Chan Thomas: Call the Midwife

Douglas Vogt has an interesting analysis of the Chan Thomas phenomenon in his early Ice Age YouTube lectures. After tracing down Thomas’ connection to the CIA, he mentions, almost humorously, that Thomas wrote only one other book in his life. It was on midwifery.

Someday, I will try to track it down, but as unrelated as the subject matter might seem to be to Thomas’ “end-of-the-world” treatise – The Adam & Eve Story (available on this website as the original declassified document) – if there are any survivors after the next nova catastrophe, childbirth will be perhaps the most challenging task.

Six of my seven children were born at home with the assistance of a midwife. One of them I delivered.

Years later, I wrote a book on the Bible and midwifery. Known to the Celtic Church as “the knee-woman,” midwives form a vital link in the work of the Messianic Kingdom. If you want to read the book, I have posted it here:

Or find it under the Online Books category under the Navigation Bar above.

There will be “Remains of the Day” and “Survival Praxis” discussions on its contents next year.

God bless you.

JWS, July 24th, 2022