World War 3 Update: The Unstolen Election

If political parties fall into disfavor, they try to “rig” elections. That is always what has been and always will be. Any number of excuses can be used to justify cheating. If there is such a thing as spouses who cheat on each other, then there will be electors who will cheat on the electorate.

In America, the Democrats are currently in disfavor. At other times in American history, it has been the Republicans. Republicans lost power for a generation because of the Great Depression and World War II.

On the other hand, that was the Democrats turn at ascendancy. Post-Civil War politics belonged to the Republicans because they controlled the electorate in the former Confederacy. Cheating was institutionalized ala the Carpetbaggers.

At the founding of the nation, there was a rivalry between the Federalists and the Antifederalists. A lot of shady voting happened to ratify the Constitution. It’s what they felt they had to do.

Whether elections matter or not in terms of changing public policy, especially when it is the respective bureaucracies which really run the county, it is hard to say.

In 2016 Mrs. Clinton accused the Russians of helping Donald Trump to cheat his way into the White House. In 2020, it was Trump’s turn to complain. In 2024, we are back to the Russians.

For three generations, the Trump family required the protection of a New York mafia of Russian Jews in order to prosper financially. Donald Trump filed bankruptcy seven times during his business career. Each time he did, he got richer. Maybe it is fitting that he be the President of our bankrupt nation. Maybe with a “Bankrupt-in-Chief” at the helm, America really can become great again. We shall see.

Philosophizing aside, the Anglo-American Empire has made a major pivot per Her Majesty the Queen’s last public act before her demise: Brexit. England is turning inward and so is America. Ukraine and Syria are the last hurrah of the Deep State. From here on out, the tyranny of numbers will begin to assert itself. World debt is going vertical.

Ever since Richard Kelly Hoskins – that unacknowledged anti-Semite and white separatist “Son of Virginia” (he was proud of an ancestry reaching back to Colonial times) – wrote his book War Cycles, Peace Cycles, (1985), there has been a secret understanding among investors that debt does not “spring eternal.” It is the power of compounded interest. There must always be a settling of accounts, a reset to repudiate the uncontrollable expansion of debt. Repudiation is an act of sovereignty. Historically, war is the mechanism to achieve that reset. Victory in war is the penultimate reassignment of resources. That is why we are in World War 3 now.

There is a God in Heaven after all.

The current boy geniuses who have saddled up with Trump (Musk and the DOGE-RS) think they can solve the problem without war. Let us hope so. But the human race does not give things up for nothing. Only dangerous people get what they want. If you don’t want the government or the banks or the migrant down the street to steal your stuff, you must be scary. Are you scary?

Dr. Jerome Corsi is an American hero. Had he not convinced Southern Fundamentalists in 2016 that Trump was one of them (he used the King Cyrus prediction – as a Roman Catholic mind you and no more Dispensationalist than a willow switch), he was, nevertheless, pro-Israel. Had he not convinced them that Trump was God’s “anointed,” Trump would have lost in 2016.

But that is not why I say he is an American hero. At, he is proving to the world how the American intelligence agencies, as fronts for the “Five-Eyes,” can steal the elections electronically and have done so, at least since 2007. He exposed the method in enough time before this election to convince them to stand down. But they may have decided to stand down anyway. As I said, the tyranny of numbers is taking over.

The Hippie song from the 1960s – “I Need Somebody to Love” – is giving way to “I Need Somebody to Hate.” If you belong to a vilified group, that is how you can know it will be your stuff they are coming after. Better make sure you can either hide your wealth, migrate, or that somebody is covering your back.

Here we go.

JWS, 12/12/24