While commentators try to keep our nova watch interesting, the fact of the matter is that the Sun is rapidly calming down from its cycle peak for Solar Cycle #25. The Sun’s 11-year magnetic field reversal has been completed and we are descending into the trough of Solar Cycle #26. Readers should not expect anything dangerous unless a cometary storm should occur, which could happen randomly at any time.
Instead, we are focusing on Earth’s weakening electromagnetic field and pending reversal. “Earth’s Core is Deforming” screams the headline of one of Davidson’s recent YouTube broadcasts, which if you have read appropriate Survival Praxis reports, is something which must happen for a polarity reversal.
I almost made an Alert out of it, but since we do not know if this deformation has just begun or is in its advanced stages, it might not pose an immediate threat as does the solar radiation and atmospheric depletion currently being caused by the weakening Van Allen Belts.
With things settling down, this website is now focusing more on theological and metaphysical questions. More Peshers are on the way and a greater development of Isaac Newton’s cosmology in “Newton’s Notes” will be forthcoming.
God bless you.
JWS, 2/15/25