September 18th, 2021 – State Licensed Quackery

It does no good if the medical profession is full of smart, professional people. It does little good if many of them are Christians. In a pyramid-shaped organizational structure, the rank-and-file in any profession are subject to manipulation by a few people in charge. If the people in charge want to practice blood-letting, then that becomes the standard of medicine.

It is not the scope of this website to discuss day-to-day controversies. I am not interested in politics or even religious controversies, in themselves. It is about God’s great eschaton on 2046AD.

But the various health crises of recent years seem to be escalating and it has been impacting the Sources we use for this website. Robert Felix is gone, and now we might lose Rob Skiba. See previous posts. I have nothing to report except that the scheduled YouTube broadcast featuring Rob Skiba and Zen Garcia was canceled. Garcia had different guests. To me, it suggests that Skiba is really, really sick.

I have a lot of respect for Greg Hunter. His website is first-rate. He and his guests are right about half of the time. That is better than the mainstream media which is right about 0% of the time. To get the right story, you have to think like the Russian people during the days of the old Soviet Union. When state-media like Pravda came out with a story, you had to assume the opposite was true. So, it is with current journalism.

Greg Hunter used to work for CNN many years ago, back in the day when that meant something. He is not trying to mislead you. Lara Logan of Fox used to work for CBS. She is another first-rate journalist. There are a few out there, but you can only find them usually in the alternative media.

I want you to make it to God’s Great Day. I don’t want you to fall to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I want you to be healthy and safe. But you need to do your homework and critically evaluate what you are being told by those who control the institutions of our society.

Go to websites like Greg Hunter’s to get a different point-of-view. Contact organizations like “Front-line Doctors” if you are in trouble. It is your right as a consumer to get a “second-opinion.”

God bless you.