The Plague

Lies. Lies. And more lies. If you are relying solely upon the pabulum from the main media sources for your understanding of the on-going Covid crisis, you may be making a fatal mistake.

Go to Survival Praxis #6 for observations from my personal covid story.

Go to Greg Hunter’s website for detailed documentation of what might be the crime of the century:

For historical perspective, I have added my original reaction to the AIDS epidemic of the early 1980s. The article might seem quaint now that HIV has faded from public consciousness these many years. But lessons learned in 1987 are still instructive for the current crisis:

Plague is another of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” Famine was discussed in my article on “The Great Decession.” Posts on war and pestilence will finish off this discussion in coming months.

God bless you.

JWS, May 22nd, 2022