“Pentecost” is a religious festival important to Judaism and Christianity. To Jews, it commemorates the giving of the Law of the Covenant to Moses in Mt. Sinai at the time of the Exodus. To Christians, it commemorates the inauguration of the Church with the miraculous coming of the Holy Spirit to the followers of Jesus Christ in Acts Chapter 2.

The Jews celebrated the feast on Wednesday; Western Christians will celebrate it on Pentecost Sunday, the 28th. Eastern Christians will a week later.

I will be publishing a new Pesher for the season on The Procession of the Holy Ghost probably about the middle of next week. Our Cambrian Peshers contain doctrinal statements unique to the Church of Cambria, a name ascribed to a spiritual tradition rooted in Celtic Christianity. You can learn more about it here:

Its relevance to the subject matter of this website is mainly philosophical in that it explores the great questions of civilization. The world after 2046 AD will need people who have trained minds and sentiments conducive to building a good civilization. I hope you will be one of them.

This will be the link to that Pesher:


God bless you.

James, 5/26/23