World War 3 Update: The American Uncivil War, Part 2 of 2

Her Majesty, the Queen

Those who have power to make have power to unmake a King.

Samuel Rutherford in Lex Rex

A true civil war involves a fight among factions for the control of the central government. In this sense, the American Civil War of the 1860s was not a civil war but a war of secession: it was a war between the States. But today, there is a real American civil war in progress.

Most of the time, civil wars begin when there is a break-up within the ruling classes. It is then manifested in warring factions as the elite escalate their disagreements into various acts of intrigue, assassination, sabotage, coup attempts, and sometimes, open warfare.

However, in this instance of the American Civil War of the 21st Century, the fight began within the British Royal Privy Council and then propagated to its disparate proxies within the American “Senior Executive Services” aka “The Deep State.”

[The SES is the senior level of the American bureaucracy and its department heads hold the military rank of “General,” with a General’s pay. Just because bureaucrats do not wear a uniform does not mean they are civilian. “Bureaucracies” represent the “Executive Branch” in the federal constitution and are tasked with “executing” the laws of the Union. The “administrative state” is another euphemism for “martial law rule.”]

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was probably responsible for the defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States in 2016. She could not broach a rival as head of the Anglo-American Empire, especially someone with the acclaim to which Mrs. Clinton enjoyed.

Also, Mrs. Clinton was devoid of any affinity for the Christian religion. Whatever might be true of the Satanic influence among England’s ruling classes, the Queen took her oaths seriously. And if she pledged to be the “Defender of the Faith” (fidei defensor), which she did at her coronation, then as the Head of the Church of England, she would do so.

Mr. Donald Trump was just as vacuous on matters of religion as was Mrs. Clinton, but his affiliation with the Rosicrucians probably made him a more reliable tool. Mrs. Clinton suffers from delusions of megalomania and a psychological disorder which belie the occult. She cannot be trusted with power.

The banality of the British monarchy is the very key to its success. Charismatic dictators such as Napoleon, Hitler, and Mussolini do not last. Wannabe dictators, such as Mrs. Clinton, Trump, and Canada’s Trudeau, for example, will not last, either.

Britain is on a path of parting with the European Union; it must have the American Colonies to survive. It also needs India as a counterbalance to China (a subject for another time).

It is not yet clear whether this represents a path of national repentance and a disavowal of globalism, or if it is an involuntary separation induced by Divine Providence with the eye toward the sanctions decreed against “Mystery Babylon.” That was the scenario laid out in Part 1.

Time will tell the tale.

Regardless, the American Bolsheviks were able to gain the upper hand, once again, in the equally vacuous Joe Biden, the Great Pretender. The American Deep State is in turmoil: torn between the Royal pivot on the one hand and on the other, the elite pretensions of the World Economic Forum (WEF). They all know that Trump was right and so was the Queen: the Anglo-American Empire must withdraw from the world stage in a redoubt. But it flies against a life-time of indoctrination which believes in the invincibility and inevitable advancement of the Empire. It was just a few decades ago that Sir George Herbert Walker Bush, (Sr.) (#41) – who was knighted by the Queen for his service to the Empire – declared the 21st Century to be “the American Century” with the lumination of “a thousand points of light.” It is a dream turning to ashes.

Idealism aside, the rage from the Far Left has more to do with economic entanglements in China. Still treating China like a European colony, those who fancy themselves as “the elite” are helplessly watching their lovely “nest eggs”- which they have stupidly put into one basket – rapidly slip away.

King Charles III (formerly the Prince Charles of Princess Diana acclaim) is a Malthusian. He believes in world depopulation to attain ecological stability for the planet. This is the primary Satanic doctrine: Satan as the accuser and otherwise known in the Scriptures as the Angel of Death. It was Satan who, as the celestial “constable on patrol” (COP), accused the Almighty of dereliction for failure to end the human “experiment.” All death cults are Satanic in origin. King Charles’ commitment to Malthusian doctrine probably means that he has been in some way captured by a Satanic cult.

Regardless, whether from repentance or Divine judgment, retrenchment will occur.

What should our response be to overpopulation? R. J. Rushdoony argued the point that actually the world is underpopulated. Two centuries of Free Enterprise Capitalism has proved Malthusianism wrong. The secrets of Antarctica suggest that Earth has room for expansion. And then, there is the colonization of space as an aspiration; although currently, our primitive technology makes it impossible.

However, even if there is nothing to be done, we must surrender to the dictates of Divine Providence. As in one dramatization of the Mutiny on the Bounty, the ship’s captain, Lieutenant William Bligh, responds to the offer of cannibalism for survival:

“We are civilized men. And we shall die as civilized men.”

We have more hope for Prince William and Princess Kate (Catherine); they seem like normal human beings. The Queen had a greater influence on them than did Charles. But it might be too late.

The disasters of 2046 AD are fast approaching.

JWS, 11/7/23

For those idiots who think that this article means that I am about to bend the knee to the monarchy, consider that if you have a Social Security Identification Number, it means you already have. You have “pledged allegiance” to the Royal charter otherwise known as the “United States of America Incorporated,” (the 14th Amendment captured Republic) and not the “united States of America” as free and independent republics of the organic constitution.

The American people are so completely in bondage to their various pledges of fealty to Royal proxies, it is not possible to break free of it – spiritually or legally – without the doctrine of the Desposyni. That is partly what this website is all about.

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