Remains of the Day: Robert Felix

Robert Felix, author of Not By Fire but By Ice (2000) and then a sequel, Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps (2009), is one of the primary sources referenced on this website. He is now deceased, and it is not yet known if anyone will step up to maintain his website,, to continue with daily updates. Because there is so much useful material in his books and on his website, I will continue to present his material on the Sources page dedicated to him.

Felix was the first researcher I ever knew who explained how it was possible that an ice age scenario could play out without a solar nova caused by an encounter with a binary. Prior to Felix, there was Don Patten’s view of a red dwarf on a highly elliptical orbit. And then there was James McCanney and his theory on comets.

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, we watched the Sun’s spectacular flares from Sun-diving comets and also the turbulence caused by Comet Hale-Bopp. But even without incoming celestial objects, Felix’s theory postulates that ice ages are on a cycle and we are due for another one.

I discovered Felix through a friend’s recording of Art Bell’s Coast-to-Coast AM program circa. 2000 in which Bell allowed Felix to present his findings to an international audience. I purchased the book – actually a box full of them – to distribute to family and friends. I even put together a lecture series and made a recorded presentation to our little community.

I wrote a Pesher for our internet following in 2002, which I have republished here:

As you will find, after twenty years, the material is essentially the same, yet more relevant as we get closer. The Coming Ice Age is not just another doomsday theory. Almost daily, new facts are discovered which validate it.

I did not know Felix personally. Maybe I corresponded with him once. But through his website, he was a daily source of counsel, warning, and comfort. He will be sorely missed. God bless him and those that he loved.

James Stivers, June 27, 2021