April 24th, 2021 – The Next Gleissberg Cycle

People don’t like to think that world disasters operate according to observable cycles. It is the wish of modern man to believe in chance and randomness, partly because he is trying to escape the notion of a predictable sovereign deity, but also he doesn’t want even nature to have patterns. It is too daunting and demanding of personal responsibility. Yet, in contradiction, we do it on a seasonal basis in preparation for “hurricane seasons,” “tornado seasons,” and other weather related challenges.

The Sun has 11-Year cycles in which it waxes and wanes in its energy output. This is standard science. The Sun also has 88-year cycles (known as the Gleissberg Cycle) in which larger patterns of waxing and waning occur. This is also standard science.

The last Gleissberg maximum occurred in the late 1950s. The output of the Sun was so ominous the U.S Government embarked on the space program to find out if there has been a past history of nova-like disasters in the solar system. The works of Vogt, Davidson, and Patten have documented the results in their respective works.

The next maximum of the Gleissberg Cycle will be 2046.