September Update and Publishing Schedule

It is harvest time here. I live in the Inland Northwest of the United States in a fertile farming region called “The Palouse,” which rivals Kansas as the nation’s breadbasket but is scarcely known to the world. It straddles the border of East Washington State and the Panhandle of Idaho.

We have had a bumper crop of wheat and small grains – currently standing at 160% and we are still not done. The elevators are full and harvesters are dumping the excess on the ground which is now forming ever increasing mountains of grain (see link below).

Grain trucks are continuously hauling what they can to the barges at our inland seaport in the Lewiston canyon on the Clearwater River, a tributary of the mighty Snake and Columbia rivers. From there, they will make the 300+ mile voyage to Portland, the sea, to China, to God knows where.

With the war in Ukraine, we might yet again have millionaire wheat farmers this year. In 1900, there were more millionaire farmers in Whitman County than on Wall Street. And frankly, that was back in the day of real wealth. More another time.

I am busy. I’ve skipped a couple of issues of Survival Praxis. A new one should be out next week.

For the 11th, I will publish for the first time my original study on Bible prophecy written 40 years ago: Hope for Tomorrow: A Rebuttal of Apocalyptic Determinism. It sets forth the case for the Soteriological Model of Eschatology. The manuscript had to be reformatted because the old typing paper had yellowed over the years and the scanned images were weak, barely legible.

Even though I have drawn upon that research paper in many subsequent essays and books, the paper itself has never been published . . . until now. I am publishing it to give you background to the next Pesher scheduled for the “Feast of Trumpets” later this month.

I will update the Sources pages next month, but you should continue to visit the respective websites and YouTube channels. Vogt thinks there is legislation which will address the nation’s need for preparedness for the next nova event and the civilization-ending prelude. Davidson continues to present graphics which illustrate the scenario he envisions. McCanney’s shortwave broadcasts continue adding commentary on his books, discoveries, and life experiences.

God bless you.

— JWS, September 10th, 2022

To see the wheat mountains (for a sense of scale, the containment fence would be eight feet tall):