New Year Updates, 2023

Ben Davidson from the Suspicious Observers is frequently cited on this website. He has upped his content in recent months. Scrapping his weekly, 3-hour, “Fly On the Wall” discussion group has allowed him the time to do frequent, almost daily, Q&A sessions as an educational platform. He is repeating content, but most people find his vast video library too daunting; so the new format is a good idea.

He is on a nation-wide tour. Check out his website to see if he is coming to a city near you or here for Source Updates.

Like anyone else, I am impacted by our video culture. But, I’m old school. I do not watch video productions to educate myself. I use them as a path of discovery. However, it must point me somewhere to get more information. If a video does not have a reference to a book, it is no better than mere entertainment.

If it does reference a book but the book does not have an index and/or a bibliography, I consider the subject matter a dead-end. Too many chatter-happy evangelists and radio hucksters promote books that are just their talks that are transcribed. If the author does not have the discipline to produce a book with an index, or at least a bibliography, to me, he is just performing an act of “blow-hardism.”

[Side Note: My books on this website do not have indices, but are based upon other books I have written that do contain indices. Sorry. But I do try to cite my references in the pages you read here. If you do not see one, the citation is probably at another place on the website. Use the Search function to type in the keyword for what you are looking for.]

Davidson almost always cites the scientific journals he is referencing. Douglas Vogt’s God’s Day of Judgment is heavily referenced with citations and contains a thorough index. All of his YouTube video lectures are heavily referenced with top-rate sources. McCanney’s books are heavily referenced (mostly in his appendices) and often repetitive because the subject matter requires numerous iterations before it can be grasped. But like Isaac Newton, I regard McCanney as an original thinker. You can’t source an original thinker.

See this website’s Source Updates for more.

Publishing schedule: if WWIII does not interfere with the internet (thank you Starlink), I plan to 1) publish three Peshers this year, 2) repost with additions old books from my “Family Abbey” educational program, and 3) continue with dedication the Survival Praxis series.

Check the sidebar for new posts.

God bless you.

— JWS, January 28, 2023i