November Updates, 2023

No word yet on Vogt’s post-surgery condition. Ben Davidson is coming out with a new book. Go to his Source page on this website for a link.

McCanney’s revamped website was mysteriously blocked as it was propagated through the internet. It appears to be working now, but if you are unsuccessful getting to his Archive page for his radio programs, go to his guest page at Coast2CoastAM to find a backdoor link. They are downloading his broadcasts live and archiving them there in a mirror page to his website.

Or, get a shortwave radio.

I realize that another round of paranoia and prophetic derangement over war in the Middle East is dominating the attention of the general public. These kinds of distractions will continue to delay preparations for 2046.

The political animals among us will claim the opposite: that solar nova disaster warnings are themselves distractions from current geopolitical crises which deserve our undivided attention. I, on the other hand, believe those “crises” are “polishing brass” on a sinking ship. You will have to do your own risk assessment to establish your priorities. But regardless, Vogt’s hope of inter-agency and inter-governmental preparations is probably doomed. A species of madness has engulfed the world. It is fixated on primal urges and grievances. You are on your own.

We will continue to publish to this website as best we can what we think is really important: preparations both physically and spiritually for God’s Great Eschaton, not a pretend Armageddon.

God bless you.

JWS, 11/5/23

Postscript: A new category to the main Navigation Bar has been added to the top of the page for “All Things Newton.” Links to the “Forensic Series” can be found there, among other lost posts on this website. But not everything. You should still use the Search function on this website to do that.