June 20th, 2021 – The Closing of the Evangelical Mind

“Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.” (from the prophet Amos, 5:18)

Those of you who take to heart the message of this website will experience this response when you attempt to warn your friends at church: “Praise the Lord! Jesus is coming soon.”

Like little children who watch mommy and daddy go off to work every morning and have no idea the tasks and challenges their parents must overcome to give them a safe and happy life, Evangelicals are deluded by their interpretation of the Bible into thinking that God is so happy to spare them the struggles of existence just because they were so gracious to accept Jesus into their hearts.

There is a certain sadness when a child loses its innocence and is kicked out of the nest. We worry, will it make it in life? I really don’t know if most Evangelicals can handle the Earth changes and challenges required for survival. I am glad that their souls are in the hands of God and that He will impart a spiritual existence in eternity to them. We all are mortal and share a common destiny.

However, this life is God’s gauntlet, not only for personal improvement, but for the development of the species. If Evangelicals cannot recognize that fact – if their response is only some childish glee that “daddy is coming home” – then they have embraced a false religion. They are useless to their Creator and have not learned the first thing about their created purpose.

In future weeks, I will begin a closer analysis of contributions of McCanney’s introduction of “the Kolbrin Bible,” Patten’s description of Noah’s Ark and the Flood Event, and then a review of Skiba’s struggle with a globular view of the Earth. You may have noticed that my esteem for Isaac Newton, the Pythagoreans, and the Copernican cosmology is at odds with Flat Earth theorists. Their polemics have drifted into reactionary extremism. I hope to bring some of them back from that precipice.

God bless you.