation was mostly a review of previously published material, entitled: The Revelation 12 – Nuremberg Connection: How the Copernican Revolution set the Stage for the End Time Great Deception. When they are done presenting this material, I will review it in a “Remains of the Day” post.

To anticipate how I might handle the interpretation of Revelation 12, go the the Pesher for the Presentation, 2022.

Addendum 6/10/22: Here is a link to my archived book, The Seed of Cain & the Revival of Mystic Humanism. Almost in every detail, this book, now out-of-print for 30 years, anticipated Rob Skiba’s research. See if you agree:

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Update for April, 2022: It looks like Rob Skiba’s wife and son have committed themselves to maintain his websites and YouTube productions. They have also added a new YouTube production in which they provide direct quotes from Skiba’s unpublished material. It appears they will be doing that from here on out. I applaud their efforts and wish them well in the effort to preserve his memory and to share with the rest of us the material that he was working on before he died. His work was unfinished and perhaps we will get some final closure on his life message in the coming months.

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Update for February, 2022:

Thankfully, most of Rob Skiba’s material can still be found on YouTube and the websites above.

It looks like “Jeranism” is packaging his material into manageable viewing sizes. Not as polished as Rob Skiba’s productions, but still representing an analytical mind and a healthy skepticism of NASA and the mentally obese scientific community. Again, I do not subscribe to “Flat Earth” theories, but I think that we need to keep “poking the eye” of our science leaders until they come clean with the public.

Go to “Remains of the Day: Rob Skiba” for our eulogy –

Update for November, 2021: Now dead, presumably from a covid infection, Rob Skiba will be missed. He was an effective producer of YouTube and Internet radio programs. I was aware of his material pertaining to Bible Prophecy before his encounter with Flat Earth theories. He had a great mind and a kind heart. In the coming months I will be reviewing his material such as “2045, the Year We Become Immortal” and his various challenges to NASA’s cartoonish CGI propaganda. While I am still Copernican in my cosmology, the anemic response to Flat Earth arguments suggests to me that the scientific establishment is hiding something.

His YouTube productions and websites are still active, but I recommend that you try to archive as much as you can.

Update for August, 2021: go to bottom of the page

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Rob Skiba also has life-roots as a traditional Baptist who now teaches Torah, a term which is used to describe members of the Messianic movement of people who are still Christian, but who are practicing what is sometimes called “Completed Judaism.” There is an emphasis on the biblical feasts as a part of the “the coming out of Babylon” which he teaches in his books:

He is also noted for his research and teaching on the social conditions at the time of Noah, the nephilim, and the angelic interpretation of UFOs. He is trying to build an alternative view of Bible prophecy different from the Dispensationalist scheme he learned from his Baptist upbringing.

My interest in his material as pertaining to a future solar nova has to do with his expert analysis of “computer generated images” (CGI) and artist simulations which purport to be authentic representations of space discoveries, but are really misleading. An accurate understanding of Antarctica and of the “Firmament” described in the Bible has also been the subject of his research. With him, I have come to believe that NASA and other space scientists have hidden key information on the Earth’s atmosphere, magnetic fields, and the essence of space itself in an effort to discourage space and/or the “perpetual plain” exploration.

Ironically, like the middle ages in which the world elite discouraged sea-travel with stories of falling off the edges of the Earth, so, too, today, scientists tell us that space is too dangerous for exploration, the planets are too far away, and vast areas of the Earth are banned from exploration for “environmental” reasons – e.g. Antarctica.

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Update, September, 2020: Start with his YouTube videos on the use of fisheye lenses in cameras for high altitude balloons and the Chicago skyline images from the east shore of Lake Michigan. Something’s not right. Regardless, “flat-earth” theorists have not read Newton and Copernicus in their original works and until they do they will not be able provide a satisfactory alternative to the present “globular” theory of the shape and size of the Earth.
Readers also need to begin personal research on the question of Antarctica. It might be the only place on Earth where a solar nova is survivable regardless of one’s view of Earth cosmology. A proper terraforming of that vast continent would offer a safe haven for much of the world’s population. But currently, it is a prohibited zone by international treaty.

Update, December, 2020: Skiba has produced YouTube videos which call into question whether a manned spacecraft ever landed on the Moon, this from the statements of actual NASA scientists who claim that the “technological know-how” to get to the Moon has been “lost.” If true, the implications are enormous.

Update for May, 2021: While “Flat Earthers” are justified in pointing out the foibles and deceptions of the various NASA claims, including the current, bizarre theater that is called the “Mars mission,” they have not been able to produce an alternative cosmology with a corresponding physics. They cannot explain such simple things as the craters on the Moon, the oceanic tides, or an eclipse. Skiba uses the Bible to prove that the “stars” are objects which will someday literally fall from the sky and denies that they are immense, orbiting fireballs in space. Flat Earth cosmology is a challenged science which cannot address on a scientific level the causes of a solar nova and its effects on Earth and the solar system. However, other than its useful iconoclastic challenge to what McCanney has called “tier-two science,” Flat Earth ideology is useful in ferreting out the symbolism of Biblical terminology. In other words, as a stalking horse type of ideology, it is flushing out the misdirections of modern scientists and theologians. I will attempt to explain what I mean in future Peshers.

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Update for August, 2021: Although the Copernican model of the Earth and solar system has prevailed in science for several centuries, it was not until the 20th Century that high altitude flight became possible, and the possibility to do a visual inspection of the shape and size of the Earth. However, a clear confirmation of the Copernican model has not been forthcoming because some of the photographic images provided by NASA and others have been altered. Before CGI (computer-generated imaging), these photographs were altered through “trick” photography or cut-and-paste artistry. The various space agencies were able to hide those alterations at the time because of the poor resolution of the film. But not now.
Skiba and others have produced a litany of examples of altered photographs, film, and CGI. He, at first, did not want to believe Flat-Earth theorists but in the end was not able to produce any real visual proof of the globe to counter their claims. This is a problem and it makes one wonder what “tier-one” scientists are hiding. While this duplicity does not overturn Copernican science, it does irresponsibly indulge conspiracy theories.
Alternatively, as a thought experiment, I have been trying to interpret the scientific data for a solar nova/magnetic reversal/ice age scenario using Flat-Earth “science,” and other models which are either geocentric or with a shape and size of the Earth that is non-spherical – this in anticipation of what tier-one scientists might be hiding. It hasn’t been easy.
What is the scientific significance of the biblical statement that “the sun will be darkened and the moon turned to blood?” What is the phenomenon that is being described in the Book of Joshua when he calls upon “the sun and the moon to stand still?” Such dramatic events cannot be isolated from other natural forces. What effect on oceanic tides and the Earth’s mantle do such events have?
These kinds of questions are difficult to answer when the scientific community has kept us in the dark on the real discoveries of science. We may not be able to answer them, but each scenario will impact what kind of preparations you should make.
Vogt’s cessation of the Earth’s rotation suggests that low latitude inhabitants have the best chances of survival. Davidson’s crustal displacement theory suggests that high altitude relocation would be a better choice. I have offered yet another point of view: that the oblateness of the Earth as argued by Newton and others would eliminate the low latitudes as a viable place of survival.
Obviously, this study is ongoing.