April 18th, 2021

I have finally broken-down the Source page into six separate pages for updates on the leading sources for scientific information on this website: Ben Davidson, Douglas Vogt, Robert Felix, James McCanney, Don Patten, and Rob Skiba. You will find them if you scroll down the Navigation Bar under “Sources.” Updates are planned for next weekend.

Some have wondered why I don’t have a separate category for the Thunderbolts Project group. Even though I have studied their material for over a decade, I find that Ben Davidson has harvested their ideas best to my purposes. James McCanney and Don Patten antedate them.

McCanney is an inventor and you need to pay attention to what he is doing. Don Patten, of course is deceased, but his material is foundational. Pay attention to his discussions on Noah’s Ark. Robert Felix’s has been great for daily updates on cosmological news. He publishes things that can be read, which for people like me who are not video-oriented, is more useful.

I’ve invested my reputation on Rob Skiba because he is a truth-seeker and has a heart for a godly society based on a completed revelation of scripture: both Testaments. He has taken a couple of false turns, but that is only because our modern society and its intelligentsia have become actors in the theater of the absurd. His iconoclasm is refreshing.

Finally, I remind you of the posted treatise on Footwashing and its relevance to the Age of Aquarius (see the Merlin series above). An important reference is made to Reuben and the ministry of the firstborn, an old treatise which I will be republishing to this website in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned.

God bless you.