Survival Praxis #49 – A Kill-Shot Scenario for the End of Solar Cycle #25 (Full Report)

Abstract: For whatever reason which might be offered, spectacular flaring on the far side of the Sun has continued to occur during the current Solar Cycle #25. The planet Jupiter is on the far side of the Sun and it is reasonable to infer that the solar flaring is occurring because of an interaction with that planet. Should this flaring persist for the remainder of the summer months of 2024, it is also reasonable to expect that Earth will soon be caught in the crosshairs of these and other solar eruptions, as its orbit will soon catch-up to Jupiter’s orbital position sometime during the closing months of 2024. “Kill-shot” flaring in excess of X-30 has already occurred. With Earth’s weakened magnetic fields, anything of X-30 classification or higher should produce the same results of the Carrington Event of 1859, a time in which Earth experienced solar flaring estimated in the X-45 range. Should this solar flaring persist, an existential threat then emerges with a very narrow window of opportunity for a revised risk assessment and mobilization for appropriate disaster preparations.


The Solar Cycle

It is fairly common knowledge that the Sun experiences a waxing and waning of turbulent energy according to an 11, Earth-year cycle. This cycle is marked by the increase and decrease of solar spots, although, sunspots do not in themselves comprehend everything pertaining to solar storms. There is a full spectrum of energy and radiation from the Sun ranging from the visible photons to the various rays in the invisible spectrum: ultra-violate, infra-red, x-rays, etc.

What the cycle represents is a polarity reversal in the Sun’s magnetic field. An informative YouTube podcast illustrating the most likely description of the process can be found here:

Our “Professor Porpis” has been introduced already in earlier issues of Survival Praxis. His visual aids are very helpful and his “down-to-Earth” narrative is far less daunting than those provided by others which are laden with scientific jargon.

It is worth mentioning that the Sun also experiences an 88-year cycle called “the Gleissberg Cycle.” It is in sync with the 11-year cycles. We believe that the peak of the next Gleissberg Cycle will occur in 2046AD and will result in a solar nova per the Vogt Solar Reset Model or at least a sustained flash in excess of 3% of the Sun’s surface. A discussion of this and the possible causes of the Gleissberg Cycle will be offered in a future Survival Praxis #50. This issue is dedicated to a discussion of the 11-year Cycle.

The Vulnerability of Advanced Technology to the Effects of Solar Storms

It is fairly common knowledge among the general public that solar storms can be hazardous to human health. There is general agreement among scientists that solar storms can damage and potentially destroy our advanced technology by “burning out” its circuitry.

Solar storms produce radiation. If the radiation is great enough, damage can occur.

A research report which discusses these risks in depth can be found here:

References to the Carrington Event of 1859 which we believe represents a “kill shot” solar storm can be found here:

The Solar Flaring Mystery

In the current Solar Cycle #25, it is peaking. Increased turbulence has occurred as expected. An excess of two hundred sunspots has emerged. This scale of disturbance is not anomalous.

However, instead of flaring and then receding, these sunspot groups flare, then lie dormant, and then flare again. Over the past few months, for example, we have watched sunspot cluster AR3664 (called “The Sleeping Giant“) do that very thing.

While this collage of flaring, CMEs, and other solar storms is sufficiently worrisome in itself, a mystery has been observed: flaring on the far side of the Sun far exceeds what is occurring on the Earth-facing side. Earth has escaped the most dangerous events:

This anomaly has been noted before on this website and lacking any clear scientific explanation, an unsatisfactory allusion to supernatural causes has been mentioned as a possibility.

Ben Davidson’sSuspicious Observers” have been equally mystified. In a recent YouTube podcast, he has offered “God” or “collective human consciousness” as somehow an unseen cosmic defense against these solar storms.

He has not always thought so. This leap into “mysticism” differs markedly from the one offered in his first book published over six years ago, which is now out-of-print but which he reviewed in one of his YouTube playlists. In those podcasts, he thought that “planetary positioning” may have had something do with it, especially the planets Mercury and Jupiter. The reader may go to his YouTube channel to review that

and these “Space Weather Lessons”:

Why he has since embraced a mystical view on the topic is unclear, but in the July issue of Observer’s Review (his online monthly magazine), he says that planetary influence on the solar cycle is considered by the scientific community as “speculative” and unsupported. It might be that he has dropped this explanation to avoid professional criticism.

The Jupiter Effect

[T]here is a remarkable aspect of the Jupiter system which leads one to suspect that the influences of Jupiter have been rather extensive, historically.

Donald Patten, The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch, Chapter Xll, p. 2, 1966 (internet source)

At this point it appears that the solar energy depends on the continual influx of hydrogen from outside of the solar system, it depends on the oscillating 11 year cycle which apparently is locked to the planetary activity of Jupiter and its orbit and possibly to a rhythmic pulsation of the nebular ion cloud which exists beyond the planet Pluto and is held back by solar wind pressure.

James M. McCanney, Principia Meteorologia: The Physics of Sun/Earth Weather, 2nd Printing, 2004 p. 96

The 11-year cycle can be called “the Jovian Cycle” because it is generally believed to have something to do with Jupiter’s 11-year orbit around the Sun. Notwithstanding Davidson’s trepidation, this connection has been suspected for many decades inviting speculation from scientists over the years. Why this is so might be answered here:

Even though Jupiter is small in comparison to the Sun, yet in terms of the mass of the solar system, it is larger than all of the other planets combined. All of the other planets, including Saturn – with their moons – could fit inside of Jupiter. For those who believe in the Capture Theory of the Origin of the Solar System, our solar system began with just the Sun and Jupiter as a junior partner.

Donald Patten has demonstrated from celestial mechanics that Jupiter’s angular momentum is much greater than the Sun’s: with a mere 2% for the Sun and 60% for Jupiter, and the rest divided among the other members of the solar system. For this reason, not merely in terms of gravitational attraction is it tethered to the Sun (causing a barycenter orbit between them, which is significant, giving the Sun a wobble) but its rotation (a mere 10 hours) works like a gyro creating torque amplifying that gravitational effect.

While scientific studies have often dismissed Jupiter’s gravity as a cause to the solar cycle, nevertheless, such studies have represented truncated research because no consideration has been made of Jupiter’s powerful electromagnetic field, which with its satellites, works as an electrically charged mini-solar system. Just as our Sun has a heliosphere held in place by bands of electromagnetic charge, Jupiter has a “Jovian sphere.” And just as there is energy and particle exchange between the heliosphere and the larger galactic stellarsphere, so likewise, there is a continuous exchange between Jupiter and the Sun.

Furthermore, Jupiter is a spent or a failed star with a rich reservoir of hydrogen and helium. Probably because of its moons – especially Io which is the size of Mercury – Jupiter continues to emit significant proton streams into the solar wind.

Thus, Jupiter is tethered to the Sun at a nuclear level, not merely electromagnetically, and a constant exchange of charged particles is occurring.

Independent scientist, James McCanney, has called this proton stream “the Jupiter winds” which the Earth encounters every year, when it crosses Jupiter’s solar alignment.

More on the Jupiter winds can be found here:

Jesse and his team at BPEarthWatch have been cited several times on this website and should be visited frequently for solar updates. He is not a scientist, nor has he written a book to my knowledge. But he has a very lucid mind and is able to communicate complex topics in an understandable and colloquial manner. I turned to him as a resource after Robert Felix passed away.

It must be appreciated that the Sun, as are all stars, represents one, gigantic, external combustion engine. The explosion and burn from the fusion and fission processes represent an on-going violent conversion of matter into energy. While many factors modulate and stabilize this process, such as the Sun’s powerful electromagnetic fields which form “supergranulation” zones giving it a relatively controlled burn, it must be recognized that there is a “thin-line” between those benefits to our biosphere from those which can have potentially destructive effects.

Recognition of that paradox has given impetus to the study of solar science and to conditions on the Sun in which events occur beyond those safe boundaries upon which we all depend.

Historically, mankind has been unaware of solar storms. These have only been discovered since the invention of the telescope. Flaring, sunspots, and other turbulence on the Sun are not visible to the naked eye. Other than the beneficial effects of solar radiance, or the lack thereof, mankind has not known until recent generations the complexity of its cycles.

Likewise, it has only been since the 19th Century that modern man has depended upon a technology which harnesses the use of electricity. Only now do we know how vulnerable that technology is to the destructive effects of these solar storms.

Solar Cycle #25 is Different

The solar storms which have characterized the current solar cycle have not been shown to be anything exceptional. The peak of the last Gleissberg cycle (circa. 1958) saw many more turbulent sunspot groups than what we are witnessing now. Douglas Vogt’s Ice Age lectures have graphed these comparisons.

Likewise, the collage of flares, filament releases, and coronal mass ejections do not equal the closing years of the 20th Century when far more violent X-class flares were induced from a steady-stream of sun-diving comets. McCanney has said repeatedly that these waves of cometary encounters have had the effect of discharging the solar capacitor, especially during the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp in the 1990s, which he has argued was planet-sized and came with an entourage of a moon and an orbiting “debris” field.

What is different about this solar cycle is Earth’s weakening defenses in its magnetosphere. This has been discussed at length on this website and can be summarized in this report:

Smaller solar storms are penetrating and pushing the Van Allen Belts deep into the biosphere. Visual effects as in telluric lightning, auroras in the lower latitudes, and the “greening” effect associated with “normal” weather events – all indicate that an ionizing saturation has begun to occur. The solar capacitor has quickly recharged and is becoming super charged from the intrusion of a galactic current sheet dominated by protons.

Lightning, for example, represents the violent discharge of electrons. In contrast, that ground-to-sky lightning [which is ionizing] can occur should tell us that Earth’s lithosphere has become supercharged and is seeking “grounding” in the charge differential of the atmospheric capacitor.

As explained in McCanney’s science, the on-going charge exchange between positively charged particles and negatively charged ones in the electromagnetic belts which encircle the Earth are minimal during normal atmospheric conditions. Moving at relativistic speeds – as in the solar atmosphere – these particles are moving too fast to recombine to form other elements. The fusion explosion on the Sun creates a separation of charged particles far into the heliosphere. It is only when such particles lose their velocity that they are attracted to other oppositely charged particles and then begin to be absorbed by larger celestial bodies (comets, planets, etc.) or begin a journey in a “return current sheet” back to the Sun.

Patten has suggested that the permanent nebular ion cloud in the Kuiper Belt must be where some accretion occurs. At much slower rates of speed, gravitational forces dominate and the opportunity for the making and acquisition of heavier isotopes and atoms of more complex structure (as found on the Periodic Chart) is achieved. McCanney believes the Kuiper Belt is the setting of an infinite number of planets, comets, fragments, and dust which continue to coalesce at infinitesimally slow rates of speed and then eventually are drawn inward by the Sun’s gravity.

Likewise with Earth, at relativistic speeds, most of these particles are repelled by the various bands of the Van Allen Belts. But some are captured and brought within the Earth’s mantle (near the poles) to create heat and lithospheric dislocations (earthquakes) or enter Earth’s atmosphere to create pollution events (e.g. meteors, cosmic dust and their gasses from incineration) or various hydroxyls (water) in the ozone layer or enter further down in the troposphere to create stormy weather.

Depletion of the ozone, however, lets in greater cosmic radiation. Much like the atmospheric collapse which has occurred in the outer planets chronicled over the past decade, the same causal factors which produced such conditions are now occurring in the Earth’s atmosphere. We expect at some point these hydroxyls to fall in the form of ice, thus depleting the atmosphere and creating “high altitude” conditions in the biosphere.

Earth Enters the Kill Zone

[T]he level of electrical current in the return current sheets which pass from the nebular cloud back to the sun . . . balance the electrical current equation in the solar system . . . [P]lanetary alignments which are electrical, that is when planetary electrical discharges of the solar capacitor align, this not only enhances the electrical current passing by the planets but increases the current discharge back to the sun which increases solar flaring and other solar surface activity. . . Principia, McCanney p. 98 (emphasis added) op cit

While failed stars, both Saturn and Jupiter still produce protons in excess of what they receive from the Sun. McCanney frequently discusses Earth’s annual crossing of the Sun’s return current sheet (usually in August during the hurricane season) and also the Jupiter winds. Earth enters this stream of protons whenever it passes near planetary conjunctions with Jupiter.

Like a power surge from a lightning strike, we should expect that these competing proton streams, especially if the Jupiter winds are combined and reinforced by that of the galactic current sheet, will result in spectacular solar storms in the autumn of 2024.

As noted above, in Solar Cycle #25, observers have been mystified that the sunspot cluster group #AR3664 (also called here “The Returning Giant” which has been identified to be of equal scale to the cluster group of Carrington fame from 1859) has produced massive solar flaring on the opposite side of the Sun while “sleeping” on the Earthward side.

In a previous Alert, we reported that this group passed in front of the Earth without incident and then suddenly, just as it was rotating out of view, fired an X-14 flare off the eastward limb toward Mars. What was not reported, however, is that the planet Saturn was in alignment behind Mars. We think it was Saturn which drew out the flare.

Consulting a planetary almanac, we find Saturn currently behind Mars, just right of Earth’s orbital position. And opposite of Earth is Jupiter toward which solar flaring in excess of X-30 has occurred. Consequently, Saturn and Jupiter now form a triangulation of charge exchange with the Sun. We think that in this cycle, Earth will enter this kill-zone in September and will be aligned with Jupiter in November.

It was mentioned above that Davidson once thought that the planet Mercury may be a common denominator in major solar flaring. McCanney has called Mercury the solar “spark plug.” With a 90-day orbit, we think that the solar storm directed at Earth in May, when it was in alignment with Mercury, will cycle back in front of the Earth when it aligns with Saturn.

We think a new rash of solar storms will begin then, as well, that will impact the Earth. When Mercury passes in front of Jupiter – although ahead of Earth’s orbit – because Earth will still be in the “kill zone,” a larger solar storm will occur which will be of a magnitude sufficient to cripple the Earth’s electrical infrastructure.

We have a window of perhaps weeks to prepare for this possible scenario.


What is being proposed here does not seem speculative but reasonably inferred from events happening now in real time. Updates to this report will be offered in a future Alert #9.

Although this website has very little worldwide influence, as we enter the autumn season, solar storms will become more alarming and noticeable to everybody. It is reasonable to expect worldwide panic. The reader would be wise to prepare now and create countermeasures to deal with the social, as well as the natural, effects of these events.

— James Wesley Stivers, August 1, 2024

Survival Praxis is published only to the website. Schedule to be announced.
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