Survival Praxis #48 – “God’s Chandelier” & Douglas Vogt’s Parting Warning

It is awe-inspiring to watch the cycles of Nature unfold. Many years ago I had the opportunity to witness the miracle of childbirth; I was my wife’s attendant for the birth of our second son.

The midwife was late and I had to perform the delivery. It was a normal birth and actually I had little to do with it because the process unfolded as we might say, “naturally.” Women are made to give birth and children are made to be born. It is not a disease or pathology.

Likewise with the cosmos, just a few years ago, there was not a single sunspot to be found . . . and then, suddenly they appeared, right on schedule. However, in this instance, what might be normal for Nature, can be dangerous for us.

As of this writing, we are in the late stages of the cycle and sunspot clusters are crackling everywhere as we approach the peak of this Solar Cycle #25. The storms are getting worrisome. We just witnessed a solar storm (5/11/24) which in its effects has not been seen for a hundred years. Just as we were relieved to watch the last cluster drift out of view with the Sun’s rotation, yet another Earth-facing cluster has appeared. We should expect this onslaught of solar storms for the rest of the year, perhaps longer.

The 11-year sunspot cycle has to do with the magnetic polar reversals on the Sun. It probably has something to do with the 11-year orbit of Jupiter. If it does, then that complicates Douglas Vogt’s thesis of an internal synchronous system in the Sun which causes it to nova. If external factors govern, or at least influence, its cycles, then not all of the universe – stars and planets – can reverse polarity at the same time as he claims. There is symmetry to the universe, but not sameness.

The Science of Natural Philosophy

Douglas Vogt of the Diehold Foundation was, more than any single person, responsible for popularizing interest in solar nova cycles. Even though he has been recently deceased, his lectures can still be found on his respective websites and on his YouTube channel.

He came to his opinions, not as a scientist, but as a natural philosopher. Natural philosophers were what scientists used to be called. Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin, for example, were natural philosophers.

But there is a difference between a scientist and a natural philosopher. The scientist is concerned with immediate causation only, while the natural philosopher is also interested in less proximate causes. A scientist is a technician trained in the use of testing equipment, performs experiments and reports the results. A natural philosopher will study those results and attempt to hypothesize. Scientists are rarely interdisciplinary; natural philosophers have to be.

Douglas Vogt was a natural philosopher. He drew on a vast knowledge from a wide array of scientific disciplines. He found it as easy to discuss astrophysics and geology as it was to discuss chemistry or radio frequencies.

Vogt’s Metaphysics

Vogt was not afraid to introduce metaphysics into his interpretation of scientific data. He formulated the “Theory of Multi-Dimensional Reality,” also known as the “Information Theory of Existence” in contradistinction to the “matter theory of existence” which we associate with Aristotle’s particularism.

Very often, as in religion, so it is in science, words fail us. The notion of a “dimension” presupposes structure which creates spatial separation. “Information” contains within it the word “form,” which also requires structure and spatial definition. In the wrangling over “form and energy” as a dualism in nature, we cannot escape from the thoughts of past philosophers because they have bequeathed to us the very language we use to describe our thoughts and what we see.

Vogt’s description of reality is an attempt to explain “first-cause” metaphysics without using religious jargon. His very definition of “God” as in his magnum opusGod’s Day of Judgment – is the “Diehold,” a name he has given to the internal programing of the universe which in a pantheistic sort of way is self-perpetuating, or is invented anew by past alien civilizations in a pan-spermia polytheistic perspective. He likes the analogy of the computer, but remains uncommitted to the notion of a cosmic personalism and an infinite deity as promulgated by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. “The Matrix” might have been his favorite movie.

Vogt was a spiritual person. Although a Jew, he thought that the biblical record upon which both Judaism and Christianity depend was either fraudulent (based upon forgeries of the Roman Piso’s whom he viewed as literary miscreants) – or mythical cover stories meant to teach an underlying message to the enlightened. In either case, he was Gnostic in his quest to uncover hidden causations.

He was an equal opportunity debunker. He thought Greek philosophy was also a fraud, particularly Aristotle, who he claims never existed.

Vogt was an expert analyst of source documents and he often used linguistic techniques employed by the CIA to establish authenticity and veracity. He was mocked for questioning the Birth Certificate of Barack Obama, for example, but he was never refuted. His critical analysis of ancient source documents led him down strange paths.

Vogt’s Mysticism

Vogt also believed in dreams as access points or communications with a different time or another plane of existence. Historically, he was not alone – Isaac Newton thought there was something to dreams, as well.

I am a Christian who believes that God can speak to us in dreams and visions. I have to respect Vogt’s experiences.

“Dreamers” need not be Christians to be the conduits of divine inspiration. Pharaoh of Joseph’s time was not a Christian; neither was Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel’s time. Yet each of these pagan kings were chosen by God to be the instruments of His divine revelations to mankind. Likewise with Vogt, it does not bother me that he was not a Christian.

The purpose of this Survival Praxis installment is to discuss the scientific implications of two dreams Vogt had after his recovery from a near-death experience with Covid-19 back in 2021. More below.

Dunning’s Defense of the “Vogt Solar Reset Model”

As for his Theory of Multi-Dimensional Reality, the jury is still out. I have referenced Dr. August Dunning’s masterfully-produced video production on “The End of the World.”

Dunning has attempted to explain the Vogt “Solar Nova Reset Model” using conventional physics, particularly the science of electromagnetism.

I do think that Dunning’s presentation sufficiently establishes how it is possible for Earth to stop and reverse rotation. Just like an electric motor in which rotation is caused by running electric current through a magnetic field, the Sun provides the electric current which is captured by Earth’s primeval magnetic core. But when the current weakens and the magnetic core switches polarity, rotation reverses, as well, just like an electric motor.

There are loose-ends to Dunning’s thesis, however.

For example, it is possible to shut off an electric motor by turning off the power but that is because we know that friction and drag will slow the motor to a stop. Motors require electricity to spin because power is needed to overcome resistance to the movement of the rotor. Newton’s First Law of Motion must be considered:

An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue moving with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an outside source.

This is the law of inertia.

The analogy with Earth’s rotation does not hold up because Earth’s spin is not hampered in the emptiness of space. If the power source of its rotation is the Sun’s electric current passing over Earth’s magnetic field, shutting off the power will not necessarily stop Earth’s rotation. Theoretically, there should be no friction or drag in space to slow it down.

The converse might also be true: if Earth’s rotation is caused solely by this geo-solar electric current, the constant application of this current should accelerate Earth’s rotation to an ever higher and higher rate of speed, until the centrifugal force would shatter it to pieces and fly-off into space.

For Dunning’s electric motor analogy to work, the heliosphere would have to be an ether or perhaps a plasma cloud which could provide a consistent rate of drag. McCanney has discussed extensively this electrically-induced “drag” phenomenon in relation to comets. But that only works with a celestial body in a highly elliptical orbit which can discharge the solar capacitor.

Furthermore, because the Moon passes over Earth with its rotation, not against it, we should expect that the tidal forces of the Moon would maintain Earth’s rotation for an indefinite period of time. Only if the Moon were orbiting in the opposite direction could it produce tidal forces which might cause a retrograde.

Of course, should the Moon’s orbit be “caused” by Earth’s rotation – or the same electromagnetic forces, whichever the case may be – then its orbit would be reversed, as well, to follow Earth’s new direction of rotation. But even if it did, there would be a period, perhaps lasting for thousands of years, in which the Moon’s orbit would slow down before its reversal. If such a scenario should occur, we would expect a disruption of the normal lunar influence on the oceanic and atmospheric tides.

I am not an expert in celestial mechanics, but I cannot see how this is possible that the Moon’s orbit could be reversed. Like a satellite, should its orbit slow down then it would be drawn into a collision course with Earth. Should its orbit speed up, then it would achieve escape velocity and would be lost to Earth’s gravitational control.

The inference, then, from this geo-lunar relationship is that Earth’s rotation cannot be stopped or reversed, either.

So, we are forced back to an earlier scenario in which we argued that it was impossible for the Earth to physically flip. Rather, we should expect a scenario which would follow from the forcing of a solar nova that would cause an eight-hour “stutter” in Earth’s crustal rotation and also bump the Moon into a new, highly elliptical orbit which would bring it much closer to Earth and cause the massive tsunamis so feared by catastrophists of this persuasion.

God’s Chandelier and a New Risk Assessment

Returning to our discussion on dreams, Vogt’s solar science, especially as it relates to the effects of solar flaring, should be appreciated. In the video lecture referenced here, Vogt offers a risk assessment of a 15%-20% chance that a Carrington-level event will happen in this solar cycle and a 100% chance of “multiple” Carrington-level events in the next solar cycle – Cycle #26. Keep in mind that his predicted solar nova is expected to occur in Solar Cycle #27 which also coincides with the peak of the current Gleissberg Cycle in 2046 AD.

Were Vogt alive today and have witnessed the most recent solar storms with the alarming prospects of more on the way – combined with Earth’s weakening magnetic fields – I think he would change his forecast to a near 100% risk level. As bad as these storms are, they are likely to continue into 2025. It is difficult to believe that somehow Earth will continue to dodge these storms for another year.

For whatever reason – perhaps because the heliosphere has reached a saturation point with hydrogen ions – solar storms will not diminish. The ion saturation from a galactic source may not allow the Sun to experience a normal waning period following this solar cycle. Each minor rotational “pulse” of the micro-cycles in the Sun will increase in their intensity. We should prepare for impact in the next twelve months.

Vogt had two dreams of interest to us here: God’s Chandelier and the Flickering Lights. “God’s Chandelier” he discovered was a reference to the Aurora Borealis (Northern Hemisphere) and the Aurora Australis (Southern Hemisphere). Evidently, because the South Pole is the one with the negative charge, positive ions are more attracted to the Southern Hemisphere, rather than the Northern Hemisphere. The southern auroras should be more intense than the northern ones. But because the North Pole exhibits a positive charge, the Northern Hemisphere should tend to attract more electrons than protons.

The world’s electric grid is built on the movement of electrons (electrons have a negative charge), but the practice of alternating current (AC) creates alternating positive and negative positions for the electrons. Regardless, the electrical grid of the Northern Hemisphere should expect to receive the greater inductive impact that will fry electronic and electric circuitry. This is because electrons move 2000 times faster than protons.

These proton and electron streams form bands around the Earth at various latitudes and are in part what cause our weather, mostly in the form of heat exchange. But as the storms push the Van Allen Belts closer into Earth’s troposphere, we will begin to see more electrical anomalies.

We think the green color, per McCanney’s science, represents the presence of hydrogen ions. Green in the ionosphere represents its encounter with ozone. Red might indicate its encounter with oxygen at higher elevations. But if green is manifested in the troposphere – as in the clouds of a storm or in a tornado – it represents the electrical effects of the hydrogen ions: a very dangerous development. It means that the geo-capacitor is discharging.

As Earth’s magnetic fields are moving toward an expected reversal, the field itself is entering a period of chaotic flux: meaning that these ion and electron streams will no longer be controlled and segregated into bands of charge orbiting the Earth – or as localized plasma cloud capacitors that McCanney has called LEBs (local electric batteries a la Tesla’s physics) – a new epoch of the “Thunderbolts of the Gods” may be upon us in which random and exceedingly violent electrical effects will occur, even of such magnitude as to cause major terraforming events.

All of this could happen two decades (or two solar cycles) before the nova. In fact, because of this heliospheric-encompassing plasma cloud (or current sheet), the Sun itself may no longer exhibit a cycle, but will continue in a gyrating, chaotic crescendo which will escalate this pattern over the next twenty years, only finally ending in the nova phase of the process.

The intensity of the auroras per Vogt’s dream is only part of the story.

Vogt’s Second Dream: The Flickering Fluorescents

His second dream involved the flickering and glowing of fluorescent light bulbs. He explained that just prior to the next Carrington-level solar storm, fluorescent lights should begin to glow without being connected to an electrical circuit. I consider this observation to be the most important one, especially for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere. Vogt interpreted this dream to mean that fluorescent light bulbs will induce atmospheric current before electrical wiring will, and that we could possibly use that anomaly as an early warning sign that the destructive inductions in copper wiring will soon set our homes ablaze. Since copper or aluminum wiring systems are everywhere, every structure is at risk, and the proximity of such buildings in urban areas threaten to cause massive conflagrations.

Electrical current is mysterious and dangerous. Many years ago, I assigned a fence-building task to my teenage son. He drove steel t-posts and ran fencing wire between them. Evidently, he drove the posts with too much enthusiasm (or perhaps, frustration, as a high school football player might) because that night, after he had completed the task, I noticed that the chain-link corner post was glowing red. The next day, I went to check it out and discovered the ground around the post was charred. Through a process of deduction, I realized that my son had driven the posts over two-feet deep(!), and one of them happened to nick the underground power line to the well house. It carried 100 amps and how my son ever escaped electrocution I can only surmise was a miracle of some kind.

Nevertheless, the current was climbing the t-post, following the wire to the metal corner post, and attempting to ground again, hence the red glow and the charred vegetation.

I shut off the power and made the necessary repairs but the phenomenon taught me that electricity will do weird things. When we talk about the atmospheric induction of current (or telluric current, a subject for another time), it will try to follow anything wet or metal, and it will arc or “jump” even without sparking (cf. Birkeland Currents). I’ve seen that too.

Consequently, all buildings with copper or aluminum wiring, all buildings with metal roofs, and all buildings with water pipes, whether copper or plastic, if they have water in them – all are at risk to induct and conduct current in a solar storm of the magnitude we are describing here.

Remodeling Your Home

It is my belief that house construction needs to return to a lath and plaster system with electrical wiring no longer running inside the walls of a building. They should be run outside the stud wall and inside conduit made of a geopolymer or a fiberglass sheathing (glass is a perfect insulator) attached to a plastered wall that consists of a masonry veneer which is non-flammable and which can absorb heat. The use of geopolymers or fiberglass must be used because conventional lath is made of wood, and plaster (or at least stucco) has no tinsel strength and must make use of steel wire grid cloth. You cannot use that because anything metal will also induct and conduct electrical current. The wood lath will burn. The metal nails in construction will also induct current and will get hot enough to cause fire.

Old school joinery and notching or wooden pegs must be used instead of metal nails. Teflon coated fasteners might work. But this subject must be saved for “Book II” of this Survival Praxis series.

In other words, the safest house is the one that is made of mud. For more on that, go to Primitive Technology.

Good luck in convincing your building inspector of that one!

James Wesley Stivers, 5/19/24

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