Survival Praxis #36 – The Flipping Earth, Part 1: Tidal Forces

The Chariot of the Moon shall disorder the Zodiac . . .

Prophecy 92, Prophecies of Merlin from Merlin, High Priest of the Holy Grail (Stivers, 2011)

There has been much talk among catastrophists and on this website about “polar shifts” and “crustal displacement.” And there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what we are talking about exactly. I hope to bring some clarity to the subject, at least to how it is viewed here on this website.

What Does Not and Cannot Happen

First of all, there is no known example from outer space of an observation in which a planet or moon or star physically “flipped.” Astronomers do not look through their telescopes at night and witness such a phenomenon.

Nor do we suppose that a flip in the electromagnetic field should necessarily result in a physical inversion.

For example, the Sun experiences a polar reversal of its main magnetic field every 11 years. The Sun does not physically flip and other than the waxing and waning of its sunspot and flaring activity, there is no other known phenomenon associated with the cycle.

Second, there is no known law in physics in which a rotating body can flip. The gyroscopic effects of its spin will keep it upright. While it is possible that the gyroscopic effects will allow a rotating body to “wobble” with a secondary spin – the foundation for the belief in the precession of the equinox – it will not flip. But even without a spin, a celestial body, such as Venus, will not flip unless there is an outside force acting upon it. But more below.

Third, even the close fly-by of a large celestial body, whether a binary for the Sun (i.e. Little Brother) or an intruding planet for Earth (e.g.. Mars or Venus), the passage will cause a change in the rate of spin or perhaps a wobble if the body approaches it in a parabolic orbit. But celestial mechanics will not allow it to flip.

Fourth, even if Earth did flip, in the emptiness of space, it would not be catastrophic. Everything on Earth would join in the inertia or be subject to the same forces at the same time and would flip together. You would not know it happened except for the observational changes in the sky.

Fifth, asteroids tumble through space, but that is because they are irregularly shaped. Planets, moons, and stars are typically spherical, some more so than others. And while we argue that Earth began its existence as a tumbling chunk from the debris of a super nova, nevertheless, its epoch of elliptical orbits as a comet caused it to acquire mass and to become more spherical.

The Tennis Racket Theorem

Some years ago, the Veritasium group produced a YouTube video which captured the imaginations of millions of people worldwide. It started with film footage from a space station of a flipping T-bolt handle. When the astronaut spun it out, the bolt would spin, as expected, in the direction of the bolt’s threading. Then, suddenly, without any outside force, as it spun floating in space, it would flip, and begin rotating in the opposite direction.

You can watch it here:

It is sometimes called the Dzhanibekov effect, named after the Russian cosmonaut who discovered it.

The reason why this phenomenon has excited so many people is because it lends credence to the belief that celestial bodies can physically flip without any observable force causing it. The belief is strengthened that Earth flips periodically with no apparent reason.

Skeptics, of course, have argued that it is impossible to apply that theory to Earth’s rotational history because Earth is not a T-shaped bolt. It has an “x-y axis,” but not a “z axis” which the spinning bolt has and the Earth does not.

This law of physics is sometimes called the “Tennis racket theorem.” You can read about it here:

Consequently, while asteroids, for example, are often irregularly shaped and can possess a z-axis as they tumble through space, physicists argue that spherical objects do not have this z-axis. Earth is a sphere with a rotation which produces an angular momentum much like the effects of a gyroscope, and because of that, its rotation is stable.

So What Really Happens?

In spite of these factors, nevertheless, the Earth’s geophysical structure and strata all scream to the truth of at least one crustal displacement of at least 30 degrees in the not so distant past. It was an event of global devastation.

McCanney and Patten are believers that crustal uplift and buckling have occurred from tidal forces of a close planetary fly-by on multiple occasions. No physical flip.

Felix and Davidson believe that the polar reversals cause crustal displacement of up to 90 degrees. No physical flip.

Vogt seems to be alone in the belief that the magnetic polar reversal causes the Earth’s rotation to stop and then begin rotating in the opposite direction. But still, no physical flip.

So the claim of detractors that this is what these catastrophists are advocating is either a misunderstanding or a misrepresentation of their views. Crustal displacement is not the same as a physical flip, and such a flip is not necessary to produce the devastation of past Earth disasters.

So How Does it Happen?

Davidson, as did past crustal shift theorists such as Hapgood and Chan Thomas, believes that the electromagnetic effects of a solar nova heats up the Earth’s mantle to such a degree that the crust slides over it like slipping on oil. The change in viscosity unlocks the crust.

But just because the crust is unlocked does not necessarily mean that it will change in its rotational axis, unless there is a contrary force. What might be such a force?

Albert Einstein, along with Immanuel Velikovsky, believed that the ice caps of Greenland and Antarctica create an imbalance in the Earth’s mass distribution and a pull on its current rotational axis. This is possible.

Working with new seismic data of the Earth’s interior regions, Ben Davidson has argued that it has an asymmetrical skeletal structure. In other words, there are massive plumes from Earth’s outer core which protrude deeply into the mantle. These plumes create an uneven distribution of mass inside the Earth which also pulls on its rotational axis.

This is also possible.

But is it enough?

I don’t think so.

Overcoming Earth’s Oblateness

Scientists from the time of Newton have confirmed the oblateness of the Earth. Earth is flat at the poles and bulged at the equator to the distance of 27-29 miles. Earth’s oblateness should be observable from space but it is not. NASA photos of Earth do not provide visual confirmation, although measurements from scientific instruments have. Evidently, NASA does not want the public to think about it.

This oblateness is caused by the centrifugal force of the Earth’s rotation over its long geological history.

As I have said elsewhere on this website, that is too much mass to overcome. Earth’s oblateness contributes to its rotational stability. If Earth’s crust were to move even 30-40 degrees, as it has in the past, it would create a violent epoch of mountain building from crustal buckling and cracking, as Earth would spin on edge like a dime. Volcanic eruptions would become gigantic mantle eruptions as the crust would literally tear apart. This would continue, perhaps for centuries, until the planet’s mass is redistributed into a new symmetrical axis of spin.

The Moon: Earth’s T-Bone

While Earth’s asymmetry caused by its polar caps and internal skeletal structure both could contribute to a z-axis of spin during a change of viscosity at what is called “the low-velocity zone” in the mantle, the Moon would have a far greater effect: if its orbit brought it much closer to Earth.

We already know the Moon has profound tidal effects on Earth’s oceans, its crust, and its mantle. This fact has not been sufficiently discussed in catastrophist literature. McCanney has discussed the Moon’s importance in structuring Earth’s electromagnetic fields. But that is as far as it goes.

What would happen should the Moon’s orbit be disrupted, causing it to become more elliptical? A more elliptical orbit would create a sling-shot effect, in which there would be days when it is farther away from the Earth than it is now, but other times when it would be far closer. Currently at 239,000 miles on average distance, what would happen should it be forced into an orbit in which it approaches to within one tenth of that distance? Say, 23,900 miles? What would be the tidal effects on Earth? On its oceans? Its crust? Its mantle? On you?

What could cause such a disruption to the Moon’s orbit? Would the blast wave from a solar nova be sufficient?

If there is any credence to Merlin’s 92nd prophecy (quoted above), it appears the Moon will cause the crustal displacement as the result will be a rearranging of the night sky for Earth-bound observers.

(to be continued)

James Wesley Stivers, 4/16/23
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