September 12th, 2021 – Updates on Rob Skiba, Etc.

Zen Garcia reports as of September 11, that Rob Skiba is still in the hospital but making improvements. I cannot confirm whether he is still in ICU or not and the fact that he has not personally reached out to his followers is unsettling. He has weekly YouTube broadcasts to keep up and an online radio broadcast. No postings to those sites have been forthcoming, a fact which suggests to me that he and his family are too overwhelmed to do that.

Robert Felix, another researcher featured on this website, was able to post reports almost to the day he died. We will continue to feature Felix’s books, but you need to know that his website has been shutdown. His torch has been passed to Ben Davidson.

Who Skiba’s torchbearer would be, I’m not sure. He has a close connection to Garcia currently since they have teamed up to make many of their recent YouTube productions.

Updates for our Sources Categories will be made in October. And I may add a couple of new categories to replace Felix’s website and Skiba’s if it has become inactive.

God bless you.



  1. Richard G Stanton

    If Rob does not know about Front Line Doctors he should call the number below and see about doing this protocol as well.

    Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) can only be obtained by prescription in the USA. If you live in a green state, your own physician can prescribe it and your own pharmacy can fill it. However, we know this often does not happen. You can attempt that or you can use our telemedicine service, which is available in all 50 states to anyone with a USA address.

    AFLDS physicians are available via telemedicine. This is a short consultation via the internet with a physician who is HCQ-knowledgeable. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history and almost all patients can safely take the medications.

    Click on
    the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 hours, occasionally 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you.

    If you miss the call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to, or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

    After your consultation the physician will order the medication from the pharmacy, which will overnight deliver the prescription to you. Depending upon the time the order was placed, it will arrive the next day or within one additional day. We have chosen this method because many pharmacies are inappropriately refusing to fill prescriptions. The pharmacy will text or call you within 1-3 hours of your physician consultation. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy: 863-875-5700.


      The link in this comment was disabled. Go to Greg Hunter’s website at for a link to Front Line Doctors or use a search engine. Disclaimer: I have no personal knowledge whether HCQ is effective for anything, but I do know that physicians have prescribed it for various ailments.


    Zen Garcia and Rob Skiba are scheduled for a live broadcast tomorrow, September 16th. I don’t know if it represents wishful thinking or if we will be pleasantly surprised to see a recovered Skiba. It takes a lot of mental concentration and stamina to do a broadcast. Be in prayer that it comes to pass and that it will be a fulfilling experience for all involved. Check out Garcia’s YouTube channel for details.


    Just hours ago, the Garcia’s left a short report that Rob Skiba is “getting better.” No details. I think that the Virtual House Church group might know more, but I don’t have the time to follow them. Go to Skiba’s YouTube site or his website for links.

  4. Leah

    Apparently the Take on the World Community page on Facebook is reporting on Rob, but I’m not on Facebook.
    Are there alternatives for info? Zen is not very forthcoming.

  5. Richard G Stanton

    In addition, this is a simple protocol one fan take. He apparently advised President trump when he had covid19 and 3 days later, he, was fine. He has saved, 1,000s from near death with his protocol. Watch video below.

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