Survival Praxis #29 – When God Shoots Pool, Part 1 of 2: Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein

It is now apparent that charge-to-mass ratio is of great importance in celestial mechanics.

James McCanney, The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies, p. 29 (1981, 1983), as found in Appendix, Planet-X Comets & Earth Changes, ISBN 0-9722186-0-2 (2003)

[Author’s Note: Remember, I am not a physicist. I am a theologian. I have been delving into scientific subjects to get a better understanding of the disaster we are facing and what we need to do to prepare for it. I am not a champion of any particular scientific theory. I am not competent enough to debate a skeptical scientist. I would suggest he get his own website to debunk websites like this one.]

The Many Kinds of Radiation

We see the Sun because it sends out energy in the form of frequencies which we can see in the light spectrum. Most of that energy represents the activity of photons (which is the light we can see) and many other kinds of radiation which we cannot see (e.g. beta rays, ultraviolet, etc.).

Most photons come from the energy released when electrons are blasted away from either their molecular or atomic shells. Light can be created by the chemical burn of a campfire or by a nuclear explosion. Photons can be converted back into matter (e.g. photosynthesis?), but that is a discussion of quantum physics. That is why Einstein produced the formula E=MC2 (Energy equals Mass times the Speed of Light squared). This is the formula we use to convert energy into matter and matter into energy in physics. James McCanney has a full discussion in his works to explain how this is done in the plasma discharge theory of cometary formation. It is an exciting field of study. When we see a comet in the night sky, we might be witnessing the actual Divine act of creation: God taking the random and dissipated energy and disorganized particles floating in space and reorganizing them into atoms and molecules – in short, the reverse of entropy.

(I do not profess to understand this physics, but if you want to learn more, I suggest you read his scientific papers found as appendices in the back of his books. See Sources page on this website.)

There is a long-standing argument among physicists as to whether electrons are particles or if they are merely waveforms of energy. Electrons are so small and move so fast that it is difficult to tell. The same is true of photons. I cannot get into that discussion here, partly because it is off-topic, but also, quite frankly, I do not understand the nuance of the nomenclature.

Vogt has based his Theory of Multi-Dimensional Reality on the notion that matter does not exist, but represents a three-dimensional wave-form. He sometimes calls his theory the “Information Theory of Reality.” With this description, he comes very close to Plato’s, Philo’s and the Bible’s use of the word “logos.” You can read more about the “Divine Logos” and the term “logos” on this website (e.g. ). In short, “logos” is a noumenal concept – a categorical thought-process. We get the word “logical” from this Greek word. The study of “logic” is an academic discipline to develop sound thinking. Some astronomical observers have expressed the belief that the Universe looks like the synapses we see inside the human brain. More another time.

On Popping Popcorn

The separation of charge must be an essential aspect of fusion in stars.

Ibid., McCanney, FN. p. 35

Most people have popped popcorn. You put a small cupful of popcorn kernels into a pan, cover it with a lid and turn on the burner. As the pan begins to warm up, you begin to slide the pan in a circular motion on the burner to evenly disperse the heat. Then you hear the first popping sounds. Eventually, the popping sounds become a chorus and you hear the clanking sounds on the lid of the pan. As the process continues, if you have started with too many kernels, they will suddenly begin to push against the lid. If you remove the lid, the fresh popcorn will escape and make a mess. You want to pop all of the kernels, but it is too late. You must remove the pan from the stove to keep the kernels from burning. Some of the kernels will remain at the bottom of the pan unpopped, either because you had to remove the pan too soon, or because they were dud kernels and would never have popped anyway. You are content to have a pan full of popcorn.

I want to use this analogy to describe the Sun and its effects on creating the heliosphere.

The kernels of popcorn are the protons from the thermonuclear burn of the Sun. Obviously, the Sun is the source of heat. The waves of heat passing through the kernels into the air of the pan are the electrons from the solar burn. Protons are 2000 times the mass of electrons. Protons are comparatively slow, but powerful. Electrons are fast, but because they lack mass, they must be “released” from the solar atmosphere into the heliosphere. The waves of protons are in the way, but it is also because the corona chiefly consists of electrons.

Just like the release of the heat from our popcorn maker when the lid from the pan is removed, solar storms release the electrons out of the corona into the heliosphere. [Side thought: Could a coronal hole represent a shortage of electrons in the solar atmosphere, comparable to the shortage of O3 in the Earth’s ozone layer? And what should cause such a shortage of electrons?]

The protons, at first, are contained within the solar atmosphere, but as more of them accumulate, they push against the older protons and create a wall of energy bulging out in all directions. Like an expanding balloon – if I may use a different analogy – this ever growing bulge of protons continues expanding and constitutes the greater mass of the heliosphere.

[But this is space remember? So we are not really talking about mass, necessarily. I am using the term as a continuation of my analogy. What we are witnessing is the “force” of the explosion in the form of energy. Yet, one wonders if the search for “dark matter” is really resolved by a better understanding of plasmas and the results of thermonuclear explosions.]

Using yet another analogy, imagine you are on the leading edge of a massive crowd of people which is pushing you forward. You don’t want to go forward. In fact, there is a cliff in front of you. You want to turn back, but the crowd relentlessly pushes you forward until you fall off the cliff. Sad story, except . . . You have found a break in the mass of the crowd; you were able to turn back, and thread your way to safety.

The wall of protons is being pushed farther and farther into space away from the Sun. But the protons want to go back. Protons have a positive charge, and now because of the Sun’s constant nuclear burn, it has a net negative charge. It is the anode of a growing capacitor. The negative charge of their solar home is calling the protons back. But they cannot go back. The force of the wall of ever expanding protons continuously pushes them farther and farther into space.

Sometimes, along the way, a proton will find a dust particle with a negative charge and will latch on to that. Other times, it will find a stray electron and combine to reform hydrogen. (If I remember my high school chemistry correctly, two hydrogen ions must pair up with at least one electron as H2 to become stable). The protons may also be captured by a passing comet or a planet and find a new home.

Otherwise, the protons will continue outward until they reach static equilibrium in what scientists call “the neutralizing nebular cloud.” It is called “neutralizing” because by the time the protons reach that distance, they have become something else. There is not enough velocity in the solar wind to push them out any farther. This is the cathode of the solar capacitor.

Scientists used to think this cloud was somewhere near the orbit of Jupiter. Now they believe it is past Pluto, perhaps somewhere near the Kuiper Belt.

Infinitesimally slow at first, some of these protons will find a return current. Cracks begin to form in the wall of protons – the Sun is not infinite after all. The cracks become gaps, then ridges, then enough room to form a return current sheet. They begin to find their way home to the Sun.

Along the way, they will pick up more electrons and form more hydrogen atoms. If they encounter a comet, they may be mixed with other subatomic particles to become other elements, like helium, carbon, or oxygen. They eventually will become a new source of stellar fuel for the Sun. When they reach the Sun’s atmosphere, they will enter at the poles and be recycled in a new thermonuclear burn.

The Zodiacal Disk

The Sun cannot continuously expel an excess current of protons indefinitely, so there must be a current sheet of charge that flows continually between the nebular ion cloud and the Sun.

Ibid., McCanney, p. 35 fn. 48

The Sun, like all stars, is made up of many, if not all of the elements of the periodic chart. (Recent scientific probes have discovered all of the elements in the solar wind, although obviously, most in tiny trace amounts.) Most of the neutrons in space probably come, originally, from the burn of helium which is the second most abundant element in the solar atmosphere.

The Sun has a core consisting of elements with protons, neutrons, and electrons. The fission and fusion processes of the Sun burn many of these elements. The protons and electrons may come from hydrogen, but also from other elements, such as helium, which has protons, electrons, and neutrons. Iron is thought to be the largest element burned by our Sun. But it contains other elements, too. We don’t always know what happens to them.

The thermonuclear burn of the Sun is not perfectly clean. Nor is it like the stable source of heat from the burner of our popcorn analogy described above. Like the popcorn pan, there are unpopped kernels at the bottom of the pan. There are flakes and crumbs which are shed from popping explosions. Some of the kernels will have been burnt and will have left an ash residue. The Sun is more like millions of simultaneous explosions. It burns its fuel as if we were to pop our popcorn with firecrackers . . . or maybe dynamite.

The unpopped popcorn at the bottom of the pan are the neutrons and heavy isotopes which did not escape into the heliosphere. The forcing of solar storms – such as “coronal mass ejections” (CMEs), flares, plasma filaments, etc., as they are clinically described – violently expel dust particles, pebbles, intact atoms, fractured atoms, isotopes, and neutrons into space along with the protons and electrons. These larger and heavier substances are captured by the corona in what is called the zodiacal disc. The electrons have a negative charge and try to latch on to these ionic particles and make them into something else. This process appears to interfere and slow the process of expulsion, although not for protons apparently, which experience an acceleration. These electrons along with isotopes can’t escape because they are constantly reuniting with the charged fragments of the thermonuclear reaction but also because of the Sun’s massive field of gravity.

They fall back into the Sun to be recycled and burnt again. Only when there is a solar storm in the corona which “tears” an opening do the electrons escape. It is the force of the explosions which expels these charged fragments: much like breaking balls at the start of a billiard game.

The Sun’s zodiacal disk is an invisible rim which rings the Sun much like the rings of Saturn. It is connected with “spokes” (McCanney, Ibid., p. 29). These might be extensions of the convection columns through which whatever is down deep in the Sun comes out. The structure of the Sun is a subject of intense discussion among scientists. The polygons of electromagnetic fields have been suggested, as have various lattice layers. (More another time when we revisit Robert Felix’s description of the solar process).

These structures are difficult to see because the Sun is engulfed in the radiance of its thermonuclear burn. But something is there. Some of these isotopes fall to the Sun’s surface or into its ocean of atmospheric hydrogen.

We can’t really see what is going on. But there is an exciting use of spectroscopy to study the Sun. Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille at the “SkyScholar” YouTube channel – or – is offering a new series of lectures on this subject, which promises to be full of new insights (also see SP28). But his views should be tempered by the observations of other scientists: “See The Pattern”

When comets pass by the Sun, if they come in contact with the zodiacal disc, they will capture some of these charged particles of the disc and carry them away into space after their solar encounter. Comets, like the Sun, have a net negative charge and will suck up these particles like a powerful vacuum cleaner. If they are large enough to have a gravitational field, these new particles will be permanently deposited on the comet’s surface in a new lithospheric layer, just as the comet continuously collects particles as it passes elsewhere through the heliosphere.


If our sun did depend on a constant influx of new solar hydrogen to burn and we were about to head into [an] area devoid of such hydrogen, the sun all of a sudden could begin to cool uncontrollably. Or if the opposite happened when we moved into a region of hydrogen rich interstellar material with an associated increase in hydrogen input to the sun and it began to accelerate in its energy output . . .

Principia Meteorologia, McCanney, op cit, p. 96

I live in logging country. To clean up a logged area of the forest so that new tree seedlings can be planted, the area needs to cleared with a dozer and the debris stacked into slash piles. These piles, once lit, can burn for days, even weeks. Sometimes they are too green and will burn out or just smolder and smoke. Usually, accelerants are used at multiple places on the pile to hasten the process and keep them going. Once the burn reaches the intensity of an inferno, even the green, wet wood will burn.

Rarely, gasoline has been unwisely used. Dirty motor oil is a pretty safe accelerant to start a fire. It has a gradual and slow flash point. Gasoline, on the other hand, is a combustible. I knew a farmer once who tried to use gasoline to light his slash pile. He knew better but it was all he had at the time. It blew up and he caught fire. He died. Very sad, he was a good man, but a lesson for the living.

Because of Earth’s distance from the Sun, its thermonuclear burn seems constant and salutary. There is an internal balancing process to the whole system, but it’s best to keep a safe distance.
The Sun’s burn of the heavier elements modulates the process. It requires both fission and fusion. As pointed out in the last issue (SP28), the burn of iron constitutes the larger share of the Sun’s radiance and helps to keep things steady.

The Sun’s steady burn is sometimes interrupted by sun-diving comets. They cause solar flaring. Sometimes, larger bodies approach the Sun and cause even greater disruption. But all of these foreign bodies are a mixture of solids, gases and liquids of the various elements of the periodic chart.

Rarely, a source from outside of the solar system causes the disruption. If it is a stream of hydrogen that is encountered, it will cause the Sun to brighten. If the stream is more like a river or an ionized nebular cloud, the sudden saturation of hydrogen will act as a stellar accelerant and the star will explode like gasoline on a slash pile.

When the Sun Goes Comet

Galactic nuclei undergoing fusion also produce fusion capacitors so everything moving within this non-uniform electric field also is affected just as comets discharge the solar capacitor. This means our sun is [a] “comet” relative to the plasma field of the galactic nucleus and its stellar fusion capacitor. . .

McCanney, Ibid, p. 89

A star needs to encounter a surge in stellar fuel from time-to-time for a hot burn to clean out the heavy isotopes and “ash” from its thermonuclear processes. As a star ages, the longer it gets mucked up, the more danger there is of a larger nova explosion. A super nova destroys the star entirely and propagates the explosion out into the return current sheets and its orbiting planets in an inferno which burns everything in its path. We are not expecting a super nova because scientists do not believe our Sun is an old star.

The Sun circles the galaxy just as a planet circles the Sun. The Sun is a star, so it has already, in a sense, “gone comet” but it does not have a highly elliptical orbit as required for true cometary interaction with a stellar environment. Consequently, a brightening of the Sun will not occur because of an eccentric orbit but rather a sudden (in astronomical terms) encounter with a nebular cloud or current sheet as proposed by Davidson and others. It is the kind of nova which involves a sustained flash or explosion. As pointed out in the last issue, not all scientific thinkers look upon a nova as an explosion, such that large impacters would be expelled which would damage and crater the surface of planets.

This could happen from either of two sources: 1) the Sun would encounter a stream of stellar fuel which would act as an accelerant, (such as positively charged ions or hydrogen), or 2) the Sun would encounter a region of space which contains a negative charge. That negative charge would create a power surge in the output of the Sun much like what occurs in the explosion of an electrical transformer. The negative charge would draw out the protons of the solar wind.

Even though these seem to be opposite causations, what we are basically describing is a sudden change in the charge differential: a change of solar input or a change in the solar output.

However the evidence appears to show that we are encountering a galactic ionized nebular cloud or stream. It would be an infusion of positively charged material. The initial surge in efflorescence would be violent, much like the effects of a “bug zapper” :

Many times plasmas act the same as currents in a river.

Principia, McCanney, p. 178

What happens at the confluence of two rivers? More below.

Comet B-B C/2014UN271

In my opinion, the popular press has made a mess of the Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein (Comet B-B) story. At first, they accurately reported NASA’s initial claims of “a mega-comet” “one thousand times the size of any other previously observed.” Then, they uncritically followed NASA’s claim of dimensions of a mere 100-200 kilometers or 60-120 miles, not considering that Comet Hale-Bopp had to be larger than that, because it was big enough to have an orbiting moon (see McCanney). In comparison to Hale-Bopp, B-B would be a glorified asteroid. So, if we are to take these dimensional claims seriously, Comet B-B would have to be a thousand times larger than Hale-Bopp!

A celestial object of 200 kilometers is not large enough to have a significant gravitational field. The use of albedo measurements in comets by astronomers, as McCanney has argued, skews the measure of magnitude. Comets are dark bodies. Their albedo should measure as much as ten times their indicated size. This possibility should suggest a size for Comet B-B of 600 to 1,200 miles in diameter. But if it is bigger than Hale-Bopp, then it would be planetary sized.

Secondly, the headlines persist in telling us that Comet B-B will have a “close” encounter with the planet Saturn. But reading past the headlines into the text of the articles, we are told differently, that the close encounter will be with the “orbit” of Saturn at its aphelion point and not the planet itself. Studying the planet’s ephemeris (see Wikipedia sources), one discovers that Saturn will actually be at the very opposite side of the Sun experiencing its perihelion when this so-called “encounter” is predicted to occur.

Third, the visual charts offered show Saturn near the point where the comet crosses Saturn’s orbital plane. This is clearly misleading.

Why this obfuscation? Is it merely an attempt to “hype” public interest, or does it represent duplicity?

Comet B-B’s orbit is parabolic: it is perpendicular to the ecliptic plane of the planets. It is circling over and below the Sun in a longitudinal manner. The depiction of the comet shows that it will cross Saturn’s orbit as it exits the solar system, not on its approach.

By all accounts, the comet poses a zero threat to Earth, and now, presumably, to Saturn’s satellite system. Even in terms of celestial mechanics, McCanney’s “action at a distance” cannot come into play here because, on the opposite side of the Sun, this comet, tiny in comparison, cannot have any gravitational or electromagnetic influence on any celestial body in the solar system. . . Except, something else is going on.

McCanney is a cometary expert. He believes that the wave of comets experienced in the 1990s and the early 2000s has discharged the solar capacitor. He is not alarmed at the prospects of solar flaring or in the possibility of a solar nova. If anything, he thinks we should experience a Maunder Minimum because the heliosphere has been depleted of the Sun’s fuel source.

However, this depletion of the heliosphere has had the same effect as Earth’s weakening magnetic field: Earth’s magnetic field is letting in more of the solar radiation. Likewise, a weak heliosphere is letting in cosmic radiation, just as we are entering a galactic return current sheet or nebular cloud.

Astronomers tell us that Comet B-B has formed a coma and a tail, which is early for comets. The comet is currently as far as Uranus. Comets usually do not effloresce until they get to Saturn or Jupiter. If the heliosphere has been depleted, what has become the new source for this cometary tail?

Standard theories tell us that the cometary tails represent a shedding process. This might be true of some comets. But the comets which produce an electrical charge, those comets experience a process of acquisition and release. If they are large enough to have a gravitational field, they manifest a process of accretion. Considering recent reports of magnetic anomalies and atmospheric collapse on Pluto and Neptune (as reported on this website), and our conclusion that these events represent the effects of an intrusion from the galactic current sheet, we should expect that it has reached Uranus and that it has become a new source of cometary “fuel” from outside of the solar system.

Astronomers do not expect Comet B-B to be visible to the naked eye, because it is too far out … “but it might surprise us.” What conditions should occur to cause it to “surprise us”?

Although, I recognize that the following scenario is somewhat speculative this is what Comet B-B could do:

As it passes the Sun’s north polar region and then its south polar region, it will pass alternately through an electron rich environment and a proton rich environment. There should be a capture of hydrogen or it constituents. In addition to that, if the comet is large enough to have a gravitational field – then the comet will drag the stream in its wake, creating a new – albeit temporary – current much like an ocean liner at sea.

Or, in the alternative, since Comet B-B’s parabolic orbit means that it is vertically following the toroidal (doughnut shaped) path of the heliosphere, it could drag forward this galactic incursion as far as Saturn’s orbit coming in and going out. It could leave behind a continuing stream, much like the crack in a dam, or more importantly, a convergence of this galactic current sheet with the solar return sheet – like the meeting of two rivers.

Quoting, now, the McCanney citation in full:

Many times plasmas act the same as currents in a river. On the upstream side of a rock in a stream of rushing water, a pressure builds up. The same is true of the electron beam coming from the sun side . . . it creates pressure, but in this case [it] is an electrical pressure or buildup of electrical charge . . . in this case negative charge. Due to the fact that electrons have thousands of times more mobility or ability to move in an electric field than anything else in outer space, they provide the bulk carrier in any electrical discharge. This is the cause of charging of everything from spacecraft to asteroids to the earth to comet nuclei.

Principia, p. 178

(to be continued)

James Wesley Stivers, 12/18/22
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