March 13th, 2022: What’s Coming?

Updates for our Sources pages will come in April. No Survival Praxis this weekend. I’m skipping an issue to give my readership a chance to catch up.

I don’t do web analytics to see who is looking at what, but I do see what pages are being looked at. I don’t believe in spying on people, but I do want to know if the readership is keeping up. You’re not keeping up; some of you are binge reading, which is ok.

A people without a history do not have a heritage, and a people without a heritage do not have a culture. Survivors of the next nova will not last long without a collective memory. That’s why I posted “Britannia” as an introduction to a republished paper on “The Holy Conspiracy: Christian Druids & Cultural Alchemy.” See above or the sidebar.

Even though there is a pretty potent CME expected later today, no one is expecting serious disruptions. McCanney says the solar capacitor is still in a discharged condition because of Comet Hale-Bopp. I agree. I don’t think we will start to see serious fireworks until the next solar cycle: the next run-up to the peak of the Gleissberg Cycle.

However, we might be in World War III, anytime, in which case, the collapse of our technology will be man-made. The results will be the same. You will have to prepare for the greatest catastrophe in the history of the world, after having survived the next greatest catastrophe in the history of the world.

“But the end is not yet.” – Jesus