Updates have been provided on the Source pages for Davidson, Vogt, McCanney and Skiba categories. I will add new material from Felix's works and Patten's next week. World events are…
Lies. Lies. And more lies. If you are relying solely upon the pabulum from the main media sources for your understanding of the on-going Covid crisis, you may be making…
The link between galactic and solar system formation is necessary for a complete understanding of celestial phenomena.James M. McCanney, M.S., Planet-X Comets & Earth Changes, Appendix 2, "The Nature and…
A new article has been added on our economic crisis and looming famine. Find it in the links under the Navigation Bar, or here . . . https://2046ad.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/decession.pdf Economic crisis…
The situation that has been formed here in our Heliosphere is of external, Interstellar, cosmic space origin . . . Our Planet Earth is now in the process of a…