June 13th, 2022: Idiot’s Handbook to Monetary Reform

Market analysts are fond of hyperbole to describe real or imagined economic crises: “slaughter,” “carnage,” “blood in the streets” – you know what I am talking about. I don’t know if they are personalities that are compensating or just lacking life experience. But it does sell papers.

Only problem is, the current crisis is real because it is being self-inflicted. When our ancestors decided to transition to the horseless carriage (i.e. the automobile), they didn’t force the issue with a government edict to go out and slaughter all the horses. Yet, that kind of stupidity is exactly what the “Green New Dealers” are insisting upon: destroying the economy currently based upon hydrocarbons – the petrodollar – so they can replace it (in their dreams, of course) with the purer renewables.

I think it was the ancient Greek poet, Euripides, who said, “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” So, now, here we are.

Strong-man politics has replaced the republics. In America, the law is not followed by those in charge of governance. They are revolutionaries operating under the “color of law.”

When the petrodollar collapses – very soon – local currencies will be necessary for you and your neighbors to survive. Here is a link to a white paper I wrote back in 2008. It was vetted by the Idaho Attorney General and rises to the level of sound jurisprudence with sufficient legislative nomenclature. It is even in bill form. Use it.


Good luck!

— James W. Stivers, June 13, 2022