Survival Praxis #24 – The Pinhole Experiment

This issue of Survival Praxis is written during Solar Cycle #25 (August, 2022) which began in December, 2019, is expected to peak sometime after 2024, and then fade to its new minimum in 2030.

The Sun has 11-year sunspot cycles (11.092 to be precise). Obviously, our numbering of the cycles does not stem from the age of the Sun; for there have been many thousands if not millions of cycles. Rather, we say this is Solar Cycle #25 from the time when scientists discovered them through the use of telescopes and began to count them. We know there are 11-year cycles because the number of sunspots waxes and wanes during these 11-year cycles.

We do not know for sure what causes these cycles. The planet Jupiter orbits the Sun every 11 years. There is good reason to believe that it has something to do with this cycle. Even though Jupiter is tiny in comparison to the size of the Sun, as Donald Patten has explained, Jupiter’s angular momentum is gigantic. Not only does Jupiter have a powerful electromagnetic connection to the Sun (and to Earth, at certain phases of its orbit), but its angular momentum creates a gyroscopic effect upon the Sun. More on that another time.

In our Solar System including the Sun and all the planets, Jupiter alone (not the Sun) contains 60% of the total angular momentum. Yet, Jove is less that 0.1% of the mass of the Sun. The four planetary giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune together carry nearly 98% of the angular momentum in the Solar System. The Sun has less than 2%. Clearly this is a departure from what was expected in the 18th and 19th century thinking.

The Recent Organization of The Solar System, Donald W. Patten and Samuel R. Windsor, (Pacific Meridian Publishing Co.1995, 2010), citing for source, Robert H. Baker, Astronomy. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1959, p. 269

For purposes of our discussions, I will call this 11-year cycle the “Jovian Cycle.”

There is also an 88-year Gleissburg Cycle (or, 88.735 years), coinciding with eight, Jovian cycles. Again, we do not know for sure what causes these cycles.

Douglas Vogt believes that the Sun’s Jovian cycles occur from an internal, synchronous system within the Sun. This clock-cycle emanates from a modulation point at its core, which it shares with all stars in all galaxies in the universe. He has built his view of cosmology upon what he calls the “Multi-dimensional Theory of Reality.” Even though he has amassed a substantial amount of circumstantial and correlative evidence to support this view, he still has not proved it. To prove it, he would need to first prove that Jupiter does not influence the Sun enough to cause these cycles – and second, he would need to demonstrate that other stars in our galaxy, which also are suns with orbiting planets, exhibit the same 11-year and 88-year cycles.

For example, if indeed Jupiter’s orbit causes the Sun’s 11-year cycle, other stars in the galaxy do not necessarily have identical companions which will orbit every 11-years. Let us suppose that the star Sirius, for example, has a satellite which matches Jupiter’s size and angular momentum, but it orbits every 30 years. Consequently, Sirius would have a “sunspot” cycle of 30 years and not 11 like our Sun. We cannot know the answer to these questions because our stellar neighbors are too far away to study their sunspot activity. Perhaps new space-based telescopes can answer those questions now. And perhaps, stellar spots can be measured and counted using radio telescopes. But such information has not been made available to the public. So I cannot speak to it here beyond speculation. (But see Footnote below.)

Vogt has demonstrated that the many “empty” spots in space – called Bok globules – represent stellar regions blacked-out by massive dust clouds from nova events. Describing his path of discovery:

In Reality Revealed I theorized that a clock cycle caused all stars to nova at the exact same moment in time. We observe them over time, because light travels a 186,000-miles per second, not instantaneously. At first, I looked for stars that novaed on one of these time lines, but back then I did not find any. In the mid-1980s I came across something called Bok globulars. They were stars of various sizes, appearing through a small dust cloud. The astronomer, Bok, had discovered over 450 of them, in all directions from our solar system. Their distances ranged between 13,000 to 14,500-light years from Earth. . . I realized that when a star novas the matter shell around the star is expelled and obscures the light of the star for about 1,000 years. When the dust shell becomes thin enough the star becomes visible once again.

God’s Day of Judgment, Vector Associates, 2007,p. 265 et al

Vogt averages these distances to approximately 12,000 light years and fractionalizes the 12,068 time period to exactly 136 Gleissburg cycles and exactly 1,087 Jovian cycles. But again, just because we can make something “fit” does not mean conclusively that it is true if there are other explanations which can be true.

Scientists have discovered a solar “pulse” of 2 hours and 40 minutes (Vogt, p. 260) which strengthens Vogt’s belief that the Sun’s energy is produced from a modulation point at the Sun’s core and not a nuclear reaction. In this respect, his theory overlaps with “electric universe” models, although this association is more of an after-thought rather than a foundation to his theory.
Like Vogt, Donald Patten did not believe that a nova represented an explosion, but rather a sudden rise of energy in its thermonuclear fusion process.

In my opinion, this difference of nomenclature seems strained, like the splitting of hairs. The Sun represents millions of thermonuclear “explosions” everyday, just as are the “explosions” within an internal combustion engine, which are focused and converted by an engine’s crankcase to produce movement. The Sun’s magnetic moraines control the fusion process and focus the energy into space. There is no shielding for us except distance and Earth’s electromagnetic field. Flaring, flashing, and nova events suggest an extraordinary acceleration which the word “explosion” seems appropriate.

Regardless, the conclusion that there is a greater solar nova cycle of 12,068 years is suggested by the recurrence of ice epochs in Earth’s geological history. In recent decades, the study of isotopic soot from ice core samples suggest some regularity to these epochs and a cause which Vogt argues could only come from the Sun. But, of course, we do not know for sure.

As with any cosmic event, there are factors leading up to it which, if mankind can identify them, can be predicted. The weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field and a possible reversal (a hypothesis strengthened by recent observations of similar events on Pluto and Neptune) surely is a warning sign. Changes on the Sun could suggest a nova is about to happen. Nevertheless, solar science is still in its infancy, so alarm over changes could be misplaced or exaggerated.

It is probable that a Carrington-level solar event which destroys the world’s electrical grid will occur before the next nova, preceding it, perhaps, by decades. Without the electrical grid, our civilization would collapse because the world does not have the technology and skill-set to return to a mechanical, pre-grid civilization. Instead, it would devolve to a primitive society with the horrors of ruin, starvation, and unimaginable violence.

It would be a good idea to live close to Amish and old-order Mennonite communities. Their skill-set is based upon pre-grid technology. You need to establish a trusting relationship with them which takes time. But beware, their passivism is exaggerated by outsiders. You cannot assume that they will welcome strangers during dangerous times.

The observation of the Sun with our current technology (i.e. satellites, telescopes, etc.) and the means of mass communication to warn the public will be gone. Even many of our handheld telescopes rely upon digital features which would render them useless after a Carrington-level solar storm.

What I offer here is a low-tech method of solar observation which can be performed by anyone in their backyard without the aid of scientific equipment.

It must always be remembered that it is dangerous to look directly at the Sun because it can – and will – cause retinal damage, and certainly, the use of a telescope to magnify the size of the Sun would instantly burn the eye, much like the playground game of using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight to start a fire from dried twigs on the ground.

Scientists use various protective measures to view the Sun. Occult discs or coronagraphs are used to hide the Sun so that its coronal edge might be studied. Various shading lenses, similar to a welder’s mask, can be used to filter out the glare and make viewing safe to the human eye.
Such occult discs could be used to determine whether the Sun is shrinking or expanding.

If you have seen the movie, “Melancholia,” you will recall that the characters were facing doom from Earth’s encounter with a Planet X-type body. It was hidden behind the Sun because it orbited at the same rate of speed as Earth and was always on the opposite side evading detection, much like the “peek-a-boo” game children play around the large trunk of a tree. In the movie the planet was not discovered until space probes were sent to monitor that area of space behind the Sun. Now revealed for all to see, its approach is monitored by a hand-held device with an occult disc attached which, when pointed at the approaching planet, can indicate whether it is getting closer or receding. If the planet is larger than the occult disc, it means the planet is getting closer. If you must elongate the frame on your arm that holds the disc, it means the planet is receding.

Such a devise can be used in monitoring the Sun. Donald Patten has explained that the Sun’s rate of burn shrinks the star by 8.3 miles a year. Depending upon the Moon’s elliptical orbit around the Earth, it will cover the Sun during a total eclipse, except for the corona. Because the Sun is supposedly shrinking every year, one would think that the Moon would eventually completely cover it, including the corona. However, the opposite has been the case. Vogt has produced photographic evidence during solar eclipses which indicates that the Sun’s atmosphere is increasing in size. Thus, while the Sun’s mass or core is shrinking, the corona is getting bigger, either from increased internal solar activity causing a hotter burn or from a reaction to an increased influx of particles – principally hydrogen – from a galactic source. (See previous Survival Praxis #23 – Sun-diving Comets & the Next Solar Nova).

Regardless, unlike looking at a planet, looking at the Sun, even during an eclipse, is dangerous. Unless you have specially designed eye-shields, the use of an coronagraph would still be out of the question.

A pin-hole camera can be used as an alternative. Basically, you take a rectangular shaped cardboard box, like a shoe box, insert a sheet of white copy paper and tape it the inside of one end of the box. The copy paper is marked with ruler lines, either in fractions of inches or centimeters. On the opposite end, an inch sized square hole would be cut and a piece of aluminum foil taped over the hole. Then, take a needle and punch a tiny pinhole in the foil and point it toward the Sun. The light of the Sun will cast a circular apparition of the Sun’s image on the white paper at the back of the box and if you point it toward your measuring lines, you will be able to measure the size of the projection.

Take the measurement of the spot’s diameter and the length of the box and feed the calculations into this simple algebraic formula:

Diameter of the Sun = size of image/length of box X 93 million miles or

Diameter of the Sun is equal to the size of our image divided by the length of the box times 93 million.

The result will give you the size of the Sun. If you want more precise measurements, calculate the distance of the Sun given the time of the year of the Earth’s elliptical orbit, as Earth is not uniformly 93 million miles from the Sun. It is closer to the Sun during winter in the Northern Hemisphere and farther away during summer. (The seasons of Earth are caused the angle of the Sun’s rays which changes by the tilt of the Earth toward or away from the Sun.)

This method will work for flat-earth theorists, as well. If you believe that the Sun is 3,000 miles away and is only 3,000 miles in diameter plug in those values instead. What we are looking for is the rate of change. When we get closer to the time, you will want to create a baseline and take daily readings.

[The distance of the Sun is based upon triangulation and is a different process of calculation. We are not concerned with how far away or how big the Sun really is: just the rate of change.]

More information can be found in this journal article:

Visit Dr. Brad Tucker’s YouTube channel and look for his video: “Astronomy at Home Kid’s Experiment – Build a Pinhole Camera and Measure the Size of the Sun” or click here:

Keep in mind that this experiment can be done after the next kill shot, after our technology is gone. Good luck!

— JWS, August 21st, 2022
Survival Praxis is published bi-weekly only to the website.
Copyright (c) reserved 2020-2022.


Footnote: A full discussion on the latest research must await a future white paper. But let the following suffice for now:

Properties of stellar activity cycles

Abstract. The current photometric datasets, that span decades, allow for studying long-term cycles on active stars. Complementary Ca H&K observations give information also on the cycles of normal solar-like stars, which have significantly smaller, and less easily detectable, spots. In the recent years, high precision space-based observations, for example from the Kepler satellite, have allowed also to study the sunspot-like spot sizes in other stars. Here I review what is known about the properties of the cyclic stellar activity in other stars than our Sun.

Heidi Korhonen, Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO, University of Turku, V ̈ais ̈al ̈antie 20, FI-21500, Astronomy in Focus, Volume 1,XXIXth IAU General Assembly, August 2015, Piero Benvenuti, ed.