Halley, Newton, Whiston & 18th Century Catastrophism

I refer the reader to the Patten Updates on the Sources page. Scroll for link above.

Before the 21st Century Catastrophists of today, there were the Catastrophists of previous generations. While citing contributions from 20th Century scientists, Vogt, Davidson, and others do not give sufficient recognition and consideration to the works of Edmond Halley (of Halley’s Comet fame), Isaac Newton (a central figure of discussion on this website who needs no introduction) and his more prolific assistant, William Whiston (who, if you happen to have a copy of the Works of Flavius Josephus, was the translator of the edition which scholars rely upon today). I refer you to Patten’s input here and recommend reading his books that are available for free at http://creationism.org/patten .

While these earlier scientists lacked the benefit of scientific data which is available today, yet they anticipated by rational deduction from ancient records and their own observations our current “end of the world” scenario: it is recurrent, it is fiery, and it is soon. Electric Universe theories notwithstanding, we are still standing on their shoulders.

These men took the Bible seriously and believed that it contained information of scientific value. This website also believes that the Bible has scientific value as recent posts (Survival Praxis) and articles (The Great Convergence) will attest. I do so unapologetically.

While I can understand that the Bible has been subjected to fantastical interpretations and a literalism into the absurd, the scientific mind will dismiss the demands of religious dogma and listen to the biblical writers as men of scientific understanding, especially Moses (who was “learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians”), Daniel (the chief of Babylon’s astrologers), and our own Lord Jesus Christ (the Essene doctor of the Divine Logos).

Our future survival depends upon our understanding of their “Bible science.”

— JWS, April 9, 2022